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Depression and Mental illness..What can we do



Lady im currently seeing I first met as a client when she tried working for a bit almost certainly suffers bi polar and her impetus for working was her spending sprees and hypersexualty (llook up bi polar and sex) when manic

Misha Fox

hmm ok what do u do when u know ur sufering from dipresion and a lost of ur partner who took his own life? yes u go to the dr. because u have kids to care for and u need to be strong for them. but when you go the dr. give u a depresion tablets which makes you a zombie, no energy and no sexual feeling? being a sex worker I need my sexual feeling to make money to care for my kids .and no sex means no money and no tablets means geting deprest contanly.. what do I do pls

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Misha you need to use exercise or a hobby, busy hands will give you no time for depression.Go walk on the beach, or climb a hill do something different, than you usually do and take time to smell the roses, this can help instead of tablets.
You should go back to your DR and be up front with the work you do, and there may be a different tablet that gets a better result for your body, another quick trip is drink 4 litres of water every day for a month, cleanse and saturate your system, water is a miracle cure.

Zara Daniels

Gold Member
This might be a downer post however I think we really need to look at our Health system for depression and also Mental illness…

In the last couple of weeks we have witness the death of a young boy Luke Batty killed by his own father who was suffering from mental illness... It was great courage that Luke’s Mother Rosie was able to come out and discuss how Greg mental health deteriorated over the years…

Yes he was offered help but refused it…

When does the health System step in….

Charlotte Dawson took her own life she had suffered from depression for many years and the depression won…..

Did these people not know where to turn to …..

What would make someone take their own life or kill their own son….

I would love a way to help not donate money but do something that could make a difference in some one life….

Ms Sue
Depression & other mental illnesses are horrible and can have devastating effects on so many beautiful people- this is the 1st step, getting it out there and while people may get sick of reading/hearing about mental illness they need to think about if it were someone they loved and there wasnt anything they could do to help for one reason or another (mostly because they are too close) but a complete stranger was able to make the sun shine through a storm??? there is alot of help out there but we need more and need to have acceptance that something is wrong as well as support around and the mental clarity to see there is support. there are too many lives lost because mental illness is still in so many cases "taboo"
Thankyou Sue for keeping the awareness going. :):):)

Amanda Secrets

Diamond Member
Not sure if many of you are aware, but my background for a long number of years was Mental Health. More specifically Prevention of Suicide.
Mental illness and depression is rampant and whilst it still sadly is still a taboo subject and misunderstood by the community in general and in the work place as making you 'unstable or unsuitable for work'. WH organization predicted when I was working in the area that Depression would be come the number 1 killer in the world by 2020. I believe that may be closer now! Major depression is linked to suicide. Most people who commit suicide are also clinically depressed. It is the biggest cause of down time, social disruption, financial burden on health systems and fills more beds in our wards that old age and illness!

Many people have created awareness and become advocates by publically outing themselves and/or lending thier names to public campaigns and work tirelessly in this - Geoff Gallop a notable one who stepped down from office due to depression, Jeff Kennet who is the Founder and Chair of Beyond Blue to name just two!
There are a lot of places you can go to get FREE help that are a phone call away. Life Line, Beyond Blue, for under 21s Youth Focus and many others who provide help a friendly ear and advice. Both for sufferers and families. ACT BELONG COMMIT is a gov initiative to this end and is accurate as per Mary- Anne's comment earlier - its is catharic and will get you feeling better in the short term.

For long term assistance you need a qualified practioner. If anyone here would like some assistance with contact numbers, specific needs ( mens health, youth, suicide prevention, women's assistance ) please PM me and I will be happy to help (confidentially) and pass on numbers for appropriate services etc and referrals. I also have access to lots of self help forums and groups I can share if you would like also.


Gold Member
Perhaps it is a good idea to revive this discussion with new ideas.

And today that new idea I like to introduce is "challenge". In the hope to give anyone a "side" goal in life as a work around to this illness.


