• Ww will be performing maintenance shortly the forum will be unavailable for 2+ hours Kate


  1. bepp

    Be carefull

    Protect yourselves
  2. bepp

    ship creek

    wats happened this forim gone up ship creek? wheres all the cammaradrie ( or wat ever its called
  3. bepp

    Whats wrong??

    Ok i've asked this question elsewhere but got NO response After laying on that massage table n even double bed after the 35/40 min massage, when it comes to the flip over,I just cant move its just like im a beached whale even some of the girls have had to help me...no its not lil beep in the...
  4. bepp

    best bet

    get on wInks
  5. bepp

    D.S.P... What are your entitlements?

    Those who r on it will know wat I'm on about......what disability u on how much u get ...what u have to go thru to get it..? this is serious post so plz no funny stuff.... is there anyone out there on this?? wanna talk bout it PM's r fine
  6. bepp

    My Avatar

    HEY DARWIN who said u can use my AVATAR
  7. bepp

    someone's missing......

    where is S/he ??.....hope S/he's not bin sent to the norty corner bfore the race even started???
  8. bepp

    HP?? Old Cyber Friends catching up

    where are you H.P ??
  9. bepp

    why do we have too

    OK TS IS dying/dead but why do i have to logg on everytime i enter the Forum im having this prob in a couple of forums never had it in this Forum was always logged on regardless howw many days i was away from the forum but now please logg in...its pissing me of
  10. bepp

    Thank Gawd

    We're bak online ... WOOOOO HOOOOOOO i was bgining to get withdrawal symptoms breaking out in a sweat weak at the nees but now i'm redeemed TS is bak online praiae b 2 Gawd Thank you Thank you MAK:bumdance: What a wonderful forum this has been.Mean to say where else could u meet such...
  11. bepp

    wat does this mean

    hi any IT guys left here im trying to insert a video in my reply but keep getting this message the uploaded file does not have an allowed extension ive d/ loaded the vid to my mobile but cant upload it in my reply here anyone knows wat it means
  12. bepp

    Is someone MIA

    havent logged on much latelt thru certain reasons....but I notice someone's M.I.A. or sm I rong?
  13. L

    XX Merged thread to be deleted

  14. bepp

    carpets to mats

    just had a room carpeted n have got a roll left...does anyone know where i can go in perth to get this roll cut and made into scatter mats
  15. bepp

    Census 2016

    got told off for replying to another thread boyr the census so here goes ....ok who's been trying to logg on online..with no luck Aso whar happens now THEIR SYSTEM failed us do wat do we do now wait to get fined ? been trying to logg on tonight message keep saying try again in 15 mins...
  16. bepp

    naked photos on internet

    C"mon people there must b someone out there who knows Naked photos of girls has just been reported to have resurfaced on the net .....what's the website/link ....its been publicaly annouced its out there, hang on its been closed again....bugga must b someone who knows this site ....PM me if u...
  17. bepp

    A question for Admin

    Admin "the uploaded file does not have an allowed extension " I've d/loaded a vid from FB and am trying to insert it here on TS .but i get the above message why?
  18. bepp

    Gumtree.....South Perth

    A few weeks ago there were some reviews on Pei , doing massage + I remember reading somebody from here? doing something n stuffing it up for everyone else . Has anyone since returned is she still offering massage with limited xtras or has she stopped? dont see anything written anymore
  19. bepp

    What happened?

    I dont spoae some peeps from admin can enlighten us all as to what happened last 3 days or were we all suspended for saying the wrong things??? Jist askin' not that i mist it had lotsa cleaning to do round the house ;)
  20. bepp

    Yokine Massage

    havent visited thus parlour for bout 3yrs now n guess wat Tina remembered me .I had to ask her who she was .....got a girl called Mandy usual massage lotsa probing teasing but she spent most of the time on the table n when she was stanxing next to table coulx grab a handful of bum n anything...
  21. bepp

    leaking shower/mold

    I know there r some sensible knowledgible ,as if,peeps out there jnah seriously there must b thsts why I'm asking a serious question here.....ok this forum is usually about everyones sexuall ways but surely we can ask/discuss other things apart from SEX n anythng concerning I'm going to ask a...
  22. bepp

    the latest fad....

    Pokemon go.i know we'd all to Pokamom n go but has anyone tried this new fad are u hooked on it? ive d/loaded the appp but thats as far as i went .it wouldnt pick up my GPS or watever so i deleted it n left it at that i still cant get over Candy Crush...
  23. bepp

    It's baaack

    watch the fun begin now they've returned from their honeymoon ;)
  24. bepp


    annudder dud r n t..3 yrs ago pulled me zip up n kept me pants buttoned cause of me illness dont/cant pi$$ so it hardly sees the light of day bar in the shower. last 3 yrs have had bout 5 mayb 6 vusits to an AMP. holy $hit watz happened out there.? ive had a massage from outa 5 stars no more...
  25. bepp


    one for the ladies... when u wear pantghose does the top band sit flush with your tummy ? im wearing x tall pair and when they r on the top band curls down n doesnt sit flush...mind u i am big ..tummy n bum cant wear full briefs either same result top always curls down
  26. bepp

    The West adds??

    Whats happened to the Personal adds in fhe West.Can recall the adds used to cover a page n a half ,but in todays edition they're lucky to fill half a page. Has the downturn in the mining industry hit that hard? Ladies has this downturn affected your business that badly than say 10yrs ago
  27. bepp

    I agree with H.P

    Avatars are definately considered polite here.....but seiously that ONE was wasted
  28. bepp

    The Chamleon group

    does anyone know what happened ,and has anohtergroup started thanks??
  29. bepp

    videos on Facebook

    hi there anohter IT question...how do u downlad videos on Facebook to an android phoone? ive worked out how to transfer from one perso s FB to mine ..but how do u transfer from my FB account to my smart phone .......all this is being done on a smart phone not PC to phone any IT peeps out there?
  30. bepp

    Question on reviews

    there seems to b an iflux of newbies (?) everyday......i wonder how many of em have actually visited LANGTREES SECRETS at the invite of the Ladies who work there n how come none have reviewed any visit?? mmmm..... mayb part of the secret army??