Do Looks And Age Count In This Industry????????


Gold Member
Interesting topic. A lady I used to work with once shared with me that it was a huge turn on for her to sleep with ugly men.. she was in the right industry. I wonder if some men have the same fetish or fantasy connected to sleeping with someone with distinguishing or disfiguring features?


Age is no guarantee of efficiency and youth is no guarantee of innovation.


Mature is definitely good. Having learned to the ways of the world I probably wouldn't go younger than 25 but ideally go for 35-45 as women do get sexier with age.


Diamond Member
I've long stopped looking at age and looks as the main drawcards. These days I like to meet the lady and see how she behaves first. Some of my best experiences have been with ladies that are plain but have a little pizazz like an amazing personality and a cheeky grin.


Legend Member
I am sure a pretty face/figure gets the first attention But if thats all there is ? There's something lacking

And talking age I do prefer ladies closer to my own age group So I do find it strange when on some sites you type in Mature and you get 22 year olds profiles


Gold Member
As a younger WL, it is interesting to see the younger punters pick the older women to spend their hard earned money on for their suited pleasure. I think a lot of the time, younger males enjoy being taught the ways of the world and who better to teach them than the experienced and those who can provide a nurturing and unbelievably mind-blowing service. Most young guys don't realize the pleasure that is on offer. Younger girls have the innocence which is another market, but the older ladies know every point on your body that will have you shuddering and wanting more. If you don't know what you want, they can show you!!


The age old question of if looks and age matter ... Lol

I think it's a two pronged question really.

1) Do looks and age matter in general in the industry....

IMO , age is fairly irrelevant to a point but looks and presentation certainly does certainly matter to punters. As we are introduced to the lovely ladies it's frankly the first thing we have to go on but it's far from a case of what suits one suits all and personally I like many types of ladies of all shapes and sizes, for me it's how they wear it, how they present themselves and how I'm feeling on the day. Many of us may have ways and tell tail signs during the introduction to see which lovely lady they may pick but the reality is if she's missing her front teeth and not presenting well you often don't try and explore the other side.

2) Do looks and age equate to a good time

This seems to be what most replies seem to be answering and in my view neither matter (Ofc to a point). What makes a great punt for me is the personality and attitude of both the WL AND the punter and how well they click . I've been with fantastic ladies from 18 to who knows how old and I've been with duds in the same bracket. Being honest when I was younger I probably had far more bad punts because I picked the cream of the crop looks wise as I had no idea how to feel out if I was going to enjoy my time through minor signs during the intro or various other tell tail signs. With that said some ladies simply have it all and are 10 out of 10's in every aspect so I never simply dismiss based on looks

These days , 90% of the time I walk away happy because I know what I like and who I'm likely to click with.. There's always the occasional miss though more than often I've learned to walk if that's what my brain is telling me. ( much harder with privates as I feel more obliged to stay even if it's for a shorter time or different service but I always try and book a shorter session the first time with an option to extend if we both click )