Do you want the good news or the bad NEW first


Legend Member
So you have been tracking me H2 did you follow me into this Den of Iniquity?

If you hadn't touched up MAK I'd never of found you

But l heard your subsequent cries for mercy from miles away

Though its good to see you're going for younger pussy nowadays


Gold Member
Honey hold your head high.
Some of these boys need to pull there bloody head in. As you and I both know. There are men who adore women of all ages and dress sizes. TS has stood out because they have not tolerate the behaviour towards us working ladies.
I will have a chat to MAK and Kate tonight.
Boys, like WTF. Seriously show some bloody respect.
I'm going to say it, one diva, yes one. Has caused such fu***** drama , hate and devide on this post.
I have been on TS since 2013 and never experienced such hate, venon and toddler male behaviour.
Not only myself but Ruby has been on the end of your crap.
Ladies will not be put down, spoken to like me are dirt under your feet.
If our age or dress size is not your cup of tea. Then scroll on
And no I will not be quiet either. I will always call out poor and shitty behaviour. Don't like it Boys then move on. I hold my own in this industry and none of you will change that.
If you don't like the changes to here then move on.
I love seeing you get all fired up…. I’d love a spanking from you as I believe my behaviour on here has been a tad unprofessional.


Bronze Member
Hi to all.
Thanks to all who have contributed in a positive way. Also appreciate MAK for starting this and understanding her point of view as a business owner.

Hopefully we get included in future forums.
Also Snowy if you are out there. I’m wishing you well.

All the good advice, sharing of genuine experiences has really helped many.
Happy and safe punting to all of you.
Let’s respect others and ourselves.
No bad feelings.


Gold Member
Love you to call me babe and Ill can explain quicker than writing and you can be the first member of the private forum for boys Takin Shit.
This forum is onlu having public those that have suppoerted PM me Mrs langtrees
I'd love to reach out, but I'm not sure what's in it for me if the only benefit is being a member of something called talking shit. If you're ready to be serious, give me a call.


Gold Member
So I see this sub-forum Talkin Turkey exists now. Have the bans been applied? I can see it, but I don't have the required 250 posts.

Be Nice

Legend Member
So just checked the new one and you can see who is online or recently online in the new forum, I have to say out of all the names listed I recognise maybe 4 or 5, interesting🤔

lỗ đít

Excuse me young lady may I kiss your cute bum
Gold Member
It said it wrong; it will be for all industries, but we will make a special forum for Asian lovers, and they will have to have 25 reasonable posts to get into it. We will moderate more new users for up to 25 posts, and we will discourage the ones that talk shit and should be banned.
My fantastic members can have a private board that they moderate, and you have to be invited to join. All this is a lot of work, which is why I will hide the process from all except our exceptional members, and it won't be purely post numbers. When we do it, we will send out a PM to all, and if they reply, we can up their permissions; this will not be to me. Jo has been studying forum management for a year. If he likes your reply, he will add me, and then I will make final approvals.
I am not trying to oust anyone just get a fair return from the service providers that use the forum as their primary advertising every thing has a cost. We have a great member, Amelia. I gave her 2 years on while getting established. Now, she has to pay $1 a day, which is seven $$$ a week; she told Kate I am not paying. I hope I don't get kicked off the forum. She won't be kicked off, but she will lose features like advertising her phone number and a link to another advert, and you won't be able to send her private messages. I think it was fair when she told me that was number two for getting quality bookings quickly.
Nothing in life is FREE and unless we close access we will never get it cleaned up properly.
A professional business manager wouldn't air the dirty laundry like you seem to have done here. Mentioning people and exposing private conversations regarding business is a dog act. Maybe Bev & McKenzie's weren't so bad after all...

Aurora Love

Silver Member
Sounds like some big changes ahead! The overhaul should bring a fresh vibe to the forum, especially with the focus on Asian massage and premium positions for select houses. It’s great that you’re investing in the upgrade and making it more exclusive for dedicated members. Looking forward to seeing how it all comes together, and I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait ☺️


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
Sounds like some big changes ahead! The overhaul should bring a fresh vibe to the forum, especially with the focus on Asian massage and premium positions for select houses. It’s great that you’re investing in the upgrade and making it more exclusive for dedicated members. Looking forward to seeing how it all comes together, and I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait ☺️

Give it a few more years and there will only be Asian houses in Perth....