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Writing A Review, Fake Reviews, The Good,The Bad And The Ugly.

Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
Last month while working at another parlour, a lady was on a website (I wont mention the name as I disagree with everything they are about) and said (in what I considered a snide voice) "oh look Ginger someone wrote a LOVELY review about you!" and passes me her phone. I read what has to be, the biggest load of crap I have ever seen. The review was completely false, written clearly by either another working lady or an ex friend. The flaws in the persons review were the extras ( it said "he" paid $50 in extras for deep french kissing, this is not a service I provide) I had also only been at this parlour for a few days, and he said he paid for a 45 min session in which I was yet to have. Without getting too off topic, he made note of my body which was very far from the truth.

I was furious and shocked! The comments below were just as bad as the original review. This made me feel like crap. I had been at this place for less then a week and had a bad review (false or not, it was out there). That morning I returned home and instead of having a nice relaxing shower, chucking on my pjs and crawling into bed. I went straight to my computer, made an account (under a "punter" profile) and went to the thread. Calmly I wrote all the reasons as to how this could not be a true review. I was then told off about replying and as an escort, I need to go through several channels to be able to have the "right" to reply. After one week of back and forth messaging, I was able to get the fake review down.

NOW!!! Here is the point in all of this!

When WRITING a review. Think very hard about it. Am I being too harsh? Am I putting my bad mood into it? Is this the TRUTH or only a partial truth. Am I being unkind and immature? Was I polite to the lady? Oh, and of course, am I just upset because I couldn't achieve orgasm.

When READING a review. Do not judge a lady by one negative review, as human beings it would be UNNATURAL for us to be happy and perky EVERY day. Instead, look into the lady and see if she has other reviews. If she does, are they all terrible? or is this a one off?

Fake reviews DO happen so please I almost beg you, do not take one persons words as truth.

I have been in this industry for a while, and find that the biggest issues clients have with my services, are they are "too safe" (dental dams being a big issue) but I, like so many other girls, will not be bullied into feeling uncomfortable or providing services we do not like.

I at the end of each session with a client will ask "So, are we satisfied with the service we received today" and although it sounds very formal, it is a question I need to ask. Fortunately I have never had an bad complaints with my service. I imagine If I did I would endeavour to fix any issues the client had.

So there is my thread for today ;)

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
So well said thank you

I am not a fan of reviews for a variety of reasons and have been on the end of other WL posting false reviews while reviewing themselves as fantastic a couple times Threats of false rumors being spreed so they can gain a bigger slice of the market end of last year was another class act by fellow industry workers.

Just because it's written on the internet don't take for granted the info you are reading is real. I met with a lovey man yesterday and as he was leaving he mentioned he was part of the main website that provides reviews for this industry. He pointed out he could find no info on me and asked if he could post. I thanked him for asking as said as long as you are nice about it. Last night I could not sleep had a terrible stress headache with worry. While this man was happy him mentioning me could leave me open to a can of worms of what I call the meat market with everything about you, your workplace, contacting you etc is put under the micro-scoop.

I left this industry for 3 years because of the impact of 2 men that did not like me it was very brutal, impacted on my health and mental well-being. This all started by someone saying I'm a non looker and the area I work from was not the best. No I don't have model looks I'm the girl next door. What is pleasing to one man may not be to another.

I recently saw another WL speak up on a review site and my heart sunk as I knew what was going to follow. The thread lasted a day was brutal as and closed by the admin but still visible. God forbid a lady speaking up on the man's gossip site. As a women I am very grateful we have TS as that type of gender bullying I have not seen here hence me being comfortable in talking here
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Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
So well said thank you

I am not a fan of reviews for a variety of reasons and have been on the end of other WL posting false reviews while reviewing themselves as fantastic a couple times Threats of false rumors being spreed so they can gain a bigger slice of the market end of last year was another class act by fellow industry workers.

Just because it's written on the internet don't take for granted the info you are reading is real. I met with a lovey man yesterday and as he was leaving he mentioned he was part of the main website that provides reviews for this industry. He pointed out he could find no info on me and asked if he could post. I thanked him for asking as said as long as you are nice about it. Last night I could not sleep had a terrible stress headache with worry. While this man was happy him mentioning me could leave me open to a can of worms of what I call the meat market with everything about you, your workplace, contacting you etc is put under the micro-scoop.

