• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Yep; this week Wally Winner is ; Aussie cop photo-bombs teen's selfie with obscene gesture


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy, When you on the Job, always act Professionally;- Now where my Rum Glass;- Hic and burp

An Australian policeman has become an inadvertent internet sensation, after a picture of him giving the finger in the background of a photo went viral on social media. The picture, dubbed 'photo-bombing cop', shows an unidentified officer sitting on a police car flipping his middle finger at two young revellers taking a 'selfie'. The image, titled 'Only in Australia!' has been viewed more than 670,000 times in two days on Reddit. It appears the person who originally posted the photo is from Melbourne, but many users have suggested the photo was taken in Townsville.
Most Reddit users agree the cop was in the right, saying he has probably had to deal with his fair share of drunken teenage party-goers. This photo is thought to be taken in Townsville. The officer is yet to be identified.



I think social media is bloody big load of WANK.

Cockheads with cameras... The copper is just doing his job.


Well they're a couple of dickheads I'd be doing the same thing. I'd give him a promotion.


Legend Member
Hahaha that's hilarious-and yeah...only in Australia!! The cop obviously has a sense of humour-good one xxx


Reception and Bartender in the ACT
Gold Member
Good on him, he looks relatively young anyway and i'm sure he would have probably asked them to put the phone away a few times and finally cracking it flipped the bird. Good on him, seriously cops should be allowed time to breathe they can't be super calm all day.

And just for added lols
