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Circumcised or Uncircumcised: Does It Matter in Sex?



damn i reakon the whole tearing of the forskin would hurt like hell my well wishs go to any one that it has happened to.
as for me im happy to be cut cheers .


Silver Member
it's interesting to read the debate about circumcision...i'm circumcised. before my son was born, my ex and i sat down and discussed it and decided that if he's born with the floppytop, he can keep it...


being a girl, i personally it looks much better circumcised and also i feel like it's much cleaner too


Bronze Member
I'm uncut and cant imagine the discomfort of walking around with my foreskin pulled back with my junk rubbing around my briefs all day every day... so that in itself makes me believe being cut would HAVE to desensitise and dry out the head.
I do have to go and get a little snip myself, not the whole bang, but i do have a slightly tight foreskin when erect, its called Frenulum breve... it comes about when a small section of skin that connects the foreskin to the glands is too short and tight. (keep that in mind if your son complains of difficulty pulling his foreskin back... I didn't have a father around while growing up so still at 23 I've been learning about my body)
This doesnt effect cleaning at all these days as when flaccid I can still pull the skin all the way back, but when erect it just means the skin just gets back over the head and as i have a rather large penis with a big head this can be a little uncomfortable at times. But as a small boy it was quite tight and i feared it getting stuck (again, no father to tell me otherwise).

All in all though, even with this issue that I can get fixed with a small in n out procedure I'm still extremely happy to have my foreskin and would never think to circumcise any sons I have.... Once they're old enough to make their own sexual choices they are also old enough to decide if they want to be circumcised themselves.
It should be each persons private choice of what happens to their body... especially with something so heavily debated and irreversible.

And women worried about cleanliness? The are generally far more folds of skin in a vagina that can get just as dirty as behind a foreskin (and I've seen a couple dirty ones in my time). So if you're able to keep yourself clean and fresh you should understand that uncut guys can too.
If I pick up after a night out I always at LEAST excuse myself to the bathroom and wash n rinse it before I take it out.
But there are still a lot of unhygienic men out there that you can smell a mile off... but you wouldn't want to put any part of them in their mouth if they don't know how to wash.. cut or uncut.

Wow, that ended up being longer than I intended.


it's interesting to read the debate about circumcision...i'm circumcised. before my son was born, my ex and i sat down and discussed it and decided that if he's born with the floppytop, he can keep it...

"that if he's born with the floppytop"

Has a boy ever been born without a floppy top ??



As a W/L do you prefer "cut or uncut"?

I suspect that when the penis is in a condom it makes not much difference. Is that correct?

A blowjob may be different though... your thoughts please?



im uncut and have never had a drama with anything surely i doesnt make too much difference ive been told that it looks so much better from a partner that has only ever had cut partners before run with it i say!!! i wouldnt be too bothered about a chick that wants to run just coz ya got a forebanger id be waving not chasing!!


I'm uncut and cant imagine the discomfort of walking around with my foreskin pulled back with my junk rubbing around my briefs all day every day... so that in itself makes me believe being cut would HAVE to desensitise and dry out the head.

No discomfort whatsoever :)

While dick's dont aren't my thing, i reckon mine genuinely looks better than most uncircumcised ones lol.
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Foundation Member
hemets seem to have this idea it accumulates cheese ansd what not
- well ive never seen dick cheese and ive been uncut for 40 years

I feel sorry for my mates son who just had it done coz he did because he will now be like his dad and unable to truly enjoy sex with a dried out desensatised peice of leather for a knob, any sock will tell you theres no way your knob could with stand rubbing against your jocks unless it was nearly useless

as for looks...

pull it back and try and tell the difference


Foundation Member
No discomfort whatsoever :)


there wouldnt be, the feeling and sensaivity of the main end would have died off long ago

you wouldnt carry any other peice of very important but sensative eqiupment (like a laptop) round without a protective case and expect it to work properly - so why do it to your knob?

Langtrees VIP Perth 2

Well...where to start! As the mother of 3 boys of varying ages I can testify that sometimes it's just damn near impossible to make sure boys wash themselves properly, particularly when they start going through that "no one can see my bits from here on in" stage! As an added bonus, one of my boys is severely disabled (autistic plus other disorders) He was, however, undiagnosed until he was 2 years old...way too late for Dr's to consider circumcision just because it 'might be easier'. As a result he has had multiple infections and the whole issue has been a complete nightmare! Food for thought?

As far as the sex thing goes, i have had two long term relationships, one cut, one not and I must admit I prefer cut, but the thought of cutting one's child and causing pain to them is understandably one reason I'm sure why circumcision is also becoming less popular, among many other reasons that have been put forward right here!

Thanks, Lisa xxx


Im uncut and when its dry the foreskin stays rolled back in my jocks and I cant bear it, super sensitive.When Its on the hard up the skin stays rolled back any way,with a comdom on you loose some of the sensitivity but take it off and it brings to orgasim real quick even the second time


Legend Member
Makes no difference I reckon, once the banana is over inflated, the bit of hoodie disappears completely...i can prove it to the ladies. Guys with hoodies on, should already know this.


Bronze Member
Im cut i like it ive looked at gay porn a lil bit and like the look of a cut dick over the uncut


Diamond Member
How does it matter ? Can the ladies feel any difference once it is inside ? Intercourse or Oral. Most important is hygiene.