• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Tony Abbott. Your opinion?


Diamond Member
You make some good points, H2; however, while a PM doesn't have to be liked, he/she must be respected, and TA enjoys little, if any, respect either in Parliament or in the country.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
I just meant When Gillard was a point of discussion on this site She was pilloried or just plain insulted
Now its another PM But the same dislike comes through and as soon as another PM is annointed It will start all over again

We just dont seem to realise how lucky we are to be in this country and even if the system is not perfect there are many other democracies out there whether republics constitutional monarchies or what that cant hold a candle to our country and its system[/quot

I never was disrespectful to our first female Prime Minister quite liked her,would not vote for her if she was my local member but she deserved my respect .


Foundation Member
Abbott has been a fool and has totally misjudged the public mood. He has ignored his own back bench and his attempts to get the nation's accounts back in order have been muddled and poorly communicated. The grim reality is that the only people who can address the nation's debt are the Labor Party and they have shown no inclination to do so. Abbott was on a hiding to nothing with this hostile Senate but in the end it was his own lack of political judgement that will ultimately be his undoing.


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
bye bye Tony.......time is up........
View attachment 28628

and I can't even pretend to be sorry to see him go!!!!!!!!!
Well he isn't the brightest puppet we have had, but yeah what is the point of voting when they just change it when they want.. Need someone that can do the job, not just be a puppet on a string, but this one can't even talk well, After hearing he ignored the Sydney siege incident, shows just how arrogant he really is, yeah time to go but replaced with WHO?? Turnbull would be better i think but in saying that our country is not in a good place, Fuk they can't even get a result in QLD, how do you get disqualified from ya seat, think they would know his history before people vote.. Starting to think it's rigged just Like when Barnett got in by 1 vote, which was inhouse, same thing is going to happen in QLD by the looks.. Politics biggest scam in our history the way i look at it these days, Bring back Hawke'y!!!


Foundation Member
The problem with Labor over the last half-dozen elections has been their penchant for looking for populist "messiahs" instead of competent leaders. Hawke, Gallop here in W.A. and the granddaddy of them all Rudd. Just get a grinning muppet who looks good on T.V. and spits out witty one-liners someone else probably wrote and it doesn't matter if he is a complete idiot he will get in. Grant Denyer anyone??

The quality of politicians on both sides of the house at present is about as bad as it has ever been but what we need, above all, is an electorate which is educated and interested in something other than sport to keep these guys up to the mark.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
well Tony Abbott has survived and now lets see how argent he really is , will he take notice of what just happened or will he push the boundaries again ,until he get he ass kicked to the curb . once n for all :)


Legend Member
When does Christian Porter get the job?
Didn't he go over as the next saviour of the Liberal party In his own mind at any rate

Morgan Sapphire

Diamond Member
I have read all the above comments and agree to a certain extent that he really hasn't done his job as a leader. BUT , yes there is a but, how are all these promises meant to be paid for if the revenue the federal government forecasted has dropped significantly over the last 12 months or so. No government, whether it be liberal or labour, would be able to keep these election promises with no money in the kitty. Fair point ?


Legend Member
I have read all the above comments and agree to a certain extent that he really hasn't done his job as a leader. BUT , yes there is a but, how are all these promises meant to be paid for if the revenue the federal government forecasted has dropped significantly over the last 12 months or so. No government, whether it be liberal or labour, would be able to keep these election promises with no money in the kitty. Fair point ?
I hope you are ashamed of yourself after your post Morgan
Sensibility is often frowned upon on this forum and I am sure you already know this
Shame shame;)
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5 Star General
Foundation Member
I have read all the above comments and agree to a certain extent that he really hasn't done his job as a leader. BUT , yes there is a but, how are all these promises meant to be paid for if the revenue the federal government forecasted has dropped significantly over the last 12 months or so. No government, whether it be liberal or labour, would be able to keep these election promises with no money in the kitty. Fair point ?
yes but is it not their job to know how much money is in the kitty before they make their promises in the 1st place and also why does it take 12 months or more to finalize a budget :) :) and also their is to be less money in the kitty after you pay yourself a 30% pay increase


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
Well, if we were in Russia, we'd be convinced it was a grand conspiracy by the imperialist West to depose our valiant leader because it wants to get its greedy hands on our precious natural resources and keep our motherland weak.

Except I don't think Mr Putin would be concerned about spills. Well, not the kind to vote him out of his job anyway.


Regardless of how appalling our politicians can get, I'm grateful and proud we can remove them using the ballot box (internal party room or polling booth) instead of bullets.
In that case, I would like Nobel price winner for PEACE being removed his weapons and army from a few countries....


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
I just meant When Gillard was a point of discussion on this site She was pilloried or just plain insulted
Now its another PM But the same dislike comes through and as soon as another PM is annointed It will start all over again

We just dont seem to realise how lucky we are to be in this country and even if the system is not perfect there are many other democracies out there whether republics constitutional monarchies or what that cant hold a candle to our country and its system
Whoever run this country its hard to f@ck up. -)) You have got TOO MUCH IN Australian SOIL!-)))


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
I have read all the above comments and agree to a certain extent that he really hasn't done his job as a leader. BUT , yes there is a but, how are all these promises meant to be paid for if the revenue the federal government forecasted has dropped significantly over the last 12 months or so. No government, whether it be liberal or labour, would be able to keep these election promises with no money in the kitty. Fair point ?
I think it in this case the split motion was more based on his party leader ship style which obviously wasn't acceptable for a few of the party members. It depends now if he is able to change his leader ship way, how long it will take him to change and if the change is short lived or serious.


