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WA Brothels of The Past. Part 1: Adina's


Tania Admin

Old Adina's Brothel Northbridge

So today I was talking to a dear friend of mine, Lynne, who still calls me Bratley all these years later, I call her Nanna (I did back then too) ๐Ÿคฃ

The nickname was given to me by Lynne and her very good friends John and Austin and is actually a loving nickname, but you had to be there I guess ๐Ÿ˜‚

I met Lynne in 1993, a year after I 1st met Mary-Anne.

At the time the Lovely Lynne was running the Adina's Brothel which was located at 220 Newcastle Street in Northbridge on the corner of what is now Weld Avenue. (which was a lane way and was where the entry was).

I originally met Lynne when I worked the floor, back in those day's a lady could do between 15 and 20 bookings a day/night if she looked good and worked well.

When I met my ex I became a receptionist for Lynne.

There were 7 working rooms. Ladies used to wash clients genitals with a bowl of warm soapy water as there was only one shower. Majority of clientele were business men and were very clean when they came in. Though the night crowd would usually be a little sweaty, especially on the weekends after pubbing and clubbing, they generally had very good hygiene.

The entire surrounds was owned by Ford at the time and is now owned by Toyota.
Lynne and I had a giggle when we realised the Toyota ownership.
Their slogan "Oh What A Feeling" being very appropriate for advertising Adina's could have used๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜‹

Adina's was originally owned by Bernadette Riding who passed away suddenly. Bernadette left the business to Lynne but ownership of the building was given to Bernadette's daughter Karen. Lynne paid a lease on the building as per Bernadette's instruction.

Lynne and Bernadette met through Dorrie Flatman who owned Aphrodites, Jade House (which were both started by the late Shirley Finn)and Feathers (which was a gay nightclub). Lynne worked for Dorrie as a "sitter" (receptionists were called sitters back then) and Bernadette was working the floor. Then when Bernadette started Adina's Lynne went to work for her as her Madame/Sitter. Lynne and Bernadette had developed a very close friendship.

For years and years Ford tried to buy the premises (I think they did not like have a brothel on the corner of their car yard ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ). Alway's Lynne and Karen said "no".

Then in 2001 Ford made another offer of $920,000. Lynne spoke on Karen's behalf and said $1000000 or we stay put. Lynne said they would have taken the lesser amount as the industry had started to slow but her bluff paid off, they got the million. The brothel was bulldozed within a week of settlement.

Karen gave Lynne a fair chunk of the dough and Lynne sold up her beautiful home in Mount Lawley and moved to Victoria where she became a paid companion for wealthy elderly ladies. Taking them to hair appointments, beauticians etc and being a friend to them. She reckons she wants to move back to WA though as she says Victoria is to cold.

Lynne and I often talk about the ladies who worked there, the funny stories of things that happened, clients that stood out,,our grumpy receptionist Roxy ๐Ÿ˜‚ (She always looked like she'd just sucked a sour lemon but Lynne kept her on because she was a single mum), nights and day's that stood out and even a wedding we all attended (the worst and most badly planned wedding and reception ever, omg!). I'm pretty sure I have pics of the wedding somewhere and I plan to fish them out..

I will share some of the stories , from Adina's, on here on another day :)

Unfortunately I have searched all day and been un-able to find any photos of the Old Brothel building which was Adina's.

If any members have any photographs of the building or any tales of the ladies, Lynne or Bernadette, I would be ever so grateful if you could add them on here please.
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Tania Admin

Ooooh whilst working there, a very famous "skating couple" were visiting Australia.

Myself and 3 other ladies who were also working at Adina's, attended ta party that was held at Jeremiah's Night Club in Perth and the male from this skating duos entourage was the guest of honour. It was hosted by a very well known party host. Now that was an interesting evening, with many in attendance on god knows what drugs (no I did not partake) , transvestite dancers and some very ummm interesting goings on. We were all offered more money to stay after and to go the the hotel with them, I declined as did one other lady,,,the other 2 ladies who went on with them were in no state to work the next night.....


Legend Member
It was back in the early to mid 1980s that I made my one and only visit to Adina's ... it was quite possibly my first entrรฉe into a brothel (with January's in James Street being the other contender).

In my early 20s, I was a very inexperienced and unworldly fellow ... I had a friend who worked for a rental car business and the company's Perth office was undergoing a few staff changes, with a new State Manager being a bloke transferred from the company's North-West region. It was late in the day, after 6:00pm, when my friend asked for a hand to pick up a car from a client's business ... It turned out to be a short drive to Newcastle Street and whilst I was surprised at the car's location it was even more of a surprise when my friend was invited inside to 'sample' a new employee ... I camped out in reception, too shy to take up a friendly offer of assistance for myself.

... and Tania, I do recall water bowls and hand towels being carried in and out of the rooms !

