Good evening everyone.
Today has not been a good day. I had some money saved up after a few weeks and thought I'd give myself a treat as I headed home from the office. I called the usual mamasan I had been using as the girls she had provided before today were relatively safe punts and I was not in the mood to risk my hard earnt money. I sent a message, she shared pics of who I was working and I choose a girl. On the older side, but relatively fit looking in the photos.
I turned up and was asked to head up to the 7th floor and wait, and then girl will come get me. I waited and waited and waited and waited. Anyhow around 20 mins, the girl comes down the elevator, is wearing a nice long coat, and a hoddie. There's another guy in there so I simply get on and wait it out. She quickly heads to the room where it's pretty dark and after the money, tells me take a shower. I try turning on the light but am quickly rebuffed but this is pretty standard.
Anyhow, took a shower. Went to the bedroom and she takes her clothes off. First of all, the body is very photoshopped in the photo sent by the mamasan. Second, half her breast has been cut off. Lord knows why.
Regardless, I was naked and on the bed. Little head took over. She straddled me and leant down to kiss me is when I noticed a massive cold sore on her lip. Little head immediately relinquished control. I pushed her back and asked her what it is. She kept going on about "No English, it's okay".
I messaged the mamasan and she didn't reply. I called her and she didn't pick up. This is when I decided, that I can't be risking my health like this. Got up, got dressed and also messaged mamasan that I want a refund. Mamasan then called the girl, and remember she has not responded to my messages nor picked my call. The girl then gives me 60 back as refund. The rest is kept.
Anyhow, I repeatedly call the mamasan and the girl tries to push me out. I ask for the money back and she decides to pick up a knife and point it at me. At that point, I then walk out.
So. After this insanely horrible experience. The mamasan finally calls when I am outside in the hall and says "Girl has no disease, you spent half hour so 120 charged". She ignored the fact that it wasn't 30mins, more like 10 and the first five were me taking a shower.
Anyway, I am not interested in being stabbed. This happened to me before as well and was one of the reasons why I stopped seeing WLs for a long time. I am extremely disheartened and disappointed.
She has girls at these addresses:
Murray St,
Newcastle St
Brown St, East Perth
The phone number is
0420 711 510
I'd suggest staying away. If she is happy to provide one girl who has a STD, lord knows how many more are the same.