• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

When did spammers start this


Legend Member
Just received a email from a friend Or so I thought

Upon opening it was a get rich scheme. When did And where do they get the names of people you know ?

Maybe they should get a job I government or business as they are very innovative


Silver Member
If I were you, I would disconnect my computer from the Internet, do a full scan and change my password (email) afterwards. Just to be sure...


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
Perhaps your friend's device has been infected by a virus which is sending out the spam to all his/her contacts. If so, this is not really a new thing. You should let your friend know and advise him/her to scan for any malware.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- LOL
Ohhhhhh please send all your money to "Pirates" located in Adelaide.
You got to hate .......................Spam
nothing worse than spam............................Ohhhh hang-on, poverty is just as bad as spam


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Ahoy;- LOL
Ohhhhhh please send all your money to "Pirates" located in Adelaide.
You got to hate .......................Spam
nothing worse than spam............................Ohhhh hang-on, poverty is just as bad as spam

Wall of spam



Legend Member
Oh it has its upside The comedy scene would not be the same without out
Spam spam spam spam spam ...
Lovely spam


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy........................If it was not for Spam, I would not have any friends.
Spam for friends.....
Spam for free Treasure
Spam for bills not payed........LOL
Spam for bills been payed........
Spam for notification of any type, paying bills or not, let not forget international mail.

Life is full of Spam......................I am sooooooo happy, I have Spam friends, who send meeeeee shit emails/txt each and every day.........................


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- What emails/notifications/txt you get after Spam?..............................
Answer.........................More Spam.
I am Soooooooo Happy, "I have Spam"
Spam tells Meeeeeeee..........I will be rich soon, all I need to do is send more money to Africa.......


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Ahoy........................If it was not for Spam, I would not have any friends.
Spam for friends.....
Spam for free Treasure
Spam for bills not payed........LOL
Spam for bills been payed........
Spam for notification of any type, paying bills or not, let not forget international mail.

Life is full of Spam......................I am sooooooo happy, I have Spam friends, who send meeeeee shit emails/txt each and every day.........................

Are you banged up in Yalata Prison or something.......... :)


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Are you banged up in Yalata Prison or something.......... :)
I wish I was........................Prism is better than Spam.

The world need to get, together and Ban.........................emails.

Bring back, snail mail
Ban the email


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
I wish I was........................Prism is better than Spam.

The world need to get, together and Ban.........................emails.

Bring back, snail mail
Ban the email

Argh I hear yas........ Email's never get replied to and people send an email then send a sms asking did you get the email, then they post a twitter asking did you get the sms about the email, then send a snap chat asking did you get the twitter about the sms which was about the email, then you post on facebook asking did you get the snapchat that was about the twitter asking about the sms which you sent an email about, then you get so pissed off with no replies you get on the dog and bone and call... or hey if in same office you got legs go visit person and do that old fashioned thing you know called Talking........


Gold Member
Spammers/scammers get a lot of the addresses from quite innocent sources. When I was involved in anti-scam activities and wanted to attract scammers, I just posted something on a couple of sites with my email address showing and I'd get bites quite quickly.
Another source is created by those helpful friends who send out the latest internet 'funny' with all the addresses in the 'To:' field rather than the BCC field. You'd be suprised where some of them get to and they give the scammers/spammers a free source of live email addresses. They share the addresses around much like scammers share the various credit cards numbers they've picked up.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Latest Spam, as from 10 minutes ago.........................LOL

Good day,
Can you handle USD$21.5M for a contract (GNPC) investment fund,(FIXED) deposited and i'll like to know how you can be trusted to execute this project with me?
If yes, Please kindly get back to me with your direct Cell-phone Number,Home Telephone Number and Contact Address if you can really be trusted, to enable us discuss further.
I await your prompt response.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Martin Kofi Adu, Manager,
Engineering and Head of Project and
Planning of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC)

lol..........lol..........Spam is My Friend, LOL


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Latest Spam, as from 10 minutes ago.........................LOL

Good day,
Can you handle USD$21.5M for a contract (GNPC) investment fund,(FIXED) deposited and i'll like to know how you can be trusted to execute this project with me?
If yes, Please kindly get back to me with your direct Cell-phone Number,Home Telephone Number and Contact Address if you can really be trusted, to enable us discuss further.
I await your prompt response.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Martin Kofi Adu, Manager,
Engineering and Head of Project and
Planning of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC)

lol..........lol..........Spam is My Friend, LOL

Mr K Adu.....


Gold Member
Sad thing is that there are still plenty of people that respond to and get dragged into these ridiculous scams. Unless you've got involved in dealing with it you'd never believe it.


Legend Member
Sad thing is that there are still plenty of people that respond to and get dragged into these ridiculous scams. Unless you've got involved in dealing with it you'd never believe it.
Sadly this seems so true Ranjeeh


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Look, I have more new friends, I am sooooooooo lucky, more spammer friends, check out below;-

My wife and I won the Euro Millions Lottery of 53 Million British Pounds and we have voluntarily decided to donate 2,000,000GBP(TWO Million British Pounds) to 5 individuals randomly as part of our own charity project.

After a computer spinball ,your email address was among the emails which were submitted to us by the Google, Inc as a web user; if you have received our email, kindly send us the below details so that the funds to your designated bank account in your own country.
Full Names:

Mobile No:


Send your response to:
Best Regards,

Richard & Angela Maxwell


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Here another, as off 5 min ago...................LOL


Attention Dear!!!
The Dept OF African Union wishes to officially notify you once again of your status via your email address as our previous letter to your home address mailbox was returned undelivered, therefore we use this above email/letter to inform you that a payment for the overdue of your contractual- inheritance payment, which have been RELEASED and APPROVED for onward paying you into account through online banking.

And we are using this payment method to pay you after all attempts to pay you through cash, and some other failed means. We made a private arrangement with a financial expert and a higher agent an International Dispatch Officer to convey this money to your designated Account or ATM card for at personal collections.
The high agent has left since three days ago with the security proof in worth of $10,000,000.00 Million. You're advised to reconfirm your account and address immediately for the payment to you within the stipulated time. So contact the paying bank immediately via the email
and telephone
Name: Markus Zubiri, Email:
markuszubiri@gmail.com Contact No: +1(518)3806266 Thanks for your understanding.
Yours in service,

Mr. Fred


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- When you think about it................every written language in the world x 1,000,000 spam emails each day x by 1,000,000 personal email address.

The world need to unite and........................... "Ban.......emails"
Back to Snail Mail,
email is one of the worst technology ever to be invented.


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
I'm glad you said Oxford and not Cambridge. I stand on the latter to reach the former on the second shelf.