guess you have associated baby oil as a happy endingI don't ever opt for a happy ending but often end up getting legit massages at less than legit shops. Pretty much always get hard. TBH just the smell of baby oil can get me up sometimes!
Here's a solution. Stop going to legit massage places.
You are a teaser ... how we all wish it happen to usIt is one of the first things mentioned in massage training - and is very common.
It doesn't necessarily indicate sexual or emotional desires - touch on any part of the body can activate various parts of the body systems to bring this on.
It did happen to me early on at an extremely legit massage place.
The lady simply said, "we'd better do something about that then".
And it was free for me ... she didn't ask for any money, and I was so gobsmacked and naive I did not even offer any.
Obviously what she was handling was a big enough bonus for her, but I really should have offered some money.
I think of that often, but I did however more than make up for it later.
I must say this is actually a really good question and topic.Have you ever get it?
I have and it makes me nervous every time
I agree. Sometimes you just want a good massage in some legit place. It might be shopping center or casual Thai massage salon.Yes, it is an option.
But, some people do like to receive a decent, proper massage - and this is very difficult to get at non - legit massage places.
(Yes I know there are some, and some ladies can massage, but they are in the minority)
Problem with dicks the same as police they always pop up at the worst possible times..
Or unfortunately, sometimes neither pop up when you desperately need them to.
The dick really can have a mind of its own
My best friend used to be a 100% above board, legitimate, no happy ending, sports, massage therapist.
She said it happens a lot. If the massage therapist is doing a good job, your body is flooded with feel good endorphins so it's only natural that your old fella feels good too.
Don't stress about it at all.
My best friend used to be a 100% above board, legitimate, no happy ending, sports, massage therapist.
She said it happens a lot. If the massage therapist is doing a good job, your body is flooded with feel good endorphins so it's only natural that your old fella feels good too.
Don't stress about it at all.
Haha ....yes quite !If my cock wants to bar up I just lay there and let it go in all its glory.
If she then wants a piece of it then who am I to deprave her of that
I did draw the line when being examined by a male doctor years ago prior to getting a vasectomy. That would have been embarrassing.