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Can depression be lifelong?


Dood Deleted 66783

Gentleman Jacks
Check with your doctor or google...

"Is whisky a stimulant or depressant?

Many people use alcohol to enhance their mood, but alcohol is actually a Depressant that can negatively affect one's mental and physical health." Source: Google


Silver Member
All the literature would advise against self-medicating with alcohol - as much as I love a good Irish whisky!


Gold Member
Check with your doctor or google...

"Is whisky a stimulant or depressant?

Many people use alcohol to enhance their mood, but alcohol is actually a Depressant that can negatively affect one's mental and physical health." Source: Google
It kills brain cells which can help to numb things. Ha ha

Alana K

Gold Member
Ive had depression my whole life say from 11 to 36 years old. I can be happier but never happy, ive tried everything- from eating, lifestyle, exercise, 100% sobriety, meditation, medication, bineral beats.. ect- it all helps but that dark heavy sadness exhaustion feeling of hurry up and be over life never ever leaves.

Be Nice

Legend Member
Ive had depression my whole life say from 11 to 36 years old. I can be happier but never happy, ive tried everything- from eating, lifestyle, exercise, 100% sobriety, meditation, medication, bineral beats.. ect- it all helps but that dark heavy sadness exhaustion feeling of hurry up and be over life never ever leaves.
🤗 💜


Staff member
Legend Member
Ive had depression my whole life say from 11 to 36 years old. I can be happier but never happy, ive tried everything- from eating, lifestyle, exercise, 100% sobriety, meditation, medication, bineral beats.. ect- it all helps but that dark heavy sadness exhaustion feeling of hurry up and be over life never ever leaves.
Take solace in the fact you make other people happy every day, Depression is shit.


Gold Member
Ive had depression my whole life say from 11 to 36 years old. I can be happier but never happy, ive tried everything- from eating, lifestyle, exercise, 100% sobriety, meditation, medication, bineral beats.. ect- it all helps but that dark heavy sadness exhaustion feeling of hurry up and be over life never ever leaves.
Not sure if 100% sobriety would make you happy and not depressed. Ha ha

Alana K

Gold Member
There may be more types but from what I know there’s clinical depression and environmental depression.
Everyone gets environmental depression. Clinical depression is not something that just goes away its a physical feeling, not just a passing negative thought when life isnt that’s great I can confidently say I have everything everyone would want and do you think that changes the depression? no not at all because it doesn’t matter about environmental factors


Gold Member
I know I’m suffering from depression. I haven’t seen or spoken to anyone about it and I don’t have any family or friends to support me. That’s a sad story I know.

I quit my last job to look after my 84 year old father who is basically infirmed and cant look after himself. He has an NDIS Home Care assistance but they only come 3 times a week for an hour at the most each time.

My father and I have a fractured relationship and I am sure being around and helping him is not helping me get over my depression. But what can I do? I can’t just walk away and leave him alone.

I have a university degree in accounting and finance but can’t get a job. Probably because of my age. I have very little savings and social security is a joke.

Can’t see a future for myself and I hate waking up in the mornings. Just wish that I wouldn’t wake up as it would solve all my problems.

Can see they sooner or later I will either end it all or be forced to live on the street.

Wouldn’t want to wish what I am going through on anyone.


Silver Member
I don't know if depression is life long or not.... I admire anyone and everyone that has the courage to talk about depression and mental & emotional health.


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
What have you been on Anti depressants? Waste of time, not for all but most. Being depressed from 11, did your parents know? Anywais I have been thru some real close losses, just need to change things in your life that do make you happy. Yes I know you said a few, but that’s the key. Never give up and use your willpower, just might find things different. Well I hope so, if you can’t there lots of people you can talk to. Good luc

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Those Monster energy drinks do wonders.
one of the nuns said to me when I was in my final year of primary school, that there is a thing called. (behaviour vrs atmosphere) if a person moves themselves into a better atmosphere they are more comfortable with they usually become well and are much happier person.
Otherwise known as a change of environment friends sporting club etc is as good as a holiday.


Diamond Member
Ive had depression my whole life say from 11 to 36 years old. I can be happier but never happy, ive tried everything- from eating, lifestyle, exercise, 100% sobriety, meditation, medication, bineral beats.. ect- it all helps but that dark heavy sadness exhaustion feeling of hurry up and be over life never ever leaves.
Geez , this made me choke Alana. 😢
I am so unable to begin to understand how that must be if it's every day , but I am certain there is at least someONE in your life who needs you and loves you more than you really know .. so don't ever give up 🤗🤗


Bronze Member
I recently did a 2-day Mental Health first aid course.
Recovery is possible with the right treatment. Seeking help, talking to your GP, and seeing a Psychologist or Psychiatrist are all beneficial.
I have lived with depression most of my life. Have been on antidepressants for longer than I can remember.
Here in Australia, your GP can do an assessment and health care plan. Where a person can get up to 10 free appointments with a Psychologist
I completely agree with all the information you’ve supplied there. Having been down that path many years ago, I can tell you’re well informed on the services that are on offer. Couple of things I would add, diet and good quality sleep can help a lot.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Sorry disagree totally there's no pill that can stop people like Scientology or other groups harrassing everyone making there life a misery.
Go to trivia or bingo have a meal and a few drinks you will feel better.
If the medication is so good why don't doctors use it themselves.???