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
USA and England say JUMP! And Australia ask, HOW HIGH? Today USA officially confirmed they going to provide weapons for Kiev. And that will create even more turmoil in the world. Everywhere.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
I dont think that is right Anastacia nothing on the web I shall go and switch on the Green left Australia' public broadcaster. and see if old aunty has got her nickers in a knot .


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
USA and England say JUMP! And Australia ask, HOW HIGH? Today USA officially confirmed they going to provide weapons for Kiev. And that will create even more turmoil in the world. Everywhere.

Unlike the Russians, of course, who have been doing their bit for world peace and stability over the past year by not arming the separatists, not conducting offensive operations inside Ukrainian territory and not shooting down civilian airliners, and ensuring its not-at-all gullible citizens know all this thanks to non-propaganda disseminated through non-state-controlled media, you mean? :rolleyes:


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
Unlike the Russians, of course, who have been doing their bit for world peace and stability over the past year by not arming the separatists, not conducting offensive operations inside Ukrainian territory and not shooting down civilian airliners, and ensuring its not-at-all gullible citizens know all this thanks to non-propaganda disseminated through non-state-controlled media, you mean? :rolleyes:

1. SHOW ME one single prove on your words. 2. You call separatists people, who want to speak Russian at their own land ( which they did all their life's) and for that innocent women and children being shot by Kiev's government. What would happens if tomorrow, someone from New Zealand would come into your house and force you to speak with Kiwi accent and if you refuse kill your mother and kids? Of course you would take a gun to protect your house. 3. If you follow news, there was official results on investigation from Germany that airplane been shot in the air, on Ukrainian territory by airplane SU 125. So called, "separatists" don't have such airplanes in position. Pro Ukrainian Nazis burned 40 people alive in Odessa city because they were pro- Russian. Google it, and you would see how it happens. 4. About media, agree. But what about Australian media? They show you people only good side on Kiev and bad side on Russia. And when Russia, they were first publish photos from satellites and show WHO DID shoot down plane, western media REFUSE to publish such information. My friend, young aussie journalist, went to Russian protest, against the war in Ukraine. And was pretty much told if she publish such information, more likely she loose her scholarship. That we called free speech in Australian media? You have no idea what you talking about. Do you know why? Because Australian media feed you ugly side on Russia. I have been in both countries, and got friends who lost their loved ones. Pathetic neo nazi Ukrainian government KILIING THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE, NOW. Different figures, but someone said it could be up to 50 000 on each side. But you people still keep kissing Obamas ass. And to add, up. Kiev using weapons that not allowed to be used in the war. Including gaz. And I do have a prove. You know how? Because I work for charity for soldiers injured in conflict. And they mothers personally told me stories.. PS: Today there is 350 000 refugees running from Ucraine to Russia. If they government, according to your words " that good" WHY they run into Russia and not KIev????????
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Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-31359021 Have a look and you would understand better. PS: Its not pro-Russian media. So called separatists didn't come to Kiev to kill. Kiev came on south-east to kill thousands women and children. Poland and Germany in the meantime helping with weapons and now USA gave 1 billion to Kiev to buy new weapons. What I am afraid Russia, will not stay and watch they relatives being killed...
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Gold Member
He's a butt. Abominable. And when that bomb explodes, as it often does, how the bullshit flies ! Freedom is a God? Nature? Whatever? given thing. Mankind takes it away and sells it back to us.


Gold Member
I just meant When Gillard was a point of discussion on this site She was pilloried or just plain insulted
Now its another PM But the same dislike comes through and as soon as another PM is annointed It will start all over again

We just dont seem to realise how lucky we are to be in this country and even if the system is not perfect there are many other democracies out there whether republics constitutional monarchies or what that cant hold a candle to our country and its system

Gillard/ Abbott....Same broken donkey, (Westminster system), different rider. Whoever is riding that broken donkey is bound to fail ultimately...
My tax contributions represent close to/ if not the biggest investment of my life. Participation is mandatory...that's semi ok I guess, but here is a very fundamental flaw that I see in all of this...if I am to contribute to something, I reason that I, The Honourable Polkam, am entitled to know exactly what it is I am contributing to. Tax payment is the only payment I make where I do not receive an itemised invoice, showing me where and what the $ have been spent on, which would justify the payments. None of us know where or how our contributions go. As they outsource utilities, one would think that tax would go down, but they don't.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-31359021 Have a look and you would understand better. PS: Its not pro-Russian media. So called separatists didn't come to Kiev to kill. Kiev came on south-east to kill thousands women and children. Poland and Germany in the meantime helping with weapons and now USA gave 1 billion to Kiev to buy new weapons. What I am afraid Russia, will not stay and watch they relatives being killed...

The Aid is on the way

The U.S. House of Representatives, on Tuesday, introduced new legislation to provide lethal aid worth $1 billion to Ukraine amid constant pressure from Congress on President Barack Obama to help Kiev defend itself against pro-Russian rebels.

You were right Anastacia .