Do Gentlemen Pick Ladie's Because Of Their Look's Or Service They Provide????


Bronze Member
well, I usually pick by looks. But would prefer to pick by service if I could tell by looking. One of these days i will get looks plus outstanding service. *cross fingers*


I pick service over looks everytime. The better the service the more attractive the woman becomes. Average looking women who provide great service are stunners to me.


Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
For me;- personnality is first, then service and finally;- the looks. I always return if the personnality and the sevice is good, looks is just a cheery bonus for me.

Zoe From Rubys

I would have to completely agree. If I was going to see someone it would have to be personality service and looks however im pretty picky when it comes to looks and being a plus size lady i would have to pick someone that is going to make me feel extremely comfortable about myself =D


For me;- personnality is first, then service and finally;- the looks. I always return if the personnality and the sevice is good, looks is just a cheery bonus for me.


Legend Member
Depends on if they are sober or had a few drinks. I have found they come in with a certain look and age in mind, but often sit down to talk and it is a girl with a completely different look they see, because they connected. Once men connect, looks are not so important, I think they have a way of fantasying she was what they originally came in to see.
One of our forum members was a regular 18 years ago and every time he came in he would say, any one will do but not an asian, nowadays he rarely sees anyone but an Asian girl.
I have found a smile and a twinkle in the eye can change most people's preconceived ideas.
Did you know you can teach yourself to make your eyes twinkle and flash, practice the next time you are brushing your teeth.

Well, I tried it, and I am not sure which hurt more - the toothpaste in my eyes or the brush across my eyeballs !


What attracts me Initially is a sexy stunning body, but that wont necessarily keep me attention. So Along with a nice well proportioned body I go for a beautiful smile, Blue eyes and a great personality


Looks come second to "THE WAY SHE MAKES ME FEEL..." People forget what you 'look like' 3 seconds after they have met you. Great sex is a great reason for repeat encounters.


Gold Member
I don't quite understand why men would pay for sex if its not about looks. Sex with plain looking girls that are beautiful on then inside is free if your not a jerk and apply yourself.


I don't quite understand why men would pay for sex if its not about looks. Sex with plain looking girls that are beautiful on then inside is free if your not a jerk and apply yourself.

I must agree to what your saying on both points but your also paying for a service that you may not ever have with your partner. For example greek, not all woman will do this.

Lilly Sweetheart

Depends on who you are as a person I guess.

Would you really want to root an ugly with a bag over her head?

Men are visual creatures so looks lure them in and then I go in for the kill with my services and smarts!

Being unique also goes a long way.


Legend Member
I guess this question can be asked in reverse too.
On a busy night at LT's where the ladies are offered more choice of gents Do you you go by looks or have you learned enough body language
and life skills to pick the better date by attitude and dress etc


Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Hey H2;- lets not forget the guys with the attitude and the Big Bright Bling......let face it, those guys are easliy seen in a pack.


I have had few WL experiences, two I had contact with the girl first, which ended up being better experiences. When I go to a WL, it's not really for vanilla sex, but something particular, so being able to contact first is a requirement for me. Plus you can get an idea about personality, and I always get a good idea if we'd 'click'.

Looks are important, but not as important as personality. Creativity and domination don't go amiss either ;)


Foundation Member
An interesting thread, Id have to say its looks initially particularly the smile followed by the eyes . As the whole deal is about fantasy then it stands to reason that you would aim for a fantastic beauty however the service has to be good to ensure a return visit so its about the package at the end of the day, I have met a few ladies who tick all the boxes however they seem to have left the industry and im searching for anothe box ticker and the search is half the fun :)

Xavier Jung

As I naturally think and act outside the box I therefore am naturally attracted to kindred in the female of the species. Most obviously this is in intelligence and if they stand out that way I usually would go for them. Doesn't automatically mean it always works out but it's a foundation.


Legend Member
Personality is everything! She could be the hottest lady on the floor but if her attitude or personality sucks then her Looks mean nothing in the room! 🧐


Gold Member
Service and personality for me, but it is hard to assess on first meeting. On occasion I've deliberately chosen a less good looking girl based on the idea that the other may be getting by on looks alone. But I usually wonder if that was a mistake afterwards.


In this industry it's always looks that attracts a customer to his WL, the features that appeal only to him. There is no way you could tell if the service is going to be good unless you take the girl for a test run, you might click or not hence it's always YMMY tag attached. You could get the least pretties girl to you and still end up with a bad service. Unless they allow you to get a taste of the goods first. Just by looking and hearing someone you can't tell if they're good or not.
Unless they impress you with a 5min tryout, like a short Cbj or cowgirl. Maybe a how her girly parts feel in your hands. A short intro to their service experience with you personally. Then you'll know but in this day and age no way they'll allow that not for free anyway.

So the bottom line is Looks always and a massive leap of faith with service. Everyone can turn on the charm for 5-10mins to have a great personality too so that cat is outta the window too.


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
Initially appearance and the promise of what might be on offer if not implicitly stated. But I find if there is some form of personality connection made, even just for the length of the visit time, then a return visit or three will always occur.

That is important to me more so that looks or extent of any services provided.
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Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
I think looks and how friendly so the personality followed by the service men are after.
So how important is things like kissing, oral etc
Looks will only get you so far in this industry. I used to say my tits get me in the door when I used to do lots of out calls followed by saying hello darling. You can have the most stunning women but is she can't perform in the room better off with a blow up doll


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
I think looks and how friendly so the personality followed by the service men are after.
So how important is things like kissing, oral etc
Looks will only get you so far in this industry. I used to say my tits get me in the door when I used to do lots of out calls followed by saying hello darling. You can have the most stunning women but is she can't perform in the room better off with a blow up doll
Truth. I love cuddles and kisses. that sort of contact is just as important to me as a single bloke.