I left this industry for 3 years because of the impact of 2 men that did not like me it was very brutal, impacted on my health and mental well-being. This all started by someone saying I'm a non looker and the area I work from was not the best. No I don't have model looks I'm the girl next door. What is pleasing to one man may not be to another.

I recently saw another WL speak up on a review site and my heart sunk as I knew what was going to follow. The thread lasted a day was brutal as and closed by the admin but still visible. God forbid a lady speaking up on the man's gossip site. As a women I am very grateful we have TS as that type of gender bullying I have not seen here hence me being comfortable in talking here

I have been fortunate enough to receive over 15 reviews on the langtrees website (It says I have 20, but I think there are two or three have been double posted) and all have been excellent.

I just think that men should follow the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" rule when writing a review or comment on a lady. One thread on this site had my friends mentioned as cake faces and then my face was "not his cup of tea". Its moments like this when you want to track the guy down and yell into his face going "FUCK YOU! I AM A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN!" If my clients comments are anything to go by anyway. I am gorgeous, not even saying this in a vain way. I know that I am not at all on the ugly scale.

We are strong, beautiful, wonderful princesses and we will stand up for ourselves!



Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
Good thread. I agree with almost all of the above, especially not treating everything you read online as the gospel truth and assessing isolated reviews critically. After a while, you can usually pick the frauds from a mile off.

What I do disagree with to a certain extent is "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all", if the intent of that is to discourage any criticism at all. If a particular WL/ML attracts a body of negative reviews over time from a range of clients, particularly those who have a reputation for being honest and fair in their assessments, there is usually a sound basis for this and is valuable to other prospective punters. Why would I waste hundreds of dollars on someone who has a consistent pattern of cold, clinical, clock-watching service, when I can instead see an enthusiastic, customer-focused professional like Ginger or Monique?

However, providing negative feedback or writing such reviews should still be done objectively as far as possible and certainly without malice. Abuse and trolling is never justified. This is the biggest issue with sex worker review sites in my humble opinion: there can be some easily bruised egos who exploit the anonymity afforded to them to vent their frustrations in a dishonest and unfair manner, as well as other unscrupulous ladies trying to sabotage their competition, which undermines the overall value of such sites. But as I mentioned, after a while you can spot them pretty easily and disregard their rants.

Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
Good thread. I agree with almost all of the above, especially not treating everything you read online as the gospel truth and assessing isolated reviews critically. After a while, you can usually pick the frauds from a mile off.

What I do disagree with to a certain extent is "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all", if the intent of that is to discourage any criticism at all. If a particular WL/ML attracts a body of negative reviews over time from a range of clients, particularly those who have a reputation for being honest and fair in their assessments, there is usually a sound basis for this and is valuable to other prospective punters. Why would I waste hundreds of dollars on someone who has a consistent pattern of cold, clinical, clock-watching service, when I can instead see an enthusiastic, customer-focused professional like Ginger or Monique?

However, providing negative feedback or writing such reviews should still be done objectively as far as possible and certainly without malice. Abuse and trolling is never justified. This is the biggest issue with sex worker review sites in my humble opinion: there can be some easily bruised egos who exploit the anonymity afforded to them to vent their frustrations in a dishonest and unfair manner, as well as other unscrupulous ladies trying to sabotage their competition, which undermines the overall value of such sites. But as I mentioned, after a while you can spot them pretty easily and disregard their rants.

I dont EVER consider a working girl "a waste of money" having a client who wasnt able to acheive orgasm after ive tried extremely hard use that line on me makes me want to crawl under a rock and bawl my eyes out for the rest of the week (it will legit ruin my week).

I understand if a girl has given a terrible service, but i dont think reviews need to so detailed, most body shame rather then speak of the actual service. The gentleman love it! On my fake review my breasts were mentioned and the men jumped on the line like a pack of wolves to a bit of meat. It was disgusting. Along with those men there were a few others who had mentioned the fact they had intro'd me and said that they were considering seeing me, but since this review they wouldnt.

You guys legit can destroy our income with one shitty review. Or one nasty line. I'm sure some guys wont want to come in and meet me with just one guys comment on this site. Girls can destroy everything we have worked for by writing a fake review. Just because of jealousy. I also know parlors write fake reviews about other parlors.

Its a sad world we live in when people forget they are speaking about a human being and not a peice of meat.

Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
This review site is pretty much a cyber bullying page. With admin thinking its fine to body shame and in a way not respect a womans "no".

