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Gold Member
5 reviews if i recall
From the website after a couple of views.

"You have reached the maximum number of Australian Reviews you are allowed to read in 24 hours. Unlock all the topics by buying a cheap subscription here from only 27 cents a day! Our subscriptions do not renew automatically, so you can leave them expire whenever you wish.

No subscription is needed to post an Australian Review even if you cannot read other members' review topics. No subscription is needed for main Discussion topics, nor for our Advertisers Reviews and those from Tasmania, the Northern Territory and Overseas."

Dunder Mufflin

Gold Member
From the website after a couple of views.

"You have reached the maximum number of Australian Reviews you are allowed to read in 24 hours. Unlock all the topics by buying a cheap subscription here from only 27 cents a day! Our subscriptions do not renew automatically, so you can leave them expire whenever you wish.

No subscription is needed to post an Australian Review even if you cannot read other members' review topics. No subscription is needed for main Discussion topics, nor for our Advertisers Reviews and those from Tasmania, the Northern Territory and Overseas."
I have never paid for a subscription but I have full access. My understanding is that if you post 5 reviews you get full access


Does anyone know if Elisha Ashton is still in Perth & working? Have had a crush on her for years & now have worked up the courage for my first trans experience.
My luck she’s probably retired ha..


Gold Member
I believe shes back, but there isnt much initial info on her E&B page.

Always wanted to see her but only thing that is putting me off is the pictures are so old and not been updated for years.
Anyone seen her recently and can give some feedback?


Legend Member
Always wanted to see her but only thing that is putting me off is the pictures are so old and not been updated for years.
Anyone seen her recently and can give some feedback?
Yes always been on my bucket list but have just never pulled the trigger. The no texting is a real put off.
Have heard good reviews on another site plus a couple of PMs here that confirm it was a good session.


Gold Member
Yes always been on my bucket list but have just never pulled the trigger. The no texting is a real put off.
Have heard good reviews on another site plus a couple of PMs here that confirm it was a good session.
yea it seems like she would be a good session, just wish there was some up to date pictures somewhere


Silver Member
I saw Eleisha approx 2018 I thin, even though there was not a lot of reviews out there at the time and I'm glad I did. Good personality and no prob's giving and receiving with a you as part of the service. Mind you that was 6 years ago but we all age, don't we.