• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

What if you couldn`t pay???


Legend Member
Been busy reading my internet news this morning and I happened to come across an article explaining that there was an urgent need for B Negative blood. It could save a life.

Now what if you wanted to donate but lived too far away? Who should pay for the trip if you couldn`t afford to???

Should the government be allowed to step in and help? If it means saving a life?

T.J. McDon

That's why red cross run mobile blood banks.
I gave often in Sydney as a teenager because you could just drop in while in Parramatta doing other things. here you have to make an appointment and plan ahead to give. Hardly ever donated here for that reason.


Giving blood is actually a bit of a PITA you know.

Maybe it's just my local branch but I also agree. appointment times always seem to be on their terms rather than mine.

I'm happy to do it for free but I'm also all for the government maybe giving us a bit of a tax break like they do with private health cover and the Medicare levy! Few hundred dollars if you donate, say every 2 months.


I agree that something needs to change with the way it is done at the moment...
i believe that a way around it is for your local doctor's to be able to take blood donations then deliver them to blood bank, might make it easier for people who are a bit far away from blood donation spots and that way you are not having to travel a fair distance just to donate. i think they would find donations would go up if there was something like this in place.....thats what i think anyway :hello::thumbsup:


Legend Member
I agree with all who have posted I am AB and the Red Cross and sometimes the Gero regional hospital are after me to donate. But as all have said. On their time table.

They did track me down at the local once (Damn Mobiles) Hope the recipient wasn't a baptist or seven day It would have been the most alcohol they have ever had in their system
On that occasion a hospital car came to the Nabawa tavern and took me to the regional and de-blooded me

T.J. McDon

Damn. That's serious commitment.
I've heard people say, "Your blood's worth bottling" but now it's true of everyone's but they must really think yours is :)


Legend Member
T.J.McDon My Bloods no better than yours or anybody else's
Its just that I'm a sucker for a girl in a nurses uniform


If memory serves me correctly, I think you need to declare that you are neither a Sex Worker or a customer of same. Doesn't that pretty much rule every out who is reading this forum?


Legend Member
You are right Halfclover But I dont think they have spies out the front of Langtrees taking our photo's and putting them in the red cross computer to catch us out,( Yet Anyway.But who knows what this Govt will do) So we should be lucky


If memory serves me correctly, I think you need to declare that you are neither a Sex Worker or a customer of same. Doesn't that pretty much rule every out who is reading this forum?

Yeh whole bunch of rules that prevent you from donating. Some for good, some temporarily.

I know living in the uk during the 80's and early 90's, visiting certain countries (Somalia, Chad etc), tattoos etc all affect these things. Guess it just keeps things clean


Legend Member
But I'm sure some one in his/her last days Who needs blood products so he/she can still have some quality time Isn't going to be to fussed if the donor had visited a W/L in the last 12mnths
And going the other way I cant imagine a punter even a very health conscious one
would ask the ladies if they had been with someone within the last twelve months
and if they had not I would hate to think what the hourly rate may be

Madam M

You can't have been with a working lady in the past 12 months, really? how ridiculous.


Legend Member
Actually I think it is 12months with a working lady and also have you had unprotected sex in that time also.
It is the second category that would be the worry in my eyes


Two things...

*Donating blood is saving peoples lives...I understand that we all lead busy lives but if you had a family member who needed that rare blood type and they did not have enough stock because we are all too busy to take this time out of hectic worl/presonal lives....you would see in a differnt light!!!

*It really is discrimination that if you are or have been with a W/L you have to wiat 12months....I was with Magenta yesterday (the sex worker action group) did you know statistically that W/L's have less percantge rate of STD's than nom's...that is because the sex we practice is ussually stringent!!

Great thread...good read!!

T.J. McDon

If memory serves me correctly, I think you need to declare that you are neither a Sex Worker or a customer of same. Doesn't that pretty much rule every out who is reading this forum?

Nope. Doesn't count me out. I'm neither a w/l or someone who uses their services. I just find sex an interesting topic, and am open to ways to maybe spice up things with the wife.


Two things...

*Donating blood is saving peoples lives...I understand that we all lead busy lives but if you had a family member who needed that rare blood type and they did not have enough stock because we are all too busy to take this time out of hectic worl/presonal lives....you would see in a differnt light!!!

*It really is discrimination that if you are or have been with a W/L you have to wiat 12months....I was with Magenta yesterday (the sex worker action group) did you know statistically that W/L's have less percantge rate of STD's than nom's...that is because the sex we practice is ussually stringent!!

Great thread...good read!!

Do some stds stis take 12 months to develop? Well I think its great that you have to wait to to make sure