perth escort

  1. DDxoxo

    Medicals are insisted upon at Langtrees VIP

    I am just curious why when we ask respectfully a lady if we could have a medical we often face so much resistance? :arghh::arghh::arghh: I just had to do my annual check for Diabetes (family history) , Blood, HIV, Herpes, Hep A & Hep B & Hep C, Sugar & all sorts of other stuff one has to...
  2. seniorcit

    When R the Busy Times @ Langtrees

    I'm wondering when is the busiest time for Langtrees' ladies? Is it a Friday or Saturday night or a weekday when fewer girls might be working or is it just pot luck, sometimes good and sometimes quiet?
  3. Sherry

    Congratulations Jayden!! Driver & Boxer

    A big congratulations to Jayden, our darling driver for the boxing tournament he won last week in New Zealand! We are so proud of him:boxing:Wish we could have been there to watch the match and cheer him on.Well done and yay for Jayden xxxx
  4. svengali

    See the Langtrees Rooms

    I called by Langtrees a few days ago and was pleasantly surprised to find that the owners is in the midst of some fairly serious renovating. The lounge is getting gyprock around the walls to cover the old painted brick, a suspended ceiling is going in and so is reverse cycle aircon.