Call me narrow minded, but I've come to realise most of psychological ailments (though not all, as I do believe some are genetically inherited / indirectly linked) are due to the very fact we amply shaped ourselves in the very economic system we live in. Well, in other words - money, being the problem in itself. How it in itself is an extremely disproportionate measure of commoditising and structuring our access and proximity to everything needed for sustenance - in which that I mean our own well being. (more politics talk later)

Because coming from my experience; having been unemployed for nearly a year die-trying resetting up new self promotionals / new cvs. Spent countless days and nights and (more) money to get my names ahead of everyone else. At the same time chasing secondary / tertiary / fourth jobs even menial ones etc...whilst only freelancing a few work at a time, and then trying to live on just $40 (sometimes less) on food per week alone have made me realised one thing to do that may help anyone go through hard times alone.

and that is - try to challenge yourself to something anew; a new way of life or a paradigm that even your circle/s would frown you upon. Especially your health and nutritional philosophy through self awareness and self education.

Ever since I went on keto (high fat / very low carb) - that diet literally changed me. I've first challenged myself to maintain the same routine training workouts day after day whilst restricting my budget to that low $$$ - I thought was going to die under the bar (srs). Especially when I had to put myself with so much less food than back when I was on carbs. But in the end after two years (on/off diet and seriously back at it again 3 months ago) to now - I had to challenge myself even further for reworking my life around this regime.... And what comes out of it - this diet for some reason have sustained me and my mind better at managing those familiar "black dog" feeling/s or "passing train/s of loud-thoughts" within me.And that was me surviving on just less than $40 week on food.

In other words, I have challenged myself to something anew. Yes, perhaps I won't "get" a stable job from this and that it doesn't stop the bills from coming in to anyone's life. But take this account perhaps as a side goal to your life that brings you implicit goals that only you can relate to. Nobody else's. For me - it's all about embracing Humility through Frugality - By self learning what I can about nutrition and self experimenting for what each nutritional paradigm means to my body.

Because at the very least - challenge gives you an incentive. An incentive to spark even small amount of curiosity that will take you places you've never been before.

Hell, after surviving all that (and still am) I'm right now even in the middle of writing my own self-accounts / self improvement manuscript for a book. And never ever in my life I'd ever thought of being author before. Hoping that this "side" interest of goal would be something that would help anyone through any difficult times. It's almost 150 pages now.

All that happens because simply one thing - changing my diet and nutritional belief. And I wholeheartedly believe whenever you feel helpless, there is always something internally biological. To me, it is nutritional - because almost everything on how you sustain yourself pivots from it. And this remains a challenge awaiting your attention to address it.


Hope the above helps. Yes I'm prepared to listen all you complaining about my long blabber. But you wouldn't dare to if someone else already did this apart from me. Chances are that person would be anxious to tell you his/her story too.
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Gold Member
I disagree with dealing with mental illness being so simple. But for sure diet plays a big part. All the internal workings of your body rely on the nutrition you take in from your food. But to stretch that out into eating better cures mental illness. Not so big on.

Though, good luck with the book and your continuing job search.


Gold Member
Sir 184,

No doubt you are correct, of course nothing in this life is easy. That is a pervasive myth everyone still somewhat believes in any pathway taken. Nonetheless everyone is entitled to their opinion; if you do not believe so much as changing diet help with anything - then by all means more power of belief to you.

The reason why I brag on and on about diet is because it is the only most direct, and accessible medium/s of need for us to live on; next to shelter, and companionship. And like instrumentation (or creation I'd say) of fiat currencies - it can be the most abusive and harmful to any organic systems such as ours or we can learn implicitly what each food does upon the bodily systems based on individual's genetics, upbringing, etc.

I do apologise once again however, that all these things may sound like tough love.

Anyway, I'll let others chime in for the next ideas.