One review on another girl mentioned he tried sticking his finger inside her (without asking) and the lady got upset. (Yelled outloud which was "innapropriate") completly justified reaction. I myself have to bite back the urge to scream at the sudden unnecessary intrusion (work me up first if you know what i mean) even then I still prefer them on the outside. Guys fingernails are sharp. Lol

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Thank You for this post Ginger, I have been tempted, but to date have sworn off false reviews, I do have a couple of members that call me and tell me what to write, and I do this through my own name except for one member who comes to the office and I type for him.


Legend Member
IMHO, there is no need for name calling and the use of rude words when one writes a review. If it's a negative experience one had, then list out the facts and leave emotion out of it. A constructive criticism is better than a negative one. Treat each other like human beings as mentioned above.

Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
Thank You for this post Ginger, I have been tempted, but to date have sworn off false reviews, I do have a couple of members that call me and tell me what to write, and I do this through my own name except for one member who comes to the office and I type for him.

But you couldnt be in the know of what every worker is doing, just as other parlors wouldnt know.

A girl at the last parlor i worked for had made a fake account under the same shaming site to give herself a good review. lol


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
I dont EVER consider a working girl "a waste of money" ...
I must respectfully disagree. Like any other business, there are charlatans who don't treat their clients as well as they should. I'm not talking about being unable to achieve orgasm and blaming the WL -- some of my failures to pop have nonetheless been very satisfying bookings -- but rather a minority of ladies who disrespect punters by providing crap service, have a shitty attitude and/or bundling them out the door well before the paid for time has elapsed.

These are the ones who usually and quickly build a reputation of someone to avoid, not based on a single review but corroborated by multiple reliable sources. Once they realise this, they change their identities and carry on as usual or go do something else. Not all WLs are as good as you! ;)

Again though, I agree that sex worker review sites are open to misuse and abuse -- just like review sites for hotels, restaurants and just about every service you can think of.

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
I fully agree with XLNC and when you see the same pattern with negative reviews then it is because the lady is not up to standard. For me the negative I get is I'm not a super model to look at I'm a plain everyday women and the area I work in. I cater to the blue collar worker so working from a pricey upmarket area would not be viable in rental cost plus the extra hours needed to work to cover the cost. I live and work in both 2 low social economic areas.
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Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
I must respectfully disagree. Like any other business, there are charlatans who don't treat their clients as well as they should. I'm not talking about being unable to achieve orgasm and blaming the WL -- some of my failures to pop have nonetheless been very satisfying bookings -- but rather a minority of ladies who disrespect punters by providing crap service, have a shitty attitude and/or bundling them out the door well before the paid for time has elapsed.

These are the ones who usually and quickly build a reputation of someone to avoid, not based on a single review but corroborated by multiple reliable sources. Once they realise this, they change their identities and carry on as usual or go do something else. Not all WLs are as good as you! ;)

Again though, I agree that sex worker review sites are open to misuse and abuse -- just like review sites for hotels, restaurants and just about every service you can think of.

Such a gentleman :)

I'm just trying to wrap my head around your way of thinking. I hope you understand I'm just debating and not trying to be argumentitive.

How does one not treat a client well? How does one give a crap service? Its pretty straight forward. I imagine (in my mind) a client paying $200 for a service and expecting a $400 level service. Or a client being a dick and thats where the shitty service comes from.

I guess i think other working ladies think as i do. I will give a better service to a polite fun client then a client who is intoxicated and disrespectful. I can imagine other ladies do the same.

I dont think that human beings should be reviewed as hotels and restaurants are.

Or that paying for someones time could be a waste of money. I guess I know how much it hurts to be told it that i'm on the defensive. Knowing that I work super hard and I try to be patient. I just cant imagine another lady (even though we arent speaking about any in particular) feeling the way ive felt especially if the service they gave was to the best of their ability.
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Legend Member
But His XLNC is not having a go at genuine ladies like yourself and other professional girls Ginger
I think every fair minded person realises a bad service could be due to many reasons And a lot of those due to the punter
I am pretty sure XLNC is talking of the
Fly by nighter and good ol money grubbers Advertise the world And not at low prices
And lie in their ads offer nowt but a starfish experience SFE Get well known for being bad service and a bad attitude So just go put another ad on cracker/backpage and start the cycle again under a new name
Im probably wrong as per usual But thats my spin on it
It is avoidance of these dodgy operaters that brings customers to houses like LT As we like knowing a certain level of service/experience is the norm not the exception


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
By Jove, H2's nailed it! :pompous:

That's right, Ginger, it's definitely not the class acts like you and other ladies on T/s I am referring to at all, but rather those ladies who are in the game to make a quick buck, have no interest in having repeat clients and occasionally seem to dislike all men, or at least those of us who are reduced to paying for their services. All of that is either bleedingly obvious or thinly disguised during the booking.

