Best Sex Books & Book recommendations

Madam Jacqui

Madam @ Langtrees
Legend Member



Forum & Administrator
Legend Member
They interviewed the actor who acts as Christian Grey........he is featuring a beard now........looks better.
Enjoy the movie Jacquie.........and don't be too noisy.......:jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop:

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I finally got a chance to go and see the movie. I enjoyed the movie especially after reading the book. A lot of details was cut out as it was impossible to fit it all in.

Best is I was in good company on the back row, so the steamy scenes was enjoyed with some back row action ;)


Gold Member
Im going to puke.
There were enough wanna be doms out there before but now its just intolerable. As soon as a see any hint of a notion in a persons profile name or written profile about 50 SOBS I just go meh NEXT.

Ok so not a large percentage of the population understand what BDSM is all about. They just see something different and say "OhThats a bit naughty" and turns them on a bit. Much akin to a guy or girl thinking a bit of same sex fun looks a bit naughty and turns them on. The majority of people fall back to their base values. But!

Your base value does not equate to my base value.

Some people are born with kink and fetish. Just as some people are born (for simplicity Ill say) gay or straight.both have equally valid reasons for thinking their way of life is how normal people should live.
What people may think as extreme kink or fetish to others born with it is like giving your hubby a quick bj cause your glad to see him.

Why do I puke ???
I know a Dom/Domme when I meet one. You have a better chance with me if you pretend to be Willy Wonka.
Cause your hands have a better chance of massaging melted chocolate over my body than what they do spanking my bum? :)

I need chocolate now subby boy :p


Gold Member
if ur a bored housewife living a boring life ....
50 shades of grey will keep u entertained
however I read the book and saw the movie.....
in my opinion the book was a bit better than the movie, but they could had found someone a bitter better looking to play Mr Grey`s role.
hopefully they find some one better for part 2 and 3


Legend Member
Im going to puke.
There were enough wanna be doms out there before but now its just intolerable. As soon as a see any hint of a notion in a persons profile name or written profile about 50 SOBS I just go meh NEXT.

Ok so not a large percentage of the population understand what BDSM is all about. They just see something different and say "OhThats a bit naughty" and turns them on a bit. Much akin to a guy or girl thinking a bit of same sex fun looks a bit naughty and turns them on. The majority of people fall back to their base values. But!

Your base value does not equate to my base value.

Some people are born with kink and fetish. Just as some people are born (for simplicity Ill say) gay or straight.both have equally valid reasons for thinking their way of life is how normal people should live.
What people may think as extreme kink or fetish to others born with it is like giving your hubby a quick bj cause your glad to see him.

Why do I puke ???
I know a Dom/Domme when I meet one. You have a better chance with me if you pretend to be Willy Wonka.
Cause your hands have a better chance of massaging melted chocolate over my body than what they do spanking my bum? :)

I need chocolate now subby boy :p

Do you like white chocolate, miss Minsen? ;)


Im really starting to enjoy this 50 shades phenomonon.
last 2 ladys ive had have asked me if I have any toys in the bedroom... DO I EVER!!
thought it a bit strange but ill take any chance to set up my slot car racing set and go head to head against a willing challenger!


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
Slots didn't have any grid girls in my day but now I'm interested in the 'sport' again.


Bec Darwin

Just started reading Betty Dodson, "Sex For One"
Got me thinking what other sex help books are out there!! What's the best sex book you have enjoyed reading and has it helped?

Link is broken, so taken down.
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Diamond Member
Just a little something to pass the time. Treat yourself to the newly released board games by Martel Inc, with Pin The Willy on Billy,Pin The Junk On The Hung, now including the ever more popular Pin The MR On The MAN, lets not forget Stick The Dick, and for those margarita nights Pin The Macho On The Man, lastly the best on offer, no set would be complete without it, the one and only Ozzy best seller, Stick The Cock On The Jock.

All come with a variety of sizable cocks of shapes and colour for your personal enjoyment or just a good old night out with friends.

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Diamond Member
The Pansexual Labyrinth: A Polyamorous Search for Love and Connection Paperback
March 19, 2015

by Saul Of-Hearts (Author)
The Pansexual Labyrinth is a deeply personal memoir by Saul Of-Hearts, author of The Lateral Freelancer and The Rational Hippie. Sharing his journey from Catholic school to Burning Man, to polyamorous communities in LA and Portland, Saul asks us to reconsider our closely-held assumptions about sexual orientation. How do we define an orientation? Is sexuality fluid or consistent? In the end, does it matter? From the World Naked Bike Ride to a visit to an S&M club, this collection of essays makes the case for pursuing your own path, regardless how unconventional it might seem.
