What is the best size cock for you? What size is too small?
How do you enjoy yourself with a cock that is too small? Think of the money...?
The Cock...good question thank you.
Difficult to answer Though.
I guess as annoying as it may sound, size isn't the only thing that matters...actually it doesn't even come into the top three factors for me.
I Always think of the money hahaha
We get all sorts of shapes and sizes here at LT but surprisingly I have enjoyed the company (intimately) with somw of the smaller ones and equally have NOT enjoyed with some of the larger ones.
A lot of the time, smaller guys have mastered the skill of other things other than penis action.
However, I have had many many penis of which I couldn't even grab with my thumb and forefinger...so vey very small that my smallest condom was like a king size sheet over it. I have yet to master f#cking the erect 1.5CM penis.....with my V that is.