From a recent visit to Butterfly's, here is a review of Sapphire.
Sapphire won me not just with her looks, but her smile. She seemed genuinely happy to meet me in the intro, and I've found this will often lead to a better experience than the more robotic girls. Not being overly flush with cash, I booked her for 30 minutes.
After a quick health check, she directed me to the shower with the words "The cleaner you are, the more fun I have". Suffice to say, I was scrubbed for surgery.
She lay me down on my back, grabbed some lube and proceeded to give me a handjob while she licked my balls and inner thighs. As it had been some time for me (I could have finished if the wind was blowing in the right direction) I had to ask her to stop. During the pause, she grabbed a condom and proceded with a BJ. Then, without warning, she stood up, straddled me, and from the standing position, lowered herself onto me, slowly, so I could watch her pussy take me in. After a few slow pumps, she got off and went back to the handjob. I found this so sexy that I had to get her to stop again.
She said something like "You set the tempo then" and lay down on her back. As she had already declined DATY (this is a big disappointment for me) , I spent a few moments exploring her body, then entered her missionary style. I started slow, but as I worked up the tempo, she really started to get into it, pushing back hard, and saying "Yeah" over and over, and I finished in this position.
Afterwards we had a great chat about various things while she gave me a back massage (firm, but not too hard).
The lack of DATY is a downer, but otherwise it was a brilliant experience with an awesome girl. I highly recommend her.