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Does size matter?


Tania Admin

Along long time ago when I was in Kalgoorlie, I was seeing a guy who was, for want of better wording, absolutely massive, sex was painful and not enjoyable at all. Needless to say it was a short lived relationship as physical interaction always left me in pain. As it turned out his twin brother was endowed the same (a fun night in many ways, long story but I'm not telling,,,well today anyway).

Too big not good, too small not good. My hubby perfect :)
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Farm Boy

Yes it is size is Immensely Important to have a BIG House's Trucks , Tractor ,Combine Harvester , Bank Balance, Utes, Fringes, Microwave Ovens, King side Beds. Ruckman , Full-forwards, E cup tits Guard Dogs, and much better to ride in big Coaches Cruse Ships and Airplanes,
Dicks also should be Super size caus even if you dont know how to use it more woman will want to teach you, how


In a scientific tour-de-force worthy of the search for the elusively small Higgs boson, scientists have discovered that size really does matter to women when it comes to the length of a man's manhood.

A taboo-breaking study into female sexual desire has revealed how much women secretly revere a man with a sizeable penis.

The researchers believe that the relatively long phallus of Homo sapiens, which is far larger than it needs to be to perform its essential biological role, is in fact the result of many generations of prehistoric women choosing well-endowed men.

Before clothing, the unaroused member would have been conspicuous to females in an upright-walking species and so could have evolved to become larger than was physically needed as a result of female choice, the scientists postulate.

This innate attractiveness toward well-endowed men is retained today, hidden deep within the female psyche, according to Brian Mautz, formerly of the Australian National University in Canberra and lead author of the study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

"We found that male attractiveness is significantly influenced by penis size. More specifically, we found that large penises are rated as relatively more attractive than smaller ones," Dr Mautz said.

"Our results show that present-day females rate larger penises as more attractive, but it is hard to infer anything much beyond that. Part of the reason is because of clothing - it does complicate the situation," he said.

Unravelling the role played by the flaccid male member in making a man appear attractive to women was solved by using life-sized, three-dimensional images of naked male manikins projected on to a video screen.

Each of 49 different images was rotated slightly to show off the anatomically correct details of the male genitalia, while about 100 Australian women were asked to rate each life-size image according to its sexual allure, based on a score of one to seven.

In addition to varying the penis length, the scientists played around with the stature of the models, making the men appear taller or shorter, and with wider shoulders or hips, which were already known to influence male sexual attractiveness.

"The effect of penis size on attractiveness is not independent of the other two traits of height and shoulder-to-hip ratio. For example, penis size has a much larger effect on attractiveness for taller men, than it does for shorter men," Dr Mautz said.

"It certainly does show that size matters, at least on some level, and that how much it matters is relative to other traits."



Legend Member
So you need a HUGE penis and be massively TALL with WIDE shoulders and hips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moving to the asain countries where all the girls are smaller.........


Gold Member
Size becomes barely an issue when a fellow is skilled enough to leave a person totally fulfilled! Have fun and experiment with things, at least for the learning experience :)
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Lilly Sweetheart

Does vagina size matter? It's the same as does penis size matter.

Nothing is worst than a limp dick!
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Lilly Sweetheart

I wouldn't say it is deflatting to our ego's, it's a lot more hard work though especially if they are persistent in trying to get hard if they themselves never succeed. Most of the time it is from erectile dysfunction due to age, medications, drugs or they over analyse the situation and psych themselves out.

A limpdick client could also be a blessing in disguise if they just want to kiss, cuddle and chat..... not for me though. I get terribly frustrated if I don't orgasm during a booking.

Lilly Sweetheart

Should see me if I haven't worked in a couple of days, I'm a bitch on heat! All the punters who have seen me know I'm selfish and that it's all about my pleasure :icon_scra:

Maybe someday when you stop being a cheap skate you'll find out for yourself! :la:


Depends on how much of a connection there really is between you and I... Pretenders aren't really my sort of thing.

Lilly Sweetheart

As an escort we all pretend to be someone who we aren't to a certain degree to fulfil a fantasy. I play the Lilly Sweetheart role. But I'd like to think you know me well enough that you'll see the real me.
ps. EMAIL ME BITCH! or Goddess Lilly may have to get her paddle out of you!

Dianne Receptionist

I used to think so but not anymore.

There's more to making out than just penetration as we all know.

Nothing quite like a Man gifted in the art of all things oral. I can lay there and take that kind of pampering forever..............


I think size matters in case of penis that it should be long and broad but I don't think size of vagina matters for any girl only thing is vagina should be tight and juicy.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Yes it is size is Immensely Important to have a BIG House's Trucks , Tractor ,Combine Harvester , Bank Balance, Utes, Fringes, Microwave Ovens, King side Beds. Ruckman , Full-forwards, E cup tits Guard Dogs, and much better to ride in big Coaches Cruse Ships and Airplanes,
Dicks also should be Super size caus even if you dont know how to use it more woman will want to teach you, now


The man who wrote this is / was a genius +brilliance, great intelligence, great intellect, great ability, cleverness, brains, erudition, wisdom, sagacity, fine mind, wit, artistry, flair, creative power, precocity, precociousness yer all of that and more.


I see the size of a penis like a sports car..
Most guys want it.. and seriously, most of them don't really know how to use it properly..
Most gals want it as well.. nice to hold and view.. but to use; well.. that's a different story all together.. =)

I remember talking to a AMP once and she showed me a Male deodorant and told me how one of her client was built like that.. nice to lick only but oral on that was painful and sex was out of the question... then she pulled out those female thin stick roll-on deodorant - you would think that's too small but she said she loves that... doesn't give your mouth cramps.. doesn't go 'journey into the middle of the Earth' when she oral.. and she can walk after..

So.. don't believe everything you see in porn.


Of course size matters.

I can't imagine any girl wanting to be screwed with a pencil.

However, medical statistics suggest that the average erect penis size is 5.1" to 5.9" long and 3.5" to 3.9" circumference when measured mid shaft. The average vagina depth is only 3" to 4", until the woman is aroused and then it actually grows in length and can stretch to fit whatever is being inserted.

So, it appears that the average penis size is designed to comfortably fit into an average vagina.

Now, work with me here. If a man can do little, if anything about the size of his penis, apart from some obscure form of surgical procedure, he is stuck with what he has. It is not to his detriment, or his credit.

A lady, on the other hand, has a lot of control over the condition of her vagina and in particular, her vaginal muscles.

Next time a lady suggests that your average sized penis is not big enough, try suggesting that she does some pelvic exercises to tighten things up a bit.
Ouch - what do you do for a black eye again????

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
"Next time a lady suggests that your average sized penis is not big enough, try suggesting that she does some pelvic exercises to tighten things up a bit" ****** yer right sparky

And the good thing is you will never be bothered by this lady's requests for sex again
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Legend Member
"Next time a lady suggests that your average sized penis is not big enough, try suggesting that she does some pelvic exercises to tighten things up a bit" ****** yer right sparky

And the good thing is you will never be bothered by this lady's requests for sex again

How did I get brought into this?

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
I have offended some nice people earlier with the wrong Spelling . you Sparky are one of them, please accept my most sincere apologies. No hurt feelings here. I accept my lesson. How embarrassing! Thank you guys!

It should have read Spikey and by the way I Goggled the apology


Legend Member
No harm done
I was just wondering how I got in there :)
Hmm me nice hey ? Don't get called that everyday
I have no option but to accept your apology now :)