• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Who or What would you be in this life for a day

Ruby Mack

Silver Member
Ok ... Got a question... :)

If you could be someone or something else for a day who would you be and when you come back in the next life who or what would you be!!!!

I'll start... In this life I'd like to be Beyonce...to have her lifestyle and that voice for a day that would be amazing and getting to spend it with Jay Z wouldn't be too hard either ;)

In the next...I'm definitely coming back as a cat :)
What an awesome life that would be - tickles, strokes and cuddles when you want them... get to be aloof when your not interested and then sit on your owners head at night and purr loudly down their ear hahahahahaa
fed twice a day without fail treated often with catnip to get you delirious and the rest of the time your out on the tiles living it large with your friends!!!!

OH hang on a minuet ...maybe I am already a cat .....PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR xxx

Who's next :)


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- OK I wish to be King for a day, Ohhhhh boy what fun i would have been King

In my next life;- Hmmmmm a female bike seat, would be cool
Cheers and pass the Rum


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
There may be an opening for you, hp. We know what our future king would really like to be:


Gold Member
Ahoy;- OK I wish to be King for a day, Ohhhhh boy what fun i would have been King Cheers and pass the Rum

I would be a pirate a very Happy Pirate with an all female crew

Together we would plunder and pillage the Kings almighty Kingdom and hold to ransom his collection of fine rums.

Beer for the men and water for the horses for tonight we ride me hearties




Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
I would be a Tiger :
A beautiful, strong, cunning creature. :)

Agree, a majestic animal and my favourite feline... Well, second favourite. (My favourite, I would be the one doing the devouring.)