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  1. Autumn Adder

    How to ask for kinky things?

    Hey team :) I guess I have a few fetishes I'd like to experiment with, but I have -no- idea how to bring it up with the lady. Like, things like rough play or dirty talk seem quite common, but thing beyond that.. How do you even go about it? Haha, I guess I just them saying no (which is fine...
  2. Lana

    Need Help What for a Male for mid 40's birthday

    Ok i and in need help with a prezzie..... What do you get a guy that has everything in his mid 40's Any help will be greatly appreciated... i am willing to spend up to about 500 dollars or less
  3. aaron.lee

    Ox Tail & Lamb Tail Soup

    Has anyone tried the combo of an ancient Chinese recipe consists of ox and lamb tail broth plus some Chinese herbs which works like a slow release viagra? I tried it a few times, I was hard as rock but would soften a bit under distraction....good sign..void need to chopping it off later due to...
  4. MikeB

    Liquid Love Lounge

    Tried this last Friday at Infusions swingers club in Belmont. Wow definitely a bucket list item ticked.:excited: Picture, a shallow 4mx2m pool filled with a dozen or so sexy, slippery, slidy naked bodies (Roughly equal numbers m & f) oozing with a covering of warm baby oil:cool: and ready for...
  5. sexbomb

    Zoe - A Dominant Trans - Still around? Perth

    As above. A girl named Zoe used to advertise in Perth, around the Crawley area. She was very sweet and nice. My only TS experience. I tried looking around for her ad but can't seem to find it. Anyone have any info on what happened with her?
  6. perthgirl.png


    Perth Lady
  7. A

    POLL: Which is Best Darwin-Perth-Canberra

  8. Pavlin13

    Elle Sinclair Erotic Massage Perth 0402 745 038

    After a quick SMS exchange I visited Elle I her Maylands location, she also works from Dianella and Rivervale to cater for her customers. Ex stripper in her younger days (Approx.. mid 40's now), slight belly but cute, she has a toned body with tight calves, thighs and butt. Great set of natural...
  9. FleetingMoment

    massage map of Perth

    Hi guys, I've put together a new map of massage parlours in Perth (inspired by lovemeamassage's map from a few years ago) It's at: Link broken, so taken down. * Red pins are legit massage shops * Purple pins do extra * Blue pins do full service Feel free to improve the information on the...
  10. Johnwick

    Scarletblue ladies who is your favouite?

    what do you guys think about the ladies from scarlet blue? They cost a bit more $$, so are they worth it?
  11. westy

    merged threads old not worth reading

    I know all about the "new policy " of no porn on this site. But it does seem weird that there is a forum dedicated to weight loss (admirable) but a blackout on porn. I for one miss LANA'S posts which brightened things when the going was slow. I say bring it back in it's own forum. A "SPECIAL "...
  12. Dakota Cameron

    favourite boutiques in Perth?

    Some of the most gorgeous dresses right here in Perth - STORE WIDE STOCK TAKE SALE NOW. GET ON TO IT LADIES. <3
  13. Phoebe

    Friday Bitch

    http://www.perthnow.com.au/business/new-coles-supermarkets-planned-for-perth-regional-wa/news-story/d8be03816b02897e68015b33b4cd4eb4#load-story-comments Really How many Supermarkets can such a small population handle.. Really WA you need tourism attractions not more Coles......... People only...
  14. M

    XXX Merged to be Deleted

    I don't believe it, we have been members of a forum for 12 months and never made a post, well I will blame the wife on that one :police: . I guess things have been quite busy for us over the past 12 months after moving south from Queensland, not really our choice to leave all our sexy Brisbane...
  15. C

    Where do you get a great tattoo in Perth?

    Hi everyone, I want a tiny tattoo and being new to Perth I need to know who's the best tattooist around. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.