langtrees burswood

  1. P

    Holly Leaving Langtrees

    Re: Holly I saw Holly yesterday and must say I was very happy with our time spent together tho the 3 hrs went far too quickly I’m not much of a writer and really don’t want to say what happen but just to say her pictures do her justice and she really makes you feel your having that girlfriend...
  2. Aaron

    Maryanne and Wikipedia

    Mary-Anne Kenworthy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Does anyone have any contributions they would like to make to Maryanne's Wikipedia Page? =)
  3. Mrs Langtrees

    Ladies I am confirming the New Langtrees Team

    I have returned to Australia after travelling for the last 18 months. The lease on langtrees of Perth & Kalgoorlie expires on October the 8th. At that date I will operate the business again myself. I have spent a lot of time overseas investigating the latest trends in our specialized market...
  4. Mrs Langtrees

    Shit my Knee Hurts

    A week ago last Monday I was manhandled by the blues in Blue... the bastards hurt my knee and it still hasn't healed. Every time it hurts I have vengeful thoughts, the bastar...s but why would they get involved with a civil domestic dispute i have to ask. Why would a pen pusher "The...
  5. Mrs Langtrees

    Eric James K next adventure

    Hello Perth, My plane arrived in on time last night. Sir Stefan was making me a cup of tea this morning, when I got the call from the ladies at Lakeview (where my Dad resides). My dad Eric James K had passed away gently in his sleep last night one week after his 78th Birthday. As I have many...
  6. Mrs Langtrees

    I need advice on a SMS & Email Marketing Program

    Hello Everyone, I have spent the last three hours researching the best software to help me with email & sma marketing for when the new version of is ready. The only one I have used before is Group Mail. I need something that gives good SMS pricing but also needs to extract info...
  7. Mrs Langtrees

    Sex Education Video's On

    I did promise to come back and finish this post. One of the main and new features of the new rebuild is to promote sex education video's. From what I have filmed to date we are going to start with a library of over 120 3 minute to 15 minute video's that i have produced over the...
  8. Spocky57

    Sherry Skye Reviews

    Have to put in a good work on these two fantastic ladies. Went to Langtrees last week and shouted myself an hour with both Sherry and Chelsea.They are both very friendly and are responsive to your wishes. They certainly like working together and know how to give a guy a good time. I only wished...
  9. M

    Question Maryanne re you smoking

    As stated in your Thailand post your smoking like a chimney. You haven't got the stress of work environment here where you said you had to smoke and are getting fit and healthy in a relaxed environment so I think that is perfect opportunity to NOT smoke bearing in mind that YOU said you could...
  10. Mrs Langtrees

    Mary-Anne's New York Adventure

    I am cleaning up all my paperwork from New York and thought I would write about my private consultaion with Betty Dodson, I believe the most important sex educator in the world. Its why we call the Hitachi Electric Vibrators Betty In Australia. I meet Beety 7 years ago and read her book Sex...
  11. Mrs Langtrees

    Mary-Anne Last post for a while

    Hello Every One I hope you've all missed me, my mailbox is filled with messages so at least a few have.I can't open them because coutesy would demand a reply and I have spent the last three months, planning my future 25 years and how I will wind up the last 50 years. Langtrees of Perth as we...
  12. C

    Ready to talk about permission

    To Serena Could you let Mary Anne know Im ready to talk to the girls from now and just need a suitable time to call her to talk to her about it or meet up if necessary. Thanks Christie
  13. M

    Dear Mrs Mary Anne How long am I banned

    Dear Mrs Mary Anne, Theorheretically, If somebody was banned from a establishment such as your own - how long (in theory) would such a ban exist. I know a mate that has been banned from the Burswood Casino for 2 years for scamming his way into the international room - drinking free piss...
  14. Mrs Langtrees

    Bogeys to Birdies Mary-Anne New TV Show

    We have finally finished the Bogeys to Birdies Pilot.I have been working on this project for the last 9 months and I am proud to share it with the forum members.It is just a pilot taster so sit back and enjoy.For the golfers we have also included Glen and Zara's lesson.This link will only be...
  15. M

    New televisions show

    I am going to be the first to ask a question!! Mary-Anne you have been tremendously busy with this new project of yours. Was wondering when your actually going to let the forum members in on your project?
  16. M

    Rules of this thread.