Diamond Member
Sorry disagree totally there's no pill that can stop people like Scientology or other groups harrassing everyone making there life a misery.
Go to trivia or bingo have a meal and a few drinks you will feel better.
If the medication is so good why don't doctors use it themselves.???
Geez mate .. you sound like a fount of useless poison. In the same way that you clearly don't want to be helped by others methods , I suggest your ideas may not be what others need either. 🤷


Gold Member
Replying to the thread topic. Depression can be because of malnutrition as far as I know. Lots of people just need an anti-depressant to get them through a tough time but I'm not promising miracles from medication as mental health practitioner's do because medicating is easier for them. There is weight gain and or sedation from most anti-depressant's as far as I know. Some people do get over their depression permanently. Depression may just be that you don't realise you need an intimate partner in your life and therefore aren't looking forward to having an inimtate partner. Anyways my post is a bit fragmental as I am no expert.

You can see your GP to get a bulk billed care plan where you can see a therapist for free I think. Also GP may refer you to psychiatrist. From what I know, private psychiatrist will listen to you somewhat as they 100% just want their money and returning clients but public psychiatrist won't let you defend yourself will be aggressive and even threaten you and 100% just want their salary. Also you've gotta be aware that mental health practitioner in the public sector don't consider that people such as your relatives might be lying about your conduct, in my experience and mental health practitioners in public sector have made their decision before they speak to you. Even just copying allegations out of a text book to use against you in court that aren't specific to you.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Replying to the thread topic. Depression can be because of malnutrition as far as I know. Lots of people just need an anti-depressant to get them through a tough time but I'm not promising miracles from medication as mental health practitioner's do because medicating is easier for them. There is weight gain and or sedation from most anti-depressant's as far as I know. Some people do get over their depression permanently. Depression may just be that you don't realise you need an intimate partner in your life and therefore aren't looking forward to having an inimtate partner. Anyways my post is a bit fragmental as I am no expert.

You can see your GP to get a bulk billed care plan where you can see a therapist for free I think. Also GP may refer you to psychiatrist. From what I know, private psychiatrist will listen to you somewhat as they 100% just want their money and returning clients but public psychiatrist won't let you defend yourself will be aggressive and even threaten you and 100% just want their salary. Also you've gotta be aware that mental health practitioner in the public sector don't consider that people such as your relatives might be lying about your conduct, in my experience and mental health practitioners in public sector have made their decision before they speak to you. Even just copying allegations out of a text book to use against you in court that aren't specific to you.
Your absolutely right there Shazam psychiatrist use some things that are copied straight out of a text book.
And when a psychiatrist looses patient's they loose money some doctors receive money to give people certian drugs when all they need is hydralights vitamins and a change of lifestyle and new partner friends etc.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Replying to the thread topic. Depression can be because of malnutrition as far as I know. Lots of people just need an anti-depressant to get them through a tough time but I'm not promising miracles from medication as mental health practitioner's do because medicating is easier for them. There is weight gain and or sedation from most anti-depressant's as far as I know. Some people do get over their depression permanently. Depression may just be that you don't realise you need an intimate partner in your life and therefore aren't looking forward to having an inimtate partner. Anyways my post is a bit fragmental as I am no expert.

You can see your GP to get a bulk billed care plan where you can see a therapist for free I think. Also GP may refer you to psychiatrist. From what I know, private psychiatrist will listen to you somewhat as they 100% just want their money and returning clients but public psychiatrist won't let you defend yourself will be aggressive and even threaten you and 100% just want their salary. Also you've gotta be aware that mental health practitioner in the public sector don't consider that people such as your relatives might be lying about your conduct, in my experience and mental health practitioners in public sector have made their decision before they speak to you. Even just copying allegations out of a text book to use against you in court that aren't specific to you.
Your absolutely right there Shazam psychiatrist use some things that are copied straight out of a text book.
And when a psychiatrist looses patient's they loose money some doctors receive money to give people certian drugs when all they need is to be hydrated with hydralights vitamins and a change of lifestyle different activities sometimes and new partner and new friends.


Gold Member
Your absolutely right there Shazam psychiatrist use some things that are copied straight out of a text book.
And when a psychiatrist looses patient's they loose money some doctors receive money to give people certian drugs when all they need is hydralights vitamins and a change of lifestyle and new partner friends etc.
Yeah and Mental Health Practitioner's all said the same thing because it was copied out of the same text book and it's all the patient's relatives allegations. Patient family lying because they were promised miracles from medication.


Silver Member
Depression is lifelong. What isn't lifelong is being debilitated by it. Medication may work for some, but not for others. One style of counselling may work for one, and not another.

I've had a few episodes over the years, including a decent length of time within a rather toxic relationship, and I managed to find a really good psychologist who helped me develop strategies to reduce the thoughts and feelings that drove my mindset in those periods.

I'm nearly 9 years free of relying on medication to flatten out the peaks and troughs, and have recently seen signs of it in someone I really love. That long journey has started, and I'm really proud of them for taking those first steps to help themselves.