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Who are we to judge??


Legend Member
A close friend of mine posted this on his facebook and I think he makes a very valid point...

Who are we to judge??

A couple weeks back there was a dude out the front of IGA. I gave him twenny bucks, then when I was in the shop I thought 'fuck it, i'm buying this dude some shopping too' and got him some food that I hoped was packaged in a way that was best to manage at no fixed address, toothbrush and toiletries etc'. When I came out he was gone... I must admit my first thought was 'Oh shit, there goes twenty bucks to the bottle shop', but I waited around. He came back, and he had just used the money to buy a lasagne for another homeless guy who was busking down the street. Straight away. That was pretty amazing. His name is Cooper, we had a yarn and he is a really nice bloke who is finding it hard to get work because of the usual reasons people don't want to hire homeless people... and also because of an old police record. If you see him, say hi. He helps out others on the street and tries to make sure the older guys don't fleece the new kids. Koopa Troopa! And yeah don't judge people. Sitting and talking with him for a bit seemed to take away the fear factor for others too, when they see that someone else had helped and even sat down and got along, y'know? A mother came up with her daughter and gave him five bucks. It just got real nice all of a sudden. I think i'll repost this on my page too. Now that I think about it, so what if he had gone and bought a bottle? He was sober, and helping others, and I was the one who was tipsy.. who am I to assume anything?


5 Star General
Foundation Member
I believe every one needs to read this , so I made bit a sticky

thank you BB for not judging others or stereo - typing

Langtrees VIP Perth 3

Diamond Member
wow billybones my sincerest compliment on your beautiful response to a human in need.
I have been in Australia now for 8 months and have found it very hard with peoples reaction to each other here. I come from a beautiful community that always acknowledges a smile and a few kind words.
When I first arrived I always wore a smile and talked to strangers but was always met with that WTF look. This is a reminder to me to wear a smile again xx

Tania Admin

That is absolutely gorgeous and heart warming. There should be more people like you :)


Legend Member
As much as I`ld like to claim the fame and say I was me that helped this person in need it wasn`t, it was in fact a close friend of mine and I feel his story should be shared.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Nice to know that there are still people around who care........and very true....not every homeless person runs to the next liquor store as soon as they have enough money. (even if they would........as BB said "who are we to judge")

Wellington used to have two famous homeless guys. One was called "bucket man". Harmless guy who walked around in the CBD with a bucket in his hand. He slept in the nearby bush. When he passed away the papers did run a collum about him and apparently and to everybodies surprise he choose to life in the streets. He would have been able to live comfortably.

The second character is callled "planket man". I hope he is still around. I had the one or other chat with him over take away coffee. Another person who choose this street life style.
........again.......who are we to judge?



Legend Member
Definitely give people the benefits of the doubts. We just can't judge what we don't fully understand.


Nice to know that the world still has cool people in it billybones


Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Thank you for letting me another demonstration of human compassion. I believe that everytime a kind act takes place no matter how big or small. Wave of its energy in the form of paying it forward or an inspirational story will compound and amplify.

Like the Sages and Saints from every culture that has demonstrated that kindness is the foundation of wisdom.


Perth Escorts
Gold Member
This is a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing:) Always good to hear stories of compassion and empathy - better yet to create our own. As a beautiful young man once said, "'Be the change you want to see in the world.' Gandhi said that, not that it matters. A heroin-riddled psychopath could have said the same thing, and it would still be f*cking RIGHT." You've brightened my day, Billybones; and inspired me to put these thoughts into practice. Thanks, Kathyxo


Legend Member
A close friend of mine posted this on his facebook and I think he makes a very valid point...

Who are we to judge??

A couple weeks back there was a dude out the front of IGA. I gave him twenny bucks, then when I was in the shop I thought 'fuck it, i'm buying this dude some shopping too' and got him some food that I hoped was packaged in a way that was best to manage at no fixed address, toothbrush and toiletries etc'. When I came out he was gone... I must admit my first thought was 'Oh shit, there goes twenty bucks to the bottle shop', but I waited around. He came back, and he had just used the money to buy a lasagne for another homeless guy who was busking down the street. Straight away. That was pretty amazing. His name is Cooper, we had a yarn and he is a really nice bloke who is finding it hard to get work because of the usual reasons people don't want to hire homeless people... and also because of an old police record. If you see him, say hi. He helps out others on the street and tries to make sure the older guys don't fleece the new kids. Koopa Troopa! And yeah don't judge people. Sitting and talking with him for a bit seemed to take away the fear factor for others too, when they see that someone else had helped and even sat down and got along, y'know? A mother came up with her daughter and gave him five bucks. It just got real nice all of a sudden. I think i'll repost this on my page too. Now that I think about it, so what if he had gone and bought a bottle? He was sober, and helping others, and I was the one who was tipsy.. who am I to assume anything?
You will be one person he will always remember good on you


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Where is Billy?????????? Miss his posts.


Perth Escorts
Gold Member
There really does need to be more of these people in world this truly is what living a fulfilled life is about with genuine compassion... it is a rare and beautiful trait! :)

Naughty Thoughts

Reminds me of a song that was on the radio a few years ago. Part of it went I was going to give the homeless dude some money but I thought he'd just waste it on drugs or alcohol. Then I thought "that's what I'm going to use it on"

Miss Chloe

A Sensual & Kinky Affair
Diamond Member
I went into the CBD a couple of weeks back and noticed the increase in homeless around the place. I actually felt awful seeing that most of them were male. Why so many men? What seperated them from women? maybe there is just more help available for women. Either way, i don't like it.

We should all take a moment in our day to do what this wonderful person has done for another human being. We are all fighting battles that no one else understands.