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What was the best of year of your life so far?

Pluck a Duck

Fnck a duck!
Bronze Member
The year I was born! Reason?

  • I was the centre of the universe
  • Everyone said I was cute
  • I had no bills to pay
  • All my meals were cooked for me
  • I was fed
  • I was bathed
  • I was in the hands of so many classy women and air hostesses
  • People bought me loads of clothes and presents
  • and here's the best part... people wiped my bum for me!

Vineta Sexting

Sexting Princess
Legend Member
What was the best of year of your life so far and why?
Thank you so much for the interesting post hun xx..
The best of my life was the year i was born because it was the time when i was a little baby and had nothing to worry about, had no tensions in life.
The unforgettable moments can never come back again. xxxx


Marnie Reception VIP Perth
Gold Member
Mine would have to be 2016, I got a raise at my job so was making good money so I didn't have many worries and my weekends were always wild. I went to Europe for a month with some of my closest friends and it was an awesome Christmas break, the weather was amazing!