It's not so much paying $200 and expecting a $400 L/t experience, rather paying $300 and receiving $100 worth of service, the type which makes you wish you'd just rubbed one out watching the hot news reader on the 6pm bulletin and put the cash in government bonds instead, low interest and all. However, there are clearly some punters who are absolute cheapskates and expect a 5-star service at YMCA rates. Most of us are somewhere in between, looking for that elusive fair value option.

It can be a range of things, usually more than one in combination, that causes a WL to acquire a bad rep, e.g. gross distortion of age and appearance in her marketing, an unfriendly/clinical attitude devoid of any pretence or effort at engendering a positive, sexy vibe, or having nothing but contempt or disgust towards their client. Of course, most of this (apart from any blatantly obvious false advertising) is not apparent until after the financial transaction has occurred upfront.

I should stress that thankfully these unhappy instances have not been common in my experience but have not been entirely absent either unfortunately. That's why it's called punting, I suppose, because it is often such a gamble. Despite their imperfections and drawbacks, review sites go some way to reducing the odds for the thrifty punter. (Note: being thrifty does not mean you're a tightwad, just that you're not a spendthrift.)
I dont think that human beings should be reviewed as hotels and restaurants are.
Ah, now this is a whole other philosophical question that could take us into all sorts of places. Suffice to say that this actually does occur on review sites for other services like hotels and restaurants: when customers whinge really vehemently about a place, it often relates to the poor service they received from human beings. I get where you're coming from though, Ginger, and the crass way many punters review WLs, even when they had a fantastic time, does not help.

There was a thread last year which discussed that the sex industry could introduce ISO 9001 quality assurance certification to ensure a consistent level of service: http://www.talkinsex.com/threads/is...uld-this-work-in-australia.39269/#post-393955. This could be another way for punters to have confidence in the quality of service they can expect to receive. It may not be very realistic anytime soon while the industry is still frowned upon by the moral majority, but still is an interesting concept.
Such a gentleman :)
I try, I try. :smug: Again, good thread. :)


Diamond Member
As a punter who rarely had the funds these days to punt I rely on reviews when it comes to seeing a new lady. I'm aware that there are fake reviews out there though so I try and read multiple, from multiple sites.

It's a sad reality that there is a growing number of W/L's doing false advertising. If she says in her ad that she is a 30 year old redhead and the door is opened by a 60 yo brunette then both our times have been wasted if I had been set on the redhead.

I have also been with ladies that advertise things that they then don't deliver on, such as offering a GFE but then give a mechanical, clock watching service.

It's horrible that there are fake reviews but I don't think we will ever escape them. That's why I like this site because the W/L has a chance to defend herself.

Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
Even if a working lady (i cringe a little while thinking this) was to in fact just star fish. Technically she has still provided a service though lol

I mean when a client comes to a parlor and meets the ladies he is told a standard service is "massage, oral on you and straight sex" (I like to add "all protected" but its ussually a given) so i imagine thats all this is technically required to be given. I cant imagine "star fishing" but i imagine my first few weeks in the industry i probably did due to fear of all these big, scary, unknown men lol. There is (again i cringe) technically no need for a working girl to be an active participant during the deed. Oral being the exception. So even if (shudders) a working lady was to starfish she would in fact still be providing the service the gentlemen paid for.

I know first hand that some personalities clash, and unfortunately you notice too late into a booking. For example a client of mine last night was doing weird (i'm guessing they were suppose to come accross as sexy) faces and licking his lips like a dog then moving his tongue all weird like at me while I was on top. I poked my tongue back at him and he gave me a cranky face then continued doing this weird thing with his mouth. Curiousity won out "what are you doing?!" Turns out this is how he asks for a kiss. "I cant, i'm sorry" "oh come one, just quickly" "no, sorry" (this continues a few back and forth and i get crankier and crankier with him not listening) i ended up telling him to be quiete and just enjoy the service he is recieving (it would of came out ALOT harsher, as by this stage i'm super pissed) the entire atmosphere of the room changed. Its those moments that it would be me (the working girl) who would be put at fault for giving a poor service. But it isnt my fault I was stuck in the room with a client who wasnt respecting my no's. Yet if he were to review it could be worded to make me out to be the bad guy.

