
  1. Harlots_Bec

    XXXX Past events @LangtreesCBR

    ATTENTION LADIES! Summernats is just around the corner, Thu 2 - Mon 6, Jan, and we need some real Boss Babes to fill our roster to help entertain the influx of men to our Nations Capital! Call/Text our awesome reception team on: 0468 465 444 to secure your dates! If you haven't been to...
  2. Harlots_Bec

    Gabriela Lopez

    4 days ONLY! BOOK NOW: 0427 517 284
  3. Harlots_Bec

    Langtrees Canberra looking for fresh faces to join us!

    Boss Babes - Langtrees of Canberra WANT YOU! FREE ACCOM (*Conditions apply) NEW & EXPERIENCED, LOCAL & TOURING Ladies Welcome Are you a serious business woman? Looking to make some serious cash? We want you! We Offer You: • A great opportunity to make great money • Established Clientele •...
  4. ltcanberra.jpg


    Main Photo for Canberra
  5. A

    POLL: Which is Best Darwin-Perth-Canberra

  6. Aaron

    Mitchell ACT | Canberra - Langtrees VIP Lounge: Main Thread: (02) 6130 0277

    Langtrees VIP Canberra are Australia’s only licensed Bordello & Cocktail Bar. We are a luxurious gentleman’s club, with the friendliest staff & ladies in Australia. We are open from 7pm - 6am, Wednesday through Sunday with our bar serving til 5am. We invite you to spend an memorable interlude...
  7. Rachy

    Sex with the Boss

    Would you or have you ever have sex with your Boss?
  8. Rachy

    Are you a Leader or a Boss?

    Being a boss in the bedroom is one thing but these days theres too many boss's and not enough leaders... whtas your best/worst boss v's leader story?
  9. Rachy

    When you're being watched.....

    So I was just sitting at the desk minding my own business when this weird feeling came over me.... I looked down to see this big huntsman spider staring at me... I tell you I moved so fast... luckily a very nice man and fellow receptionist came to my rescue.. have you ever caught someone or...
  10. Rachy

    The 'OFF TOPIC' Thread ...just for our/my Faves xox

    So there are few darling members, (happy, beep, phebs) (just saying) this is for ya'll ... feel free to go off topic as much as you like here, i for one love reading what you've got to say and it doesnt matter here because well.... theres no topic lol
  11. Rachy

    Some People Just Dont Get It.

    I'm really disappointed at the moment and a bit frustrated. I had up until a few weeks ago 2 young Ladies that travelled to Canberra on the weekends, They were young , cute and popular but they decided to go private which is fine and that certainly is not the issue .... This here is my...
  12. Rachy

    Who's your Doppelganger?

    Guaranteed that every week i have 1-2 people tell me i look like Adele but over the weekend at work i had 6 different people tell me i look like her....So who is your twin?