Another World Member
Legend Member
Talking about depression anybody else feel depressed with this BLUE screen


Gold Member
Sir 184,

No doubt you are correct, of course nothing in this life is easy. That is a pervasive myth everyone still somewhat believes in any pathway taken. Nonetheless everyone is entitled to their opinion; if you do not believe so much as changing diet help with anything - then by all means more power of belief to you.

The reason why I brag on and on about diet is because it is the only most direct, and accessible medium/s of need for us to live on; next to shelter, and companionship. And like instrumentation (or creation I'd say) of fiat currencies - it can be the most abusive and harmful to any organic systems such as ours or we can learn implicitly what each food does upon the bodily systems based on individual's genetics, upbringing, etc.

I do apologise once again however, that all these things may sound like tough love.

Anyway, I'll let others chime in for the next ideas.

You misunderstand me Honestman. Being someone who has been in need of mental health assistance for a variety of reasons for a number of years. I can say that Diet and Exercise is often the first thing they try and help for patients, after any urgent intervention if needed. There are a number of hormones/chemicals/additives that have (in)direct associations with many mental abnormalities. Certain physical ailments and illnesses are the same.

In many ways I was agreeing with you, to a certain point. For depression, and a limited amount for other ailments, diet/exercise is a huge boon. But one isn't curing Schizophrenia, or Dissociative Identity Disorder, or PTSD by eating more fruit and vegetables and going for a run. It'll definitely help.

Hence my comment, it isn't quite that simple. I would never say that Diet and Exercise do NOT help. Just suggesting that that coupled with a new hobby isn't always going to put an end to any problems a person might be having.


Legend Member
User184 That was one of the better explanations on how a healthy diet and lifestyle is a good adjunct to good mental health But not the be all and end all


Gold Member
If anyone read my passage/s:

"Yes, perhaps I won't "get" a stable job from this and that it doesn't stop the bills from coming in to anyone's life."

'Of course nothing in this life is easy. That is a pervasive myth everyone still somewhat believes in any pathway taken."

I thought the above pretty much asserts my agreement clearly and concretely enough that there is no universal solution to everything that "cures" without effort. There is nothing. Absolutely nothing. Because I know it may require more than one type of resource/s to meet that. I fail to understand why anyone still "misunderstood" me.

Having a belief, to me is somewhat important. I for one; never believe in God. But I do believe in concrete rationalities. As long as you give it a try. You have to let / try / attempt / allow yourself in an open mind to take anything new as a "proxy" against whatever internal grievances blocking your way/ your path/ your journey/ or the way I define mine - implicit goal/s of simply trying to survive.

Try to give entirely new things a "try" in life. That's all I'm suggesting.

I am in no way saying by conclusion "deal with it or toughen up princess" ever. I've given my account and wished to share as to what really made a change for me.

After all - this is a discussion of hints and ideas. Take it or leave it is simply what and where I stand in this forum.


Gold Member
hmm ok what do u do when u know ur sufering from dipresion and a lost of ur partner who took his own life? yes u go to the dr. because u have kids to care for and u need to be strong for them. but when you go the dr. give u a depresion tablets which makes you a zombie, no energy and no sexual feeling? being a sex worker I need my sexual feeling to make money to care for my kids .and no sex means no money and no tablets means geting deprest contanly.. what do I do pls
Hullo Misha I hope things turn out good for you, I really can't give out advice as I just don't know much about such. However if I may just lighten up a little it is easy to see you are totally excellent on this forum with an incredible batting average, 19 posts for 63 ratings at a remarkable 33 trophies,, say compared to me running at a dumbass 97 posts for 33 ratings at 8 trophies. Congratulations your a Champion, please keep well.


Gold Member
My rules in sustaining humility, and unconditional awareness & understanding - which I believe would make a difference:

1. never, ever give out unsolicited advices in front of anyone no matter what they've been through. Simply smile and toughen up remarks would drive anyone further in distress. I am a living proof of this continuous remarks upon me.