I imagine the chances of gentlemen such as you (xlnc) wouldnt come accross a bad working girl as often as others because you sound fair as well as polite.


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
Even if a working lady (i cringe a little while thinking this) was to in fact just star fish. Technically she has still provided a service though lol

...There is (again i cringe) technically no need for a working girl to be an active participant during the deed. Oral being the exception. So even if (shudders) a working lady was to starfish she would in fact still be providing the service the gentlemen paid for...
That's true, but surely as a paying customer you'd prefer to avoid those WLs who provide the very bare basics, and instead spend your scarce funds on ladies who are much more cheerful and enthusiastic? I guess that's the point, it's all relative: we all want to get the best service we can afford for a given price. :greedy:
I know first hand that some personalities clash, and unfortunately you notice too late into a booking. ... Its those moments that it would be me (the working girl) who would be put at fault for giving a poor service. But it isnt my fault I was stuck in the room with a client who wasnt respecting my no's. Yet if he were to review it could be worded to make me out to be the bad guy.
That's where an isolated negative review should not be relied upon to form an opinion -- but as you mentioned before, there will be some potential punters who will be turned off anyway. Not a perfect system.
I imagine the chances of gentlemen such as you (xlnc) wouldnt come accross a bad working girl as often as others because you sound fair as well as polite.
And thanks to (credible) reviews! ;) But thank you all the same. :happy:

Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
Girls should be able to review clients. I guess in a way we do. If a client comes in that anothet lady has seen before we will normally tell other ladies our experience (not in detail but ussually one or two words) "nice" "really mean" "time waster" (will chat to ladies for 20 mins each and then leaves) "into ___" etc but i'm actually thinking we should review them like they do us ;)

Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
"Face not to my liking" "penis didnt smell like roses" "he couldnt get the job done" "promised to be good with his tongue and wasnt" "couldnt find the hole" " smelt like eggs" "paid for kissing and didnt kiss me"



Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
I assume there would be an exchange of information between WLs at a parlour so am always on my best behaviour. This was confirmed once when a regular who was leaving let slip that she had put in a good word for me with her colleagues some time ago, so I should continue coming after she had gone and would be well taken care of. She was right. :)

I would be in favour of reviews of clients, if you could devise a system that could work while protecting their privacy.

Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
I assume there would be an exchange of information between WLs at a parlour so am always on my best behaviour. This was confirmed once when a regular who was leaving let slip that she had put in a good word for me with her colleagues some time ago, so I should continue coming after she had gone and would be well taken care of. She was right. :)

I would be in favour of reviews of clients, if you could devise a system that could work while protecting their privacy.

I just noticed your tagline :giggle

I don't think there would be a way of doing such a thing without pictures and face recognition software.

Although pubs can do it, why can't we?


Diamond Member
I think reviewing clients is a great idea, it helps the ladies and would hopefully start to weed out the nasty clients.

As to the 'providing a service' remark. Yes, a lady who starfishes has done what she has been paid for, and I would certainly never dispute paying. If that lady had a reputation for doing it though then I wouldn't spend my money on her when there are others who give better value for money. In the end this is a business transaction. A car with no extras that cost me $15k will do the job, but if there is another for the same price, but it comes with Bluetooth then I'll take the later. I don't mean to equate ladies to cars but the core concept of supply still stands.


...the floor is lava
Legend Member
While I think there is a place for reviews in a sense I see a lot of it creating an "us against them" mentality which can be negative and discouraging to the working lady but also patronising of the genuine client.

I did recently catch a flurry of activity through Twitter which was trying to encourage boycotting of a particular review site that had gone to great lengths to flame and bully a working lady and her reputation.

What seems to me is that reviews are bais and incredibly one sided in quite often devauling establishments and the ladies that work within them or the individual private worker.

But research across any industry shows that people are always and most likely to only speak up when they want to complain. Praise is not a highly valued concept.

The reviews on the LTs workers profiles are genuine having seen the smiles on the smitten clients faces as they have typed them or hand written them. LTs has always tried to encourage an honest and genuine feedback policy from clients and in doing that inspires a good ethic between the client and the worker.