Bareback? Health checks? and you punters out there?



Something I have come across with my time working within the sex industry is the abundance of men out there that ask for blow jobs and sex Bareback.

Perhaps they just expect it as it's normal in the "real" world.

IE no girl i've hooked up with (tinder, fuck buddy, pub etc) has ever used or suggested a condom for oral sex and my experience suggest that girls are more than willing to have unsafe sex.

I've also never had an STI (well i did in 2003!) and some of my partners slept around a lot as well.


Silver Member
Must say I am surprised how many girls advertise you are silly's on cracker in SA. I can't help but worry about the spread of herpes or other nasties so will avoid those ladies. Am I being overly cautious?


Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Ahoy Not just S.A, Victoria, Queensland, NSW, overseas etc
Protect yourself if its not on, then think again about what you are going to do.

Must say I am surprised how many girls advertise you are silly's on cracker in SA. I can't help but worry about the spread of herpes or other nasties so will avoid those ladies. Am I being overly cautious?


I confess to being weak, in fact very, very, very weak though I try SO hard not to be. Although when I am very, very weak it has been with one particular WL only who I see regularly. And I don't get very weak with her all the time....hell my explanation is getting bloody weak!! Oh well, maybe you get the gist.
Power of the pussy. Animal instincts kick in and we dont think straight. But I do use protection for everything, its better to be safe than sorry as a wl potential for contacting something is a lot higher than you males out there.


Perhaps they just expect it as it's normal in the "real" world.

IE no girl i've hooked up with (tinder, f**k buddy, pub etc) has ever used or suggested a condom for oral sex and my experience suggest that girls are more than willing to have unsafe sex.

I've also never had an STI (well i did in 2003!) and some of my partners slept around a lot as well.
At the same time, you have to take into consideration how many men the working lady you have seen has been with. Then you have to consider the amount of different working ladies that man has been with. The potential for contacting something is higher as the opportunities to contact something is greater. Never trust a woman and us women should never trust you men. That is the safest way to ensure nothing happens


Power of the pussy. Animal instincts kick in and we dont think straight. But I do use protection for everything, its better to be safe than sorry as a wl potential for contacting something is a lot higher than you males out there.
So true and so sensible.....I need to show more willpower.


I find generally my clients are consciousness of there own sexual health appreciate the fact I do a thorough health check, and a clean protected service.
I see my vagina as a tool of my trade and make sure it is clean, groomed and delicious!
If ladies are new to the industry I recommend asking a more experienced lady to give a few hints on how to keep your 'flower' fresh.

Natalie Jones

Ziggy Pop

Cunning linguist & master debater.
Gold Member
At the same time, you have to take into consideration how many men the working lady you have seen has been with. Then you have to consider the amount of different working ladies that man has been with. The potential for contacting something is higher as the opportunities to contact something is greater. Never trust a woman and us women should never trust you men. That is the safest way to ensure nothing happens

I like the point you raised in regards to the amount of W/L's a man has been with. However, if these women are performing safe services (which start with a health check before anything else commences), then surely the risk is reduced? And if the punters are only visiting clean establishments with policies in place to ensure the safety of both workers and clients sexual health, then the risk would be reduced again, right?

I think it's best to remain extremely cautious, and to make your wellbeing your number one priority. The extra money for going natural might be tempting, but if there was a risk of contracting something that could potentially put you out of work, then I just can't see how it is justifiable. A healthy, happy vagina is my main concern.


I like the point you raised in regards to the amount of W/L's a man has been with. However, if these women are performing safe services (which start with a health check before anything else commences), then surely the risk is reduced? And if the punters are only visiting clean establishments with policies in place to ensure the safety of both workers and clients sexual health, then the risk would be reduced again, right?

I think it's best to remain extremely cautious, and to make your wellbeing your number one priority. The extra money for going natural might be tempting, but if there was a risk of contracting something that could potentially put you out of work, then I just can't see how it is justifiable. A healthy, happy vagina is my main concern.
I'am more concerned about WL having unsafe encounters with other WL.


I like the point you raised in regards to the amount of W/L's a man has been with. However, if these women are performing safe services (which start with a health check before anything else commences), then surely the risk is reduced? And if the punters are only visiting clean establishments with policies in place to ensure the safety of both workers and clients sexual health, then the risk would be reduced again, right?

I think it's best to remain extremely cautious, and to make your wellbeing your number one priority. The extra money for going natural might be tempting, but if there was a risk of contracting something that could potentially put you out of work, then I just can't see how it is justifiable. A healthy, happy vagina is my main concern.
I agree Ziggy!! If a WL does her job properly the risks are reduced for the 'punters' apposed to if they hook up off say tinder, grinder, clubs etc!

Natalie Jones


Silver Member
This may be unpopular but its honest.

I have on occasion gone "discount shopping". Most of those ladies that do a $100 base service invite you to ask for bareback, CIM, anal or COF and add $50 (and if you shop around you will find one that's attractive, remember you can always walk away if she is "not as advertised").

I have on occasion done the "extras" and had a health scare not long ago (uncomfortable hard spots in my inner thigh that I could pop (very painfully) and would have almost black blood come out). However I went to see the doctor, he saw and took blood, urine and a biopsy (fuck that one hurt like a bastard) and the tests came back saying I was clean so...

$50 btw is the going rate for Natural or you are silly services from most of the girls on backpage, locanto etc.

PS I know that some of you langtrees girls go private on those sites when business is slow :p and have seen the you are silly "extra" on some of the ads.


Longjohn TS
Legend Member
This may be unpopular but its honest.

I have on occasion gone "discount shopping". Most of those ladies that do a $100 base service invite you to ask for bareback, CIM, anal or COF and add $50 (and if you shop around you will find one that's attractive, remember you can always walk away if she is "not as advertised").

I have on occasion done the "extras" and had a health scare not long ago (uncomfortable hard spots in my inner thigh that I could pop (very painfully) and would have almost black blood come out). However I went to see the doctor, he saw and took blood, urine and a biopsy (f**k that one hurt like a bastard) and the tests came back saying I was clean so...

$50 btw is the going rate for Natural or you are silly services from most of the girls on backpage, locanto etc.

PS I know that some of you langtrees girls go private on those sites when business is slow :p and have seen the you are silly "extra" on some of the ads.

Care to let us know which langtrees girls have put up the ads you are referring too.


Silver Member
Care to let us know which langtrees girls have put up the ads you are referring too.

In all honesty I don't feel comfortable doing that, It feels too much like snitching. I will say that I have only ever seen 2, one of whom I only saw once. One of them is on backpage frequently though and a casual look through it will easily find her.


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
Surely she wouldn't be silly enough to use the same name and/or photos as her L/t persona? She'd be out on her ear before you can say safe sex.


Creature in the Shadows
Legend Member
What about the amount of girls that allow guys to go down at the Y with no dental Dam, but want guys to wear a condom during OS.
that's a good point, the lady is choosing to have "unsafe" OS I think a dental dam should always be used


Foundation Member
that's a good point, the lady is choosing to have "unsafe" OS I think a dental dam should always be us

That is one quirk of the industry I have often pondered about.

In my punting career I only ever went in-house until I started seeing the incomparable Tianna. All of my companions insisted on me wearing a raincoat for oral sex but allowed me to go down on them unprotected. My research suggested that there was a small risk of my catching something but only if the lady had regularly been careless with her hygiene which, of course, the better girls would not.

I probably took a bigger risk driving to the rendezvous.