
  1. bepp

    Looking for the one.....

    Hi there im at an age ..old... where i would like to see a lady (28/35) in my house pamper me ,not looking for asian sorry ,but had enough of them over the years to warn me to stay away from them.looking for some classey sophisticated woman ( the sort u see in mafia type movies treating the...
  2. bepp

    Yoo hooo Tania

    Where:bumdance: r ya hun m iss u long time:(:(
  3. bepp

    Perfume aroma

    Hey ladies i wanna spray some perfume in my home , but is there a lower range of womens perfume which is close to a males fragrance just wanna clear my manly ( phew )smells from my home So wat female fragrance is close enuff to a mans smell
  4. bepp

    Welcum back

    Welcum bak Feebes
  5. bepp

    W4m locanto

    Looking thru locanto last night , i happened to use the search function n found something like 450 pages of women looking for men for a good time.And that was just one area in perth. Dose this mean that just about every 4 w0men u see in Hay st Mall are looking for a sex partner??
  6. bepp

    Has this ever happened to anyone

    You're visiting an AMP/HOUSE it doesn't matter but ur really enjoying the visit then all of a sudden u let go of the biggest fart u've ever let go followed by a wet brown load howd u feel what the lady say
  7. bepp

    What's happened??

    To these forums . Both T.S. & T.C. seem to have bitten the dust n ridden of into the sunset n died
  8. bepp

    Perth trannies

    Didn't know there were so many trannies in perth till I saw them in locanto.......anyone out there tried a lady from locanto what was she like pretty lady like passable service?? Must b someone who'd travelled down this path
  9. bepp

    B careful guys n girls

    Ron the con's back in town .
  10. bepp

    Good grief.

    It appears this forum's slipping further n further into the depths of nonsense dribble
  11. bepp

    Anyone interested and dont say ur knot

    For those T/S lovers now that cracker/backpage have gone try some perth content enjoy
  12. bepp

    Farm boi??

    Today u thought one of my posts was funny enuff to send a alert fanks but that post is something like 2 yrs 2 years old my gawd you got nuffink betta to do on the farm ? But fanks good to c you back in the forum ;) P.S. you still truckin?
  13. bepp

    Priv massage

    Ok i've tried the AMP ' s north & south of the city wasnt satisfied n now read some reviews which dont go down to well. I've noticed a lot of talk bout gumtree ladies only to find they are legit Out of the West ive visited some WOFTAM ladies . Now its up to backpage/cracker has anyone...
  14. bepp

    Tinder ????

    How does this app work.? Ive downloaded it to my mobile now what ive liked some photos but no replies is this app like the rest where they send u about a dozen likes a day with countless e mails saying thesr women wanna meet you but to read the messages u gotta pay x amount $'s to join...
  15. bepp

    Missy M

    Well wat can I say ......i've just met M.M. by wechat nice
  16. bepp


    To the guys that review remedial massage from gumtree. Do you bite ur tongue and take a punt hoping u'll get lucky on xtras .or do get word of mouth from someone here bout some woman offering the worx
  17. bepp

    Remedial massage

    Why is it when women go to a guy for a remedial massage they yell and scream when the guy accidentally pulls the towell away and touches a nipple and breast? Yet when I go im just dying for the towell to disappear and an accidental touch of my privates i dont complain..
  18. bepp

    R I P

    Since this forum died along time ago. Does anybody know where all the colourful characters , that made this forum a once great place to hang out in, where have they gone is there annuder forum around that everyone migrated to such as P E but even that place died a while ago. Its getting...
  19. bepp

    Back page / cracker

    Any guys put an add in any of these sites or anywhere else ...seeking women for fun times or wat ever goes. What sort of success u guys get ...well we males go thru looking for do women look for men that way??
  20. bepp

    Whats happened ???? Part 2

    Ive been away from this forum for a while now but log on occasionally but ive found it to b dead it was once a flourishing forum wth much info and good times but now its dead what happened ???
  21. bepp

    Bum cheeks

    One for the ladies out tight panties create bum cheeks or is it just a natural thing?? And when choosing your panties do u choose a sz or 2 less than ur hips eg. You r a sz 16 round the hips do u choose a sz 14 or even a sz 12
  22. bepp

    God help me

    I know ive asked for guidance on this bfore but im getting so frustrated Im still residing in one of our local hospitals 5/6 weeks so far have flirted with the night shift nurses (2) but i know deep down i cant touch/grope em so frustrating ..think they both know im stressing
  23. bepp

    home visits

    theres a lot of talk here bout ladies from AMP'S & PARLOURS what bout the visiting ladies
  24. bepp

    look after yourselves

    well today is the 2nd week that ihave woken up in hospital after a very traumatic xperience creating 3 code blue's in 2 days thats hospital talk for an emergency. thought i was invincible over the years and that nothing would touch wrong was i fortuanately my diaease hit me for...
  25. bepp

    HOW DO YOU?????

    I know theres a lot of young 'uns out there reading all the Xciting reviews n stories on this forum..... but can somebody old n decrepit ( lots of us here eh??? )or a young stud ,can tell me how to transfer youtube vids from my android phone to display here in TS ??????
  26. bepp

    . . . . . .sex dolls

    Damn you cant import these real life sex dolls ......bugga bugga where can i get my funtimes now :( ;(
  27. bepp

    hey admin

    how do you change ur online name im kinda sick of bepp
  28. bepp

    legit parlours

    i know this has been discussed b4 but can anyone come up with ne new parlours / ladies that go /offer that lil bit xtra?
  29. bepp


    just cruising the net this morning .come across a link for the above site. is it still going and anyone know what the site is like ? thought it got shut down a few years ago
  30. bepp

    what a shock...holy s..t

    Roo's pregnant on H&A poor VeeJay acting like a sook over someone else's kid