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Whos better at multi-tasking?


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy, Women are better at mutitasking
and they are the best when it comes to Gossip
Cheers and Pass the Rum


Legend Member
Women hands down...a man just can't receive dp...that's a talent for sure.


Legend Member
Women hands down...a man just can't receive dp...that's a talent for sure.
Your just not trying Homie You have a mouth dont you ?
Of course you can receive dp :(

The question is Do you really want to?


Legend Member
Your just not trying Homie You have a mouth dont you ?
Of course you can receive dp :(

The question is Do you really want to?

Truth is, my friend, I am not that into DP on me nor on the opposite sex. Interest free thereof.

Al Swearengen

The multitasking is evolutionary based.
Men would go out hunting game which is about as task & goal oriented as it could be, requiring total focus. Women stay back at the cave looking after kids, minding the fire, looking for edible stuff around the cave etc.
Of course every now & then you have a few that dont fit that particular design model. I multitask extremly well most of the time & have trouble focussing on one thing at a time.
Also evolutionary based is how men & women see. Men see in a straight line, like a laser because thats the best way to hunt. We see details better.
Women notice more peripheral things. Their sight is geared to see in a curve. They see lots of things but not single things. A haridresser ex-girlfriend gave me this example. I asked her who was it harder to cut hair for: men or women? Without hesitation she said "Men were harder because they see details, like a line of hair on one side being 2mm too long. Women were easy because they just saw an overall effect"
Every now & then I put this to the test as a "training tool" at work. Its almost dead accurate.


Legend Member
Ahoy, Women are better at mutitasking
and they are the best when it comes to Gossip
Cheers and Pass the Rum
HP Maybe you dont have kids Because from memory Kids are the best at Multi Asking
I still remember the very first family drive to Perth Are we there yet ?.. Are we there yet?
Are we there.........


I'm more of a "It can wait til tomorrow" type of guy. I can quite often extend a 30 minute job into a 3 dayer with the tea break$ and other forms of procrastinating.

Like I have a 30 minute job I'm thinking of doing right now. But if I do it now what's there to do tomorrow.


Madam @ Langtrees
Legend Member
girls r better at multi-tasking for sure.....


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy Bro H2, You know things really do not change that much
I get the Arrrrrr Weeeee There Yet Captain, all day long from my Crew!!!!!!!!
Cheers and Pass the Rum

HP Maybe you dont have kids Because from memory Kids are the best at Multi Asking
I still remember the very first family drive to Perth Are we there yet ?.. Are we there yet?
Are we there.........

Tania Admin

Women are definitely better at multi tasking and it goes without saying, I can be washing clothes, drying the clothes, washing dishes, cooking dinner all while reading a book, thanks to the washer, the dryer, the dishwasher and the slow cooker lol

But on a serious note women are better multi taskers in and out of the bedroom. :)


Legend Member
Women are definitely better at multi tasking and it goes without saying, I can be washing clothes, drying the clothes, washing dishes, cooking dinner all while reading a book, thanks to the washer, the dryer, the dishwasher and the slow cooker lol

But on a serious note women are better multi taskers in and out of the bedroom. :)
Sounds like the difference between a jack (Jill) of all trades and a tradesman to me Tania


Foundation Member
Women are but often totally disorganised the way they go about it no plan just a bit of everything.
I found I could get stuff done as quickly but doing a better job of things than the ex doing a half arsed job by planning the tasks and the order they were done in and how they were done


Legend Member
Men can hold their own pole. Women can hold multiple poles. Makes for a great polling booth. Definitely women are better in this area. It's proven that men have one track mind, while women can do multitude of tasks before they reach their destination the loo.


Legend Member
Men can hold their own pole. Women can hold multiple poles. Makes for a great polling booth. Definitely women are better in this area. It's proven that men have one track mind, while women can do multitude of tasks before they reach their destination the loo.
There you go Happy Pirate More poles for you to study Sorry, You handle Polls dont you ?
Sorry bout that


I've heard it's not the size of the pole but how you use it.

I'm a 3 WWW's type of guy. Whip it in, whip it out then wipe it.


Legend Member
oh you wipe too? I am a whip in, whip out, drip and leave kinda guy. yes drip. These days the reservoir is kinda drying up.