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  1. K

    Just a bit of saturday humor.

    Its always better with the lights on!
  2. Rachy

    Lip Stick

    Hello Hello Ladies Interested to know whats the best non smudge, long wearing lip stick you have tried , especially in red :)
  3. SD666

    Friendly Medical CENTRES FOR MALE PUNTERS in Perth

    Hello All, Anybody can advise a friendly medical center for male punter who offer: - Free STI check - No medicare required - and Anonymous Thanks.
  4. Rachy

    Sex with the Boss

    Would you or have you ever have sex with your Boss?
  5. Rachy

    Are you a Leader or a Boss?

    Being a boss in the bedroom is one thing but these days theres too many boss's and not enough leaders... whtas your best/worst boss v's leader story?
  6. Rachy

    The fascinating sexual practice you’ve never heard of: Muffing.

    In 2010, Mira Bellwether wrote “Fucking Trans Women,” the first piece of its kind that outlined the sex lives of trans women as an educational and instructional piece of text. In the zine, Bellwether discusses “muffing,” a term that describes the act of pushing the testicle back inside of a...
  7. Rachy

    I Bet You.....

    have you ever made a bet with someone and instantly regretted it?? Or said to someone if you do this i will give you this in return thinking they wouldn't do it?? i did over the weekend and i had to suffer the consequences..... i need to learn to keep my mouth shut i think :)
  8. Lana

    The Good Stuff - Return of the Porn #2

    COME ON FELLAS you gotta post something!!!
  9. Rachy

    Cringe Worthy Videos

    Have you ever seen a photo or video and your just like nope, nope, nope.... thats how i feel about these videos.
  10. Rachy

    Who's your Doppelganger?

    Guaranteed that every week i have 1-2 people tell me i look like Adele but over the weekend at work i had 6 different people tell me i look like her....So who is your twin?
  11. Lana

    Oral Fixation REOPENED

  12. Rachy


    I love social media, especially snapchat so i did it!!! Langtrees VIP Canberra now has SnapChat. Its a great way to reach a large audience and show of the beautiful ladies we have in Canberra. Its tempting and im sure it will give you guys a tasty sneak peek of what Canberra has to offer Feel...
  13. Aaron

    FREE SEX - Yep you read right, how many of you have had it?

    A few Months back somebody introduced me to "Craigslist" - a website where people and couples openly advertise to have "Free Sex" I was curious, I jumped on and had a look and they were right, lots of ladies all ages and sizes guys, and couples all willing to "Catch UP" 420 Friendly, D&D Free...
  14. Phoebe

    This is rather funny... High rise (pardon the pun) brothel...

  15. Phoebe

    Conversation today

    Had a conversation today with a few women right and now there was mention of a person that is said to be a: A Bitch, Slut and a Whore this person is all 3 of them ... Now my question is that possible?
  16. Phoebe

    Hey bro or was that sis...

  17. Phoebe

    Hmmm One chance in many

  18. AndyRew00

    "Wanna Go to Bed With Me?" (a.k.a. "Get Away from Me, Creep" vs. "Where Do I Sign Up?")

    What if you were sitting at a café, the park, or a beer garden (the latter being where you’re most likely to find me) and someone you’ve never met before approached you. Doesn’t seem too bad at this point, right? Now, what if this stranger then attempted to solicit casual sex from you? What...
  19. Phoebe

    Gay and Lesbian Marridge

    I know this maybe be political online which does not mix. but all those in favor of Gay and Lesbian Marriage since its an election year just to see how those on TS think about this topic.