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Such a man hating article
Ive worked with a young lady who would regulary get smashed sensless.. mri scans broken arms....
by her partner ANOTHER YOUNG LADY
myself have nearly lost teeth and recieved bruises that took over a week to fade from A LADY BARELY HALF MY WEIGHT
this isnt just a mens only problem. .....
its a violent person problem .. gender IRRELEVENT!!

Kylie Middleton

Gold Member
Haha yes Morocco and I think that's a largely cultural thing. I'm a kiwi and do everything I can to avoid a scene no matter how I'm feeling. I have a friend who's parents are Macedonian and every time I've been over they're shouting and waving their hands at each other. A few weeks ago they celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary and say they're more in love than ever.


When men break you down it's hard to leave ever since I cut the cord I feel better