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Albion | Cara | Eloquent Beauty | 0488 850 788


Cara Valence

Hi everyone, my name is Cara, I'm an independent escort from Brisbane. Hoping to become as active on here as time allows, I'm passionate about my job and the Qld decriminalisation issue. Hope to get chatting soon xx

Hi everyone, my name is Cara, I'm an independent escort from Brisbane. Hoping to become as active on here as time allows, I'm passionate about my job and the Qld decriminalisation issue. Hope to get chatting soon xx
Hello Cara and Welcome to the Forum :D

You Just gotto-love Cara-Butt-cheeks...……..Hmmmmmmm

Hi Cara welcome to the forum. Looking forward to your posts ;)

Hello Cara and welcome to the forum!!

Hey Cara nice figure :woot:

hi babe welcome to the forum

Hi everyone, my name is Cara, I'm an independent escort from Brisbane. Hoping to become as active on here as time allows, I'm passionate about my job and the Qld decriminalisation issue. Hope to get chatting soon xx
hi babe welcome to the board.
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Legend Member
Hi Cara, welcome to the site.

Forgive my ignorance but what are the main barriers for sex workers in QLD?

Also I had a look at your website and see you used to be a flight attendant, apart from the obvious question do you have any stories you would like to share

Cara Valence

Hi Cara, welcome to the site.

Forgive my ignorance but what are the main barriers for sex workers in QLD?

Also I had a look at your website and see you used to be a flight attendant, apart from the obvious question do you have any stories you would like to share

Hi, I'd say the biggest barrier here are our ridiculous laws. Aside from not being able to be specific with services in advertising and restrictions on the use of certain words, we're also not allowed to work with or in the same building as another SW (not applicable to brothels), not allowed to contact another SW about bookings (safety issue!), not allowed a driver or security unless they have a crowd control licence, the entrapment laws for police, and on and on. It's frustrating on a daily basis. I'm actively educating myself on the history of prostitution in QLD, the Fitzgerald enquiry etc and am an advocate for decriminalisation. If the NT and SA can come one step closer, so can we but we have a long way to go. Luckily there is a lot of community and academic momentum.

I had a ball in my 7 years as a long haul flight attendant, it was hard work but a fantastic lifestyle. Lots of good times and many little anecdotes. Funniest story is the one about a lecherous married captain we called Spiderman. He tried hitting on one female crew member on a trip to Tahiti but she rebuffed him multiple times. He tried everything, notes under her door, buying her dinner and drinks etc. Finally one night he was so drunk he decided it would be a good idea to try and climb onto her balcony from his own in his underpants to see if he could get into her room. Needless to say he failed miserably and got stuck and had to be rescued by hotel staff. Still didn't deter him and he was notorious for trying it on with female crew. Every one of us got the Spiderman treatment at some point!


Legend Member
Thanks for sharing that.

I worked in QLD for a while and found it very different to WA.

Most QLD' rs I met have very traditional views on things. Some of those laws sound like real safety issues for you guys so hopefully things change for the better with education etc.

I have a lot of respect for Flight Attendants as they work pretty hard on long haul flights. I have stayed at the same hotel as some domestic flight crews and they did like to party!

Cara Valence

If you haven't already, please check out my profile. I post updates about my service including new photos, new services and hours plus my permanent Beem It rate reduction. Alternatively, take a peek at my website www.caravalence.com for more pics and info.