    There are no rules. Ask Mary-Anne anything you want and she will answer. Just please be polite and courteous. Thanks
  17. Mrs Langtrees

    Family Birthdays that I think are Family Special

    Family Birthdays that I think are Family Special and should be celebrated with a party and all the fireworks one can afford, with all family members invited/ 1st 5th or school year 13th 16th 21st 50th 75th 99th After that all birthdays that end in 0 are pretty special and these...
  18. M


    Heloo my pets . I hope that i have posted in the right area i have an arthretic index finger and it goes higildy pigilty and every way where it should. Its worse when i am trying to eat or scratch myself in the niether regions. Some folk have asked me about my earlier life in the sex industry...
  19. M

    A Legend Of The Industry

    Evening All... On NYE, Susan Devereaux, a very well known Perth Madam passed away after a 2 year fight with Cancer. She was a very strong, thoughtful and determined lady who helped shape the industry into what it is today. There are so many people she has helped, taught and argued with...
  20. Mrs Langtrees

    Put what where? 2,000 years of bizarre sex advice

    The Times October 01, 2005 Put what where? 2,000 years of bizarre sex advice Tight corsets cause nymphomania, orgasms can kill and wasps are a turn-on. John Naish looks at the top sex tips over the ages Mating. Reproduction. Nothing is more crucial to humanity’s survival, so it would be...
  21. Mrs Langtrees

    My Speech tonight at Vincent Council

    Mr Mayor, Councillors, & Residents, My name is Mary-Anne Kenworthy and I am a Madam in the sex Industry. Last Friday David Kay rang and explained the problems he was having over his occupapation of his new premises.I meet David some years ago and also being curious to see the services he...
  22. S

    Footballers' recovery session...

    My lady (Carrie) and me, and her friend- let's call her Mel- and Mel's boyfriend. Watching the football on TV, and having a few too many drinks. Mel is a qualified masseuse and has worked for at least one WAFL club as a trainer. Carrie asks Mel "must have been hard work, running your hands...
  23. M

    Launch of the book 'The Scarlet Mile"

    Am posting some pics of the wonderful launch of the book that took 10 to fulfill by Elaine and was officially launched on April 22nd at 181 Kalgoorlie. There was a great turnout, wonderful food put together by Julie of Kalgoorlie, and all the staff pulled out all stops and had a great night...
  24. Mrs Langtrees

    Which Madam was known as "The Duchess"

    Doing a little research for kalgoorlie the other day and came across these interesting facts about our famous Perth madam Dorrie Flatman. Thought I would share with you , what a story Dorrie must have to tell. Re: Dorrie Flatman She was knighted by the gay community as “the Duchess of...
  25. B

    Our First Debate Wine is better than Sex

    This thread is reserved for the posting of debate arguments. Only members of the debate teams are allowed to post responses to this board.
  26. Mrs Langtrees

    Madam Leigh Standing as a Independent

    Madam Leigh is atanding for a independent in the next state election.I am standing in Perth haven't decided what seat yet I want to go up against the Moral Right Wing That have a tw faced attitude to sexuality and people's right to choose. We are going to have a lot of fun with our campaigns as...
  27. kim of kal

    Find out what goes on behind closed doors

    Have you ever wondered what goes on behind closed doors at Langtrees 181? Well come on one of our WORLD FAMOUS TOURS. Find out all about the history of the sex industry past and present. Rooms you will see are amazing theme's from the Afgan room to the Holden on room. Amazing Sporting...
  28. Mrs Langtrees

    Lord Trev Story

    LORD TREV Trev was born the only son of wealthy cattle farming parents in outback Australia. When he was only six years old, heavy rains caused the crocodile infested river to break its banks and flood the property. His mother fell into the water and drowned while trying to save Trev’s...
  29. Mrs Langtrees

    Madam Leigh's Story

    Madam Leigh Madam Leigh was born in Kalgoorlie and born male. The personable brothel madam and sex change recipient is a respected member of the local council. Olive and Dominic Varis gave birth to Harry (later to become Leigh) fifty-ish years ago. Young Harry enjoyed playing football and...
  30. Mrs Langtrees

    Getting Personal with Mary-Anne

    We are a bit late starting this interview and was hoping to get Amanda to start it of and ask me some interesting questions.We've been so busy this last two weeks I thought I'd start it myself.You are welcome to ask me any questions about any subject that you'd like and I promise to answer all...