I think you had a lucky escape, but a lot depends on the girl and how you handle the situation.
Since my divorce I have seen a number of WLs, and/but developed three 'regulars'.
I like regulars because both the lady and I get to know each other a bit more than in just one hour.
So she knows that I am not going to try anything weird or to haggle or ........
And I know what she is like and that she knows what I like and she looks to make me feel happy.
So a win win !
Some side benefits are sometimes a reduced fee, and a relaxed booking.
But I have never got 'too comfortable' and started lending money or telling her about my life story, etc, and neither have the ladies.
Strictly business, but relaxed business with an 'old friend' vibe.
At the first sign of weirdness or getting too close, I delete her number and start looking again.
In my three regular situations, one went back east to look after her sick mother, one found a 'fella' and we sadly agreed not to continue seeing each other, and one started commenting on my choice of clothes and telling me that I should look for a part time job (I'm retired), and I deleted her number.
Now looking for a regular again. (but now within the financial constrictions of being a pensioner).
I like the benefits, but one just has to be careful.