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Your eyes Laser


Silver Member
You posted a thread about your stay abroad a while ago, that you were having your eyes treated so you didn't have to wear glasses.
I'm wondering how your eyes are now, a couple of rs after they were done
Also would you recomend to operation

Mary Anne PA

she's in sydney so may not see your message at this stage.
She was able to read without her glasses but this operation from memory wasn't for anybody unless they had a certain vision, cant remember if it was long or short vision.

For me who sometimes need to wear those cheap ones oyu buy to read small print it wouldn't work as my eyes are good just getting older and not the same condition.

EShe wore glasses to read as she couldn't see the print at all but cant remember if she said long or short. But give a bit of time she may be able to see the message. otherwise email her at ma@maryannek.com and ask


Foundation Member
If I remember correctly laser surgery involves "burning" minute radial slices out of the cornea to tighten and flatten it a little to correct either short or long-sightedness. Because of this it affects vision as a whole. It is not suitable for people like me who have perfectly good mid-range and distance vision but need a little help at close quarters, ie reading. Sadly, this is just a result of Father Time sneaking up on us.

There is a clinic in Perth doing this surgery and, personally, that is where I would go rather than overseas.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I am finally settled in Sydney and staying here unti July when I head to Spain for three weeks then the Whitsundays until it fines up in Sydney.
Next year I am spending time in Melborne from March because my daughter is doing a fashion business course their.
I have become the wandering gypsy and loving it.
Getting my eye lasered was the best thing I have ever done, no looking for glasses.As I had only one eye done I had a little readjustment one eye does the reading the other does the long distance.
I was lucky as had suitable eyes, laser is not for every one sadly and I still have 20 20 vision, just don't need to chase around looking for glasses.
Best luck


Silver Member
A friend of mine had her eyes done and she ranted and raved about not wearing glasses or contacts for ages. But it is only suitable for certain eye conditions (can't remember if it's short or long sighted, and I forgot to ask her what her eyes were). The clinic that did her laser surgery is called LaserSight. It's in Subi right next door to the train station. She said the Doctors name was Furness... She had to wait a while though because he's quite popular.

I suppose the best thing would be to book an appointment and check it out and get the real deal from the doc.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
They do have procedures for short and long sighted and about 80% of people are suitable for lasik treatments.
I would suggest anyone next visit to your GP ask for a referral then the 1st appointment should be covered on medicare and do the appointment to find out what will suit you.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I had a check up 2 years ago after five years and still have perfect 20/20 vision, the Doctor was very impressed. Recently I had a sty in my reading eye and this made it difficult to read for a couple of days until it went away.


Diamond Member
I was more short sighted a number of years ago when I was more of a desk jockey reading reports an documents and working on computer screens. I was reading constantly as well. Now I'm out and about I've become long sighted and gradually had less time over a couple of years to do much reading and now use basic glasses for reading.
I believe the eyes' muscles, in many instances, can be trained to you visual needs and with time and perseverance one can improve their eyesight naturally rather than resort to laser surgery.
Laser surgery is necessary for many but too often it becomes a easy solution and be warned that many that have had it at an early age now wear glasses as they are unable to repeat the procedure.
Medical institutions often have only their own interests at heart - not that of the patient.
Get all the facts before proceeding.

Tania Admin

I have looked into getting this surgery done, but alas, I was informed my vision would have to sit at the same level for 2 years. Unfortunately mine keeps deteriorating :(


Legend Member
I have looked into getting this surgery done, but alas, I was informed my vision would have to sit at the same level for 2 years. Unfortunately mine keeps deteriorating :(
Just get the right frames Tania Suit the frames to the face
And it can be a very sexy look Not that you need any help in that department of course


Diamond Member
I have looked into getting this surgery done, but alas, I was informed my vision would have to sit at the same level for 2 years. Unfortunately mine keeps deteriorating :(
Glasses are also often used as an easy alternative to eye-training. The more one wears glasses the dependant they are on them. I'm sitting in frony of vomputer now without gkasses and forcinh myseld to use my natural vision. I believe that id I was to continue hour after hour mu eyes would become a bit more short-sightrd.
See! I'm foing much better alreadyh. Aren't I?

But seriously some eye problems can be treated naturally using an even balance of focusing on short and long range subjects. Glasses can make your eyes lazy and then there's continual need to be prescribed stronger and stronger glasses.

I'm not an ophthalmologist nor optometrist.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
It changed my life not having to find my reading glasses, they slowed me down, throwing them away made a huge difference.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
It changed my life not having to find my reading glasses, they slowed me down, throwing them away made a huge difference.

Does that hurt afterwards or not, just curious as I am needing some eye laser work done next march thats all.?