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Can phobias be cured?



yes I believe with a lot of hard work using Cognitive Behavourial Therapy there is a way.


Foundation Member

I find this part rather sad as I love spiders in all their wierd and wonderful forms. The huntsman spiders (in Australia anyway) are mildly venomous but totally placid and will only attack if handled roughly - ie picked up accidentally. Best way of getting rid of them, and venomous ones too, is to pop a lage glass jar over them then lift one side enough to slide a piece of stiff card under. Turn it over and voila! Incey Wincey is trapped and can be taken outside and released unharmed.

If you have a magnifying glass handy have a closer look at him/her and try and appreciate what a marvellous predator he is.


Be brave and look at them with love. You are more stronger than them. May be its works.


Its all in the mind - you need tackle your phobias front on. I had a fear of heights and cured it by taking a bungy jump