It turned out (if the truth was told) that my friend and his new State Manager had created a contra deal, whereby Adina's could acquire rental cars free of charge in exchange for ... ... ;)

Footnote : Centre Ford set up shop at 216 Newcastle Street back in the early 1980s (circa 1983), after its original site of business (formerly Anderson Ford) closed at 151 Adelaide Terrace ... Centre Ford later evolved with new owners, but fell into voluntary liquidation in November 2013.
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Katrina Kiss

Legend Member
Ooooh whilst working there, a very famous "skating couple" were visiting Australia.

Myself and 3 other ladies who were also working at Adina's, attended ta party that was held at Jeremiah's Night Club in Perth and the male from this skating duos entourage was the guest of honour. It was hosted by a very well known party host. Now that was an interesting evening, with many in attendance on god knows what drugs (no I did not partake) , transvestite dancers and some very ummm interesting goings on. We were all offered more money to stay after and to go the the hotel with them, I declined as did one other lady,,,the other 2 ladies who went on with them were in no state to work the next night.....
Sounds like a very interesting & fun night ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

Tania Admin

It was back in the early to mid 1980s that I made my one and only visit to Adina's ... it was quite possibly my first entrรฉe into a brothel (with January's in James Street being the other contender).

In my early 20s, I was a very inexperienced and unworldly fellow ... I had a friend who worked for a rental car business and the company's Perth office was undergoing a few staff changes, with a new State Manager being a bloke transferred from the company's North-West region. It was late in the day, after 6:00pm, when my friend asked for a hand to pick up a car from a client's business ... It turned out to be a short drive to Newcastle Street and whilst I was surprised at the car's location it was even more of a surprise when my friend was invited inside to 'sample' a new employee ... I camped out in reception, too shy to take up a friendly offer of assistance for myself.

... and Tania, I do recall water bowls and hand towels being carried in and out of the rooms !

It turned out (if the truth was told) that my friend and his new State Manager had created a contra deal, whereby Adina's could acquire rental cars free of charge in exchange for ... ... ;)

Footnote : Centre Ford set up shop at 216 Newcastle Street back in the early 1980s (circa 1983), after its original site of business (formerly Anderson Ford) closed at 151 Adelaide Terrace ... Centre Ford later evolved with new owners, but fell into voluntary liquidation in November 2013.
Awesome! Thank you for sharing that ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘

Sounds like a very interesting & fun night ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€
Was definitely interesting. I was far from innocent but I was a bit shocked with some of the antics. I was a strange combination of invincible rebel and goody goody in those days.

Tania Admin

Always intrigued by this kind of thing ... however on a very early visit to Perth, way before a move was even considered, I found myself wandering up Stirling St & saw an entrance that was reasonably obvious as to the nature of the business, albeit with no signage at all. A particular young lady was leaving the premises at the time & gave me another clue ...
I went around the gate & into the entrance to see my suspicions completely proved correct at No. 234 & in I went for an hour of bliss. A very cute, athletic blond girl came out & a wonderful hour of laughing, chatting & trying to get on top of each other.
She mentioned she loved horses & said riding me would work as her legs were very strong .... so of course I let her do all the work & she was absolutely right - she would have blitzed the Melbourne Cup & lapped Phar Lap !
It was a tremendous time with a really approachable, lovely girl & a damn fine ride ... but whatever happened to 234 Stirling Street? I see it's up for demolition by developers now ...
I will most definitely look into which business was situated there. This is the kind of info I'm chasing. Can you please tell me what year it was?

Tania Admin

So the worst wedding ever!

We had a receptionist at Adina's who was European. Her old working name was Annika.
She met the love of her life and they were getting married.

So a few of us from work attended.
The actual wedding was in the Queens gardens opposite the Police Station.
The bride wore a dress she wore to work and the groom didn't make any effort to dress up.
Lynne looked glamorous in her Armani dress (Armani was/is her favourite clothing brand).
Jasmine, myself and Storm were not part of the bridal party but everyone thought we were.
When we got to the reception at the house the yard and patio were covered in weeds and no effort had been made.
When we went inside most of the house was furnished and all linen had been stolen from the brothel where we worked.
Annika had us all believing she only had a couple of years left to live as she allegedly was dying from cancer. We bought amazing gifts for the newly weds.
She is presently living in Darwin and still pulling the same scam.

Anyways it wasn't all bad. We went to dinner afterwards, minus bride and groom, (I won't talk about the food) and had a great time. Still laugh about it today.

More stories of Adina's to come...
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Gold Member
I lost my virginity at Adina's in 1985. I'm pretty sure it was called "The House of Adina" at the time.

I was in my late teens, a typical horny boy, and had been working for a few months when I had a light-bulb moment - I could go to a brothel!!

Some friends and I were sleeping out to get tickets for a concert at the Entertainment Centre. We had a bit to drink, and around mignight I announced "I'm going to find a brothel". So there I am, a drunken teenager, wandering around Northbridge trying to find a place to have sex for the first time.

I can't say I really remember the lady, but I do remember she had to guide me in, as I didn't really know exactly where to put it, lol, what with everything being well-camouflaged (which was the style at the time)!


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
What a great find this thread is. Adina's was my first brothel experience. I had found it in the Yellow Pages back in the day, I let my 'Fingers Do The Walking'.๐Ÿ˜‰
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