Ask me a question and get an honest answer


Adrianna Lush

Aayyyyyeeeeee do you wear red lipstick, finger nail polish, red knickers and garter, by any chance? I have a thing about Red.
I cannot imagine you in Pink, but, I suspect Black is more your colour
Yeeees more blacks and dark colours.
Pink not really my thing. Yes dark reds and purples and greens.


Gold Member
Kissing a girl is just delightful, soft and smooth. What is it like kissing whiskers and do you and/or why would you prefer to kiss us.

Adrianna Lush

Kissing a girl is just delightful, so and smooth. What is it like kissing whiskers and do you and/or why would you prefer to kiss us.
Glen20 who says I prefer kissing spiky men??
Everyone kisses differently and you don't really notice the hair unless it's really sharp. I think the worst is three day growth because it is very spiky but before and after that time it's fine.
Kissing a girl with whiskers. ..well I've done that too but I wasn't bothered..I returned the pash rash when she started kissing my legs hahahaha

Adrianna Lush

Ahoy; Do you luv to wear silk stockings or are you a bare leg`s girl?
Bare legs HP but I do enjoy stockings and suspenders with my corsets from time to time. Even though I LOVE the look of keeping stockings on during's too impractical.


Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Ahoy How about, bare legs and wearing high heels sex? is it fun for you or just too impractical?
"I always luv it when the ladies keep their heels on"


Hi Adrianna,
I was wondering, have you ever dated while working, and if so, what was the sex like with your partner after you had worked that day, was it enjoyable, or did you just not want another guys hands all over you?

Adrianna Lush

Hi Adrianna,
I was wondering, have you ever dated while working, and if so, what was the sex like with your partner after you had worked that day, was it enjoyable, or did you just not want another guys hands all over you?
Yessss I have dated and actually there was more sex with my partner and in many ways much better...more intimate, more sincere and I was fortunate that we had a nice connection in the bedroom. Unfortunately though maintaining it became a problem for both of us. But yes I have had a somewhat successful 'relationship' whilst working.

Adrianna Lush

What is the best size cock for you? What size is too small?

How do you enjoy yourself with a cock that is too small? Think of the money...?
The Cock...good question thank you.
Difficult to answer Though.
I guess as annoying as it may sound, size isn't the only thing that matters...actually it doesn't even come into the top three factors for me.
I Always think of the money hahaha
We get all sorts of shapes and sizes here at LT but surprisingly I have enjoyed the company (intimately) with somw of the smaller ones and equally have NOT enjoyed with some of the larger ones.
A lot of the time, smaller guys have mastered the skill of other things other than penis action.
However, I have had many many penis of which I couldn't even grab with my thumb and vey very small that my smallest condom was like a king size sheet over it. I have yet to master f#cking the erect 1.5CM penis.....with my V that is.


Legend Member
Why do women insist on squeezing tubes like toothpaste and especially metal tubes from the middle?


Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Ahoy;- Aaayyyeee got a question.
So how complete is your double life? has any of your friends, co-workers(out-side of the industry) or possibly family members aware of your evening activities?
My bet is;- That you are that good, smart, motivated that no-one is aware.
Cheers and Pass the Rum


Wiink. I'll Do the Rest
Gold Member
Would you rather be attacked by one horse-sized duck or ten duck-sized horses?


Wiink. I'll Do the Rest
Gold Member
Well, probably not. I haven't acquired the taste for Vegemite since moving here. But not for the lack of trying