2. Never compare someone else's "beginnings" to someone else's "middle" for favour of attaining superiority. Yes that includes our own "middles". We can of course lightly describe what we've done, but we should never impose our influence of superiority over those who are lower than us.

3. Be on a level with someone whom you wish to put forth your care, be compassionate in hearing all what the victim in distress believes in - even if they are at first wrong or politically incorrect. If hostility which leads to wounding of the caregiver is reached then unfortunately there is nothing we can do but to restrain the victim.

4. Gently be in agreement and fullfil to the victim's base or list of interest/s. This is more or less similar to "be on a level"; as in we have to bring ourselves down to a level which they can relate to on an equal base, but this is more specifically in discussing over what the victim/in question really wishes to communicate. The key interest here is to bring some spark of relevant communication over a certain topic or issue for the victim to comfortable and most importantly - confidently relate to. You may or may not discover a lot more than you'd previously realise about a certain paradigm that person's gone through.

5. Of all, stay on a level with them unconditionally for as long as needed be. Now, nobody is a God, neither am I - but if there is one thing that I can fail to attest to from A VERY HONEST points of experiences - I can fail at times for being not so patient. The old adage; whilst heavily abused is still painfully true - "patience is virtue".

Hope the above certainly rings some bells to those who are struggling, or those who are seriously considering to help someone in need...
Great words from someone who knows how debilitating this terrible infliction is.

Many of my fellow soldiers suffer privately, as we are taught not to express weakness.
Sadly we have lost some of our brothers and sisters to this illness.

I hope people understand how many suffer but continue to smile, laugh and outwardly show nothing.

We never judge each other, never offer advice,
Or tell them what to do.
We care, we listen, we are there.24/7

If anyone you know, is suffering.
Never let them feel alone.


Gold Member
Do you
More than a few wl ive come to spend time with have almost certainly been schitzophrenic once you know them well enough to open up or get 2 in the same room thier nental illness just pours out.
and before the usual suspects bleat out... a major outcome of szohna is ..... homelesness..... and surprise surprise being homeless/uunder housed is a major impetus for working...
it is common practice on this forum for holier than thou ladys to deny there is a MASSIVE underbelly in the industry. drugs. Mental illness homlessness addictions etc etc. ..
it involves sooo many ladys that really need professional support and the ladys disagreeing with me .... and they will DO THESE LADYS LESS THAN ZERO FAVOURS
Do you think it is in part due to the nature of the job ?
That some ladies have a mental illness?
Sleeping with up to 15+ customers a day.?
Any Working Ladies feel or offer input ?


Diamond Member
Dick Diamonde wrote on my Facebook page so I thought i would share it on the forum...

Read ur post...its a super complicated and difficult nut to crack...maybe their is NO solution that will put an end to the two very different examples you mentioned...Society must realize it cant fix everything for others. The breakdown of family units has a lot to answer for in creating the conditions which cause the type of incidents u mention. I dont think we'll ever see the eradication of depression, suicide or mental illness simply because of the complex issues behind them as surely each individual has their own set of circumstances. Life and feeling good about is a daily battle of the mind, you can succumb to the dark thoughts of negativity or not...your choice! Its about personal responsibility and strong caring relationships. The absence of those leaves one vulnerable to a loss of hope....this is truly the crux of the matter. How can one restore hope for another individual, particularly if they are so lost in a sea of prolonged negativity. If they dont want to help themselves, no one else can do squat! An example of Darwins law of natural selection...its survival of the fittest on a mental and emotional plane.

I think this is an honest view of depression. Help can be offered but ultimately we have the ability to to make a change. I think any pro active change and effort to seek help and work towards good mental health is worth it. It is not unlike the current health promotion campaigns for healthy physical lifestyle... take small steps. I speak from a lot of personal and professional experience I have seen people crippled from depression and sadly take their own lives. But I have also seen wonderful outcomes . I think this writers thoughts are quite correct in relation to an individuals support network. In the "olden days" the family cared for each other as we become more secular and even nomadic we need other society structures to help us cope.


