Short- long story bio. 25/AUG/2019)
*edit 25/Jan/2020*
(This is my first ever post to this forum because I’ve just read all members that haven’t posted will be purged out.
And I do like some of the random interesting topics in the threads. BUT bare with me, I’m a bit of an old soul and I’m still trying to figure out my way around this forum! It looks like a complex version of Facebook! I don’t even have Facebook lol) anyway...
Candice Cameron Langtrees Canberra.
Hahahahaha I started in June 2020 and I love it! The place is immaculate, hands down best brothel I’ve ever walked into! I highly respect how management is run. (I’ve seen/avoided a lot of other establishments just because of poor organisation or treatment to working girls).
Happy to be a part of the Langtrees team/network/family
So... after I finished high school, I spent a “gap year” in the United Kingdom and worked as a teacher’s assistant/boarding house assistant; travelled; partied European style— When I came back home (Sydney) in 2012, “Lock Out Laws” we’re slowly being put in place, and so I thought... I’ll just get a job that pays to party, instead of using money that I don’t have- to party, haha.
I started as a cocktail waitress in Kings Cross; left after the second shift, because there was no hourly rate and the way you made money depends on how many drinks you sold (commission based = 1 drink = $1) yeah no thank you, bye
I started pole dancing lessons; completed a term and wanted to continue but couldn’t afford.... I became an actual dancer at a club, and that financed those lessons as well as a lot of other things ( car / bills / education / ✈ travel / LOTS of clothes / etc )
Took a break from “working” after an overseas holiday in January 2016. Little did I know, that that would be my downward spiral to hell and back. We can skip the long messy story for now and come to a
conclusion that this type of work (the sex industry)- is what keeps me sane, and away from the alcohol/‘party’ lifestyle (no judgements given because I can empathise) definitely gained a strong sense of resilience from it all ☺
As of late December 2016– sex-work/brothels are what saved me and brought me back to the real person that I was//ironically going back to the industry which is typically stereotyped in bad lighting/“every sex worker is prob a drug addict/alcoholic/etc etc”
( gaps of time in between = Private waitressing jobs / study / medical breaks etc)
‼ I keep dance life / escort life completely separate; hence two different names !!
Bit of a life story, but thought that would be a good way to introduce myself ☀
@Mrs Langtrees @Aaron @Madam Rachy
@Kodie VIP Canberra @TJ Porter @Madam Jacqui @Emily @Mikaylah Canberra Reception @Wendy Canberra Reception
@Shannon Starr* @Matt VIP
appreciate your management