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  1. EuropianBliss

    Soul Vore. What is it ??????

    This is a quick edgeplay scene I do that started off as an erotic act but transcended to something a lot darker. Lasts about 5 minutes in duration but it will seem like an eternity to you. Its a once off act and can never be repeated. See below for clarification of Vore. Miss Minsen Categories...
  2. N

    Lets Talk Tattoos.......

    Do you have any tattoos? Whats your favourite or the most unusual Tattoo you have seen? xox Natalie Ferrari Jones
  3. A

    Ladies and Gentlemen! whats your personal best?

    So I'm interested in personal best orgasm numbers today A) whats your personal best in coaxing orgasms from someone else (client or lover) in a session and B) whats your personal best in one 24 hr period? For me , a) my clients average 2-3 but one lovely lady managed 6 in one hour :) and a...
  4. M

    What makes a woman a nymphomaniac?

    A woman masturbates, has erotic feelings towards numerous men and women, and an “excessive” desire for sex. Is she a nymphomaniac?
  5. Ginger Spice

    Interesting- The history of birth control.

    3000 B.C. The condom is invented in Egypt. Ancient drawings clearly depict men wearing condoms - sometimes made of material that may have been animal hide. It's not clear what they were made of -- or whether they were used for sex or ceremonial dress. 1850 B.C. Meet the pessary. It's the...
  6. Ms Sue

    Some more education re Ballcuzi or The Kentucky Klondike Bar lots more

    Ok so I thought I knew it all about sex but Nooooooooo The Kentucky Klondike Bar: "The act offreezing a bowel movement and sexually penetrating another with the frozen bowel movement." The Panamanian Petting Zoo: "When one force one's partner to pick the nuts and corn out of a bowel movement...
  7. A

    Why do men like ANAL sex ?

    BLAME PORN "Far too many men equate what they watch online with what they want their sex life to be," Michaels says, and this couldn't be truer than when it comes to anal. Now, anal sex is a standard when it comes to porn, so most guys have seen it in action, even when they weren't necessarily...
  8. ziggy

    Weird, wacky, sexy, humorous tattoes

  9. Rachy

    Fetishes........Which One Are You?

    FORNIPHILIA Form Of Bondage In Which A Human Is Used (Or Incorporated Into) A Piece Of Furniture. Examples Include: Human Drafting Tables, Human Lazy Suzanns, And Human Shelving (Ikeaphilia anyone?). 2. SACOFRICOSIS The Process Of Making A Hole In One’s Pocket In Order to Facilitate Public...
  10. C

    Autofellatio is a real thing????

    I had grown up always hearing the joke of "if guys could suck their own dicks they would never leave the house!". I always thought it was a funny/mythical type thing. Hell I won't lie, I have even wished that guys could do it just so that I could tell them "you do it yourself" if I didnt feel...
  11. R

    Cyber Kink Advice

    So my partner is currently living on the opposite side of the world, which has meant mutual masturbation and its variations are what we need to live on. Luckily, she LOVES to be submissive and be told what to do, which works well online. She also loves long sessions of orgasm denial. My trouble...
  12. L

    Do Women Get pleasure from Anal sex??

    Do women enjoy anal sex ?
  13. L

    Clitoral Orgasms

    What Is The Clitoris And Where Is It? The clitoral hood is formed by the connection of the inner vaginal lips. This small hood covers the clitoris in much the same manner as a foreskin covers a penis. When you pull the hood back you can see that the clit is USUALLY about the size of a pencil...
  14. Miss Chloe

    Kinky stuff...

    Just thought it would be good to share ideas,tips and experiences about everything kinky! I'm starting to explore the worlds of BDSM and Kink in more depth and would love to hear from people with more experience!! It's always nice to share ;) Love, Paige Xoxo
  15. ziggy

    What is your fetish?

    Do you have a fetish? Or are you only into vanilla sex with no minor sort of fetish at all? Personally I love high heels, (the higher the better), also dominance amongst a few other things lol.
  16. billybones


    Truth be told I guess I need to learn a bit more then what I know now about experiencing different kinds of fetishes but I have no idea why this would appeal to anybody. Link is broken so has been taken down Can someone please explain to me what is so appealing about this clip??
  17. XLNC

    Schoolgirls: the line between fantasy and creepy

    Tracey's comment on another thread about some of the Japanese sex dolls resembling 14-year-olds and being a paedophile's dream made me wonder about this: the sexy schoolgirl is a fantasy archetype and is commonly catered to in this industry, as well as costumes being on sale at adult shops for...
  18. E

    Dare to hair or do you need to be bare down there?!

    So I was thinking last week about hair in the nether regions and if it is expected that all ladies nowadays be little baldies in the downstairs departments. Then I came into work and had the same conversation with the receptionist and girls about it all. I know that there is normally a few...
  19. Kirra Bell

    Tattoos... Regrets, good memories or just great meaning…

    Ok. So as most of you know, I just started getting my forth tattoo. And as many of you ladies have said what's it for or why a rose. I got to thinking about conversations I've had with friends about tattoos they've regretted. I was always raised with the stigma of : " you can tattoo yourself as...
  20. Vivienne


    Hi girls, Occasionally thrush prevents me from working. I get it from going in the shared spas and from if I let a guy to finger me. Another girl told me that large ansell condoms give her thrush. I want to know if there is anything else to be aware of. Sorry it's a gross topic but This is...
  21. R

    Being Bi

    I've always wondered if a guy being Bi is a turnoff to females .
  22. Ms Sue

    Pleasure or pain? What do you prefer ?

    Pleasure or pain? What do you prefer ? ;):);):);)
  23. Dez

    The Difference Between...

    I've had to check with my Superiors on this as well but I wanted to see what ya'll thought... What is the difference between MILD and Experienced BDSM in the context of a booking? I'm used to socialising in the BDSM community and my idea of how those things are defined might be a little off...
  24. bepp

    Body art

    it seems as tho tattooing almost every part of your body is the latest craze.What is the Forums opinion on this? Do you get turned of when you see a lovely young lady covered in this Body art?
  25. R

    BDSM help!!

    Hey I am an amateur when it comes to BDSM, and over the last 2 years I have played a little bit but now have met someone that I can practise with on a regular basis(wants to be my slave) ;), is there anyone that can give me some pointers or advice regarding this Please!!! When I have...
  26. Linda

    ARSE LICKING Please Explain?

    I have always wondered why people would enjoy licking someones bum i spose curiosity has bitten my can those who have been there give me some info
  27. B

    Best Fetish Stories...?

    I would love to hear any stories out there on other W/L experinces with Fetishes or Role Playing.... how comfortable and far do others feel about this?
  28. S

    Becoming bi curious

    I had an encounter with a friend when I was young... I lived with him and his mother when I was 18 (30 now), I walked in on him jerking off, he had a magnificent cock. I went to walk out of the room, fairly embarrassed, he said "you don't have to leave", I stood there and watched him for a...
  29. Dez

    Ladies: Wearing Heels Affects Your Orgasm

    Found this today in my web browsing travels....What do you think? 3. Wearing high heels can negatively affect a woman’s orgasm Certain high-end shoe brands developed the arch in their high-heeled shoes to approximate the arch in a woman’s pelvis when she is having an orgasm. The heels create a...
  30. Ms Sue

    Glory holes is there such a thing in Perth or anywhere

    I saw on the forum the other day something about glory holes..... I cant find it... However I want to know if there is such a thing in Perth? Also is it only for gay men? How do you know who is on the other side? Do they practice safe whatever? Love to know.. Thanks Ms Sue ;););););)