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which is the better the original or the re-make


Legend Member
Iv'e seen a lot of movie revues on her over the last few years so I was wondering

How often is the new U beaut 3D technological marvel Actually better than the original

The secret life of Walter Mitty is now been made with Charlie Sheen And , for the life of me , I can not see Sheen beating the natural charm, wit and abilities of Danny Kaye ( Did I just hear Danny who? )

Wayne Kerr

Charlie Sheen?

Remakes are never as good as the original IMHO.


Gold Member
True Grit was an awesome remake with Jeff Bridges. Very underrated actor.
But yes usual the remakes stink.


...the floor is lava
Legend Member
A lot of movies are recycled through Hollywood...sometimes they are passable and sometimes not so much...But what really gets me is new music artists pissing out doing covers of my favourite songs etc and ruining it...shame on them


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Charlie Sheen he is excellent, no1 in Pirate school, re-doing movies and songs the usual crap is always the out come. They only do it because they have no fresh ideas and they think its going to be a winner with the public and make lots of cash$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Foundation Member
I believe that if there is a good story to be told, retelling it a few years later in a different way is a good thing because it reintroduces a new audience to the author's work.

For instance, I was 20 something when Robert Redford starred in "The Great Gatsby" and yawned and nodded my way through it. Baz Luhrmann's recent version was a bit frenetic but certainly not snoozy and he captured a far more authentic feel for that time in American history.

Updates of Star Wars to remaster it using digital special effects sparked it up and probably brought a new generation of teenagers on board with Luke and Co.

Personally, I don't think old movies were that well made. "Gone With The Wind" is widely touted as a "classic" but ye gods, I have seen better acting in amateur theatre and having a narrator fill in the gaps is just plain lazy. Now that movie would be ripe for a remake but I doubt anyone would have the balls to do it. Maybe Brad and Angie as Rhett and Scarlett with Baz Luhrmann at the helm..................:rolleyes:
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Foundation Member
the remake of Lolita with domonique swain was very good.
it was hard to get a feel for the paedophiles depravity in the original as lolita was in her 20s

domonique made a more convincing 12 yo

it was also vert faithfull to thebook


Foundation Member
Ahoy;- Charlie Sheen he is excellent, no1 in Pirate school, re-doing movies and songs the usual crap is always the out come. They only do it because they have no fresh ideas and they think its going to be a winner with the public and make lots of cash$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
kind of right HP

films cost an absalute fortune these days - just check wiki for what they cost and its really easy to make one that bombs

this is why filmmakers rarely try anything new and stick with sure winners
- comic book adaptations is one example .
as for bad remakes - a nightmare on elm street . sure the original now looks dated but I remember how darn scary it was in the day - which is what counts


Legend Member
Wish you hadn't mentioned Nightmare on elm street Bushseeker
No dreaming tonight , I hope

As you said it may not scare now, but my memory of it ? Yowsers!!


Legend Member
Remakes can be good as long as the actors are the right ones for the movies sometimes I think they can get it wrong or try to change too much in it !


Legend Member
Wish you hadn't mentioned Nightmare on elm street Bushseeker
No dreaming tonight , I hope

As you said it may not scare now, but my memory of it ? Yowsers!!
Think it's vagina on elm street hp2 then you should be ok :rolleyes:


some remakes are good... some are shyte...

I just find it a bit sad that currently they are remaking everything, has hollywood run out of good ideas?...

Take fantastic four for example.. why are we doing remakes of movies that came out less than a decade ago?..

Some movies shouldn't be remade..

Total Recall anyone?.. I started watching the remake, then had to stop and put on the original to burn the new one out of my head...

I'm concerned Robocop will be the same, I will have the original ready to go if the new one is shyte..

Wayne Kerr

The new Robocop looks dreadful. The original is an entertaining romp.

Yes Hollywood has always made turkeys. All I remember of Gone With The Wind is the immortal line.

Hate to be a smarty pants but Ben Stiller might be starring in the remake of Walter Mitty... I heard that Charlie was too coked out.


Legend Member
You may well be right about the star of Walter Mitty See? So many of todays are forgettable or is that interchangeable

In the years to come I wonder if todays crop of stars will be remembered well after their passing I mean maybe the big 5 of say John Wayne Kirk Douglas Burt Lancaster or my faves Robert Mitchum and Gregory Peck, were not any better than todays but they will be remembered for far longer I believe

Wayne Kerr

I only like The Duke from your list.

Clint Eastwood and Charles Bronson are my favourite old school boys.


Legend Member
The Duke. Was he the most hated man in Hollywood ? He was definitely top three material if he wasn't

Wayne Kerr

I like The Duke can't say I'm fussed about his movies though but he had presence.

Most of them from that era were dinner mashers anyway.


Foundation Member
The new Robocop looks dreadful. The original is an entertaining romp.

Yes Hollywood has always made turkeys. All I remember of Gone With The Wind is the immortal line.

Hate to be a smarty pants but Ben Stiller might be starring in the remake of Walter Mitty... I heard that Charlie was too coked out.
the scene where the upgraded robo cop emtys 2 full belts from twin heavy machine guns into that poor schmuck in front of everyone is one of my all time favourite death scenes

"put the gun down" then watching people push him away like a lepor as he pleads for help but non can be given finally not just getting blown away but completley destroyed

Wayne Kerr

We maybe pleasantly surprised with the Robocop remake. The original was no work of art but a guilty pleasure.