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Would you judge....?


Diamond Member
If a woman you were dating told you she's had more than 50 + different sexual partners, would that change your perception towards her as a long term partner? Would you want to know?

Unfortunately, it's a case of double standards, where men are viewed differently in regards to this matter.


Legend Member
I wouldn't. It's no judging competition. I reckon we are all equal. It's the past, and should be left there. No point to know about them. Not unless you are digging for erotic stories. But I won't want to know and I am sure the other party wouldn't want to know all the intricate details either.


I'd probably judge them, depending on age etc. But I am a judgmental person.

That said, I'll never ask that question, I don't need to know, nor will I answer it.

One past fuck buddy admitted (before our relationship) she had 27 sexual partners before the age of 19. Of course I judged that she was easy and I was right :D Crazy in the head though


Full Member
Foundation Member
...nope, I wouldn't judge and I wouldn't want to know either. The only thing about a potential partners sex life that I would want to know about was if she knowingly was carrying any STIs etc.... :)

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Judge? Well that's a strong one dimensional word.

If she was really someone that my heart was beating for, then I would feel a pinch knowing that. But I would stay all the same if she meant that much.

If she was a friend with benefits thats there for the purpose of both of us having an amazing time and boundaries were clearly set, then no I would not mind.

Been through both situations. And thats how I reacted by default.


Bronze Member
Depends on her age. I think a low 20s girl with 50+ unique sexual partners is quite a lot. I wouldn't judge, but I'd be worried about STDs etc.


WRRRX....I knew you would say that.............

If you think you are going to fnd the answer hard to handle then DONT ASK....no one has the right to judge anyone else, she is not hurting anyone, she is not even doing anything detrimental to herself (hopefully)..people place way to much serious box filling sterotype bullshit on sex...how does the saying go if sex was not meant to be so enjoyable he would not have given us (most animals do not)given us orgasms.

Its just sex....gosh imagine if some one asked me that question....ummmmm last week was about 14!!!!


Legend Member
woah wish I could pull 14 in a week

I would be jealous more than judging. If she is young might think of her as a w/l or slut. Id want that many expereinces for myself


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
What difference does it make anyway, Say you been having sex since 1st year of high school, so your 12 to 13 how many girls have you been with by the time your 20, plenty.
So if your going to judge or speculate on how many times a girls had sex then you shouldn't be going out with her.
What people do before you go out with them is there business, if you can't handle the truth if you ask then next time you will know better.
I gather your question is a hypothetical one anyway, but how many times we have sex in our lives doesn't determine what sort of person you are, some girls and guys have plenty of sex, some don't.
If i was to live my life over sexually i wouldn't change a thing, (except for the last year) otherwise i would have no idea how many times i had sex by the time i was 20.. so now being in my 50's who knows and who cares, as long as you got thru life with no stds you are doing ok, thankfully i can say that.
So to really answer your question if you really clicked with a W/L and had great chemistry you wouldn't go out with her because of her job, that doesn't tell you what sort of person she really is..


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Who cares????? Is it really that important? I am with uncle Fudd.......as long as she is looking after her health.
And you are quite right asianguy77, it is a case of double standards. Society nearly expects guys to have a huge pool of sexual experiences........guys with hardly any sexual partners are most likely persived as.........hmmmmmm........."strange"?



Bronze Member
If it bothers you that much don't go there. If you really care about her it does not matter.


Legend Member
I guess some people might value sex in a higher regard and if there is some else who has had alot of partners, they may think that person doesn't hold sex in the same regard as they do. They may think that person just throws away sex like the wind.

Farm Boy

If a woman you were dating told you she's had more than 50 + different sexual partners, would that change your perception towards her as a long term partner? Would you want to know?

Unfortunately, it's a case of double standards, where men are viewed differently in regards to this matter.
Mate if your woman is that experienced get ready to " BE JUDGED" not be the Judge .


Mate if your woman is that experienced get ready to " BE JUDGED" not be the Judge .

You are right on the money Farm Boy!!

I reckon that anyone in that position should see Saige immediately and wrack up some decent experience double time - a couple of weeks under her expert guidance will get them though the judgment period with flying colours - Lol!!


I dont think you can judge anyone on the number of people they have slept with, unless they are 17 years old and have 50 under their belt (no pun intended) One way to look at it in the long term partner sense, they wont spend time wondering what it would be like to sleep with 'someone else'


Gold Member
Why would I judge?.
What would I judge?
How would I score?
10 out of 10 for initiative

The judjing criteria have not been given.
If you are going to raise these topics to meet your quota then at least make them realitic.



Gold Member
Who cares????? Is it really that important? I am with uncle Fudd.......as long as she is looking after her health.
And you are quite right asianguy77, it is a case of double standards. Society nearly expects guys to have a huge pool of sexual experiences........guys with hardly any sexual partners are most likely persived as.........hmmmmmm........."strange"?

Your on the money Richelle. I've got amate thats too much a nice guy. How he acts round girls tells them hes inexperienced. Yeah strange. They talk to him, theyre best mates with him but none of them will fuck him. They fuck our other mates, the pissed ones, the loud ones the rude ones the cheating ones. Why? Cos those blokes have been round the block and girls wanna fuck someone that knows what he's doing. If you think i'm full of shit go to a niteclub one night and see who gets the girls. The players.


Diamond Member
Why would I judge?.
What would I judge?
How would I score?
10 out of 10 for initiative

The judjing criteria have not been given.
If you are going to raise these topics to meet your quota then at least make them realitic.


I hope u r not serious, and maybe u dont understand the context of judge is not
about scores ugh. Anyway maybe instead of judging others threads you should start a thread so i can then judge it out of ten?

Ive noticed this is an emerging pattern of yours, judging whether a thread is worthy or not. R u trying to get yr post count up?


I don't think so..If you love the woman you'd accept her past...

agree! I am worried too if I get any transmitted diseases..just make sure that 50+ different sex partners she had are safe from it.
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Alecia the Foxx

Gee. Wouldn't just having an STI test do? I know of very few people who in their private lives practised safe sex ALL the time.