• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
https://www.avert.org/ 1571058064554.png AVERT › Information on HIV › Learn & share › Fact sheets

Emergency HIV treatment (PEP) fact sheet | Avert

Madam Tracey

Cyclone Langtrees
Staff member
Legend Member
Before having sex, Always change the condom after giving oral - as this may weaken the condom which my lead to an unwanted break in the condom if you continue to use the same condom.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Whoo how the world of crime has its ways simply wrap the condom in tissues if there is a toilet in the room or flush the condom down the nearest toilet

Xavier Jung

Ha ha , i remember a thread a while back where some one was worried bout what the ladies did with all the packets of cum !!!!

You remind me of a woman I saw years ago, and after I had filled the condom she took it with her to the bathroom where she fastened it to the shower overhead bar. There was at least a dozen other filled condoms there.

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Has anyone else noticed that when you roll on a condom there is a use by date printed on it?
You are obviously not unrolling it far enough then!

By that stage my glasses are off lol
I'm off to pop my glasses on and open a condom and suss this out

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
You remind me of a woman I saw years ago, and after I had filled the condom she took it with her to the bathroom where she fastened it to the shower overhead bar. There was at least a dozen other filled condoms there.

O dear me that sounds creepy perhaps she had some sort of fetish

Nobody Business

Silver Member
Mixed race babies are beautiful! Make sure you are untraceable (no credit card details, your rego isnt visible) or expect a surprise visit while you are having Christmas dinner with your family a Korean woman come in with a baby or a grown up kids oneday that your grandkid will say: hey grandpa the kid looks like you! It has your blue eyes and big ears


Friend doesnt seem active, maybe it was 4 to 15 years ago. She doesn't say when last relationship ended. She doesn't answer other questions except with ' best not to tell too much.' Is that typical answers people give ?

Sometimes its safer sex to pay for it than risk a knife in the side, she has an ex bikie boyfriend
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Braces and a belt, people. Accidents do happen and condoms are not 100% effective in preventing pregnancy, especially in the hands of fumbling teenagers. That is why it is best to stick with high end professional girls for your fun times.

Firstly, she will know what she is doing which reduces the risks of things going sideways and secondly, if things do go wrong you can be pretty sure she is clean and you won't catch anything you don't want from her.
Seriously U write like a lawyer

Andy IT

Diamond Member
A broken condom is frequently not discovered until after sex.
However, stop immediately and use a new condom if you are aware that the condom has ruptured during sex.

When a condom cracks:

1: Call your doctor, nurse practitioner, or health centre as soon as you become anxious about becoming pregnant to inquire about emergency contraception. Teenagers who are older than 15 can purchase morning-after pills (emergency contraception) from a pharmacy without a prescription.

2: Visit the website of The Association of Reproductive Health Professionals to learn about local ECP providers and prescribers.
Emergency contraception can be used up to 5 days following unprotected sex, however, it is most effective when used as soon as possible after intercourse.

3: You should get STD testing for both you and your partner.
Many people don't even realise they have an STD.
However, an infection could lead to major issues if it is left untreated.

4: Condoms should not be exposed to heat or light, carried in a wallet, opened with a sharp object (such as teeth or scissors), or touched with oils or lotions to prevent them from breaking.

Check the expiration date and never use a condom that has passed its expiration date because the material used to create condoms might degrade with time.