Diamond Member
I'm normally a really strong hearted and strongwilled person. However , in the past couple of months I've just felt like breaking down in tears and I don't know why. I haven't really told anyone because that sort of behavior is not expected of me and I don't think anyone would believe the state of mind I'm in. I'm trying to keep it together around my kids because they shouldn't really see me in this state and people around me have their own problems to deal with without me adding to them. I don't want to take antidepressants . I just want to feel alive again. Anyone with any suggestions ?

Dear Morgan
Please go to your GP ASAP or ask anyone you trust to take you to see a doctor. It is very important you have a physical assessment . There are many physical conditions that can cause these feelings and responses. You may need blood tests also . Anti depressants are not the first choice of treatment , there are many other treatments but before you draw any conclusions as to what is wrong with you seek professional un biased help.


Gold Member
Dear Morgan
Please go to your GP ASAP or ask anyone you trust to take you to see a doctor. It is very important you have a physical assessment . There are many physical conditions that can cause these feelings and responses. You may need blood tests also . Anti depressants are not the first choice of treatment , there are many other treatments but before you draw any conclusions as to what is wrong with you seek professional un biased help.
Very wise words Miss Lacie,
Taking Anti depression medication sometimes can make a small, and temporary situation into a downward spiral.
There are many support networks available,
You have the right, not to accept medication!!
Sometimes all a person needs is some one to listen,
Without judgement, accusations, or assumptions.

I hope those that have lost their way, will find themselves again.


Diamond Member
Very wise words Miss Lacie,
Taking Anti depression medication sometimes can make a small, and temporary situation into a downward spiral.
There are many support networks available,
You have the right, not to accept medication!!
Sometimes all a person needs is some one to listen,
Without judgement, accusations, or assumptions.

I hope those that have lost their way, will find themselves again.

I completely agree...no assumptions, judgement, accusation always offer your time and kindness . Trust is very important .


Legend Member
A good read for people going thru a hard time

Link is broken so it has been taken down
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Gold Member
My brother is doing a lot better now. Some other issues came out and has been getting help to some degree. He wants to get back into work but finds it very difficult. Day by day. He has also tried other therapies etc with not much luck except making his wallet lighter. He slowly managed to get the right help for certain things but has taken a very long time.. and a lot of asking/nosing around. Seems difficult to get the right information/right contacts. Some of the better contacts are also not local to him which does not help.


Perth Escorts
Gold Member


Depression is a strange thing.
My life is going well I'm young ( mid 20s) an I don't think I have anything really to be depressed about but for some reason over the last 18 months a have had a few bouts of it.
It's comes an goes at the strangest times can be happy as party for a a few months then for no apparent reason you just fall into a rut an close off from everyone ignoring people for no good reason an drinking a lot more then recommend.
An outta no where it's it's gone like those weeks or months didn't happen.
Crazy shit :(:confused::cool:


I hear mental hospitals do a fantastic job. Faeces on walls. No books or activities. Medicated to eyeballs and thats the public system. Of course, if you are rich, you will get treated like a human being in the private system. And if no one cares, you just rot. Unless your strong enough to be productive and normal. Either you become addicted to the easy way out or you get your life together. Sadly, deaf, poor, black, slow people who embarass their families by sex work, get left to rot. great system.


Read your insight from your experience on SSRI's. Sounds like hell mate.

That is one group of medicines (Citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, etc...) that hopefully I would never touch one day, even when I'll be a lot older.

However, I've seen generic Viagra tabs NOW INFUSED with SSRI (fluoxetine variant) for online sale...well that is one thing I don't really want to know whether it works "as a combination" or not. May need to do more reading.

But one thing for sure (add this to the list of what can we do) - avoid SSRI's whenever possible.
be a guinea pig and make the drs rich. think they care.