• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.

A little extra on the side

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Cheating, or maybe more accurately, defaulting, is where the original agreement is breached. And that is not just in terms of sex, but any other area of a relationship as well. For example, a breach would occur if the "love" or "care" side of the agreement is broken.


Gold Member
I agree Link, and I think the problems that most people face, is that the original agreement was not detailed enough, so two people enter into an agreement where both have different ideas that they haven't specified.

When one of them wants to alter the original agreement, it should be done with discussion and consent of both parties. Not just one party deciding behind the other's back that the agreement needs to be altered.

I have actually been giving this matter some thought and the following occurred to me:

The sex we share in a loving relationship involves more than just getting our rocks off. Casual, meaningless, one night stands etc, is surely just about getting our rocks off. Therefore if we are not getting enough of the loving and sharing kind of physical attention from our partner then that need isn't going to be filled by someone else (unless we start a meaningful relationship with them, then why stay with the original partner). So if we're not getting enough, and we just need to free frustrations and get our rocks off that is what masturbation is for, doesn't involve someone else, doesn't breach the agreement and is as good as it gets anyway.

Just my ponderings, open for discussion.



So many people, so many views on the topic.....
If it works for you, great. As long as one does not hurt others in the process.


Diamond Member
They say," look at a woman is lust, you have already sinned."
Life is not black or white but many shades of grey. It is up to each one of use to work out what colour grey we wish to choose.


Others say life is black and white but people create the grey areas to suit their purposes.


Diamond Member
Well I prefer to colour my world in the many beautiful shades of gray. Each to their own. Different colour brush strokes for different folks.


Pleasure is my aim
Diamond Member
guess there appears to be a big divide on this issue. But the theme seems to be what works for you is the best in that situation , more often than not......................... But again trust and communication is important to minimise any hurt.
Life is far too short to not enjoy it and also to spend all your time wishing you had done something but didn't.


Silver Member
Good question couple. The answer is, it would not worry me. However I would find it hard watching her or being in the same room as her.

And yes I love my wife very much.

I'm the exact oposite (well except for the last line). Me and the wife have an agreement. Each can do as they likes as long as the other DOES know. Not that we do very much other than talk about it :(


I know this may sound quite weird but I would have no problem with my partner visiting a brothel every now and then. (Maybe not every week - it's an expensive habit! lol) But, I would be really quite hurt if he went out, got drunk and slept with some random chick. Sex workers working in a brothel are regularly checked - some random chick most likely wouldnt even know if she had something.

I'd be pissed if he came home with something and gave it to me - not if he went out to see a 'sex specialist' and came home healthy, clean and satisfied!


I have personaly had it done to me and jsut becuase of how it made me feel im not 4 it
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