• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.

To get them or not to get them



wife has confidence problem about size of breast, would like to know what ppl think about implants ,are they worth it in the end ,i'm sure they will. :thumbsup:

Mary Anne PA

women who have small breasts want to make them larger or want them bigger.
Women who have large breasts - hate them and want to make them smaller.
Bras hurt badly, digging in, leaving marks, uncomfortable. Breasts give you a sore back
and when you run or go to the gym, they hurt from bouncing up and down. :blob5:
Men talk to your boobs more than they look at your face.

And obviously once gravity takes over there is no stopping them going down... :sign10:

So go figure... I want mine reduced, I want to not have to wear bras.

Anyway, apart from that, what one feels will always feel and if she has thoughts of enlargement,
then by all means go for it. do you homework first though, have a chat to Maryanne about it as
quite a few girls at Langtrees have had it done, so she can give you some good advice on it.
Don't go overboard with the size though, you may be sorry later.
my thoughts only


just a handfull is good.but as they say bigger is better.....sometimes!!!


I LIKE breasts, I like em flat like pancakes, I like em medium and full, I like em big! BUT bigger is not better. Nothing hornier than a lady who likes what she is and knows how to enjoy herself. Breasts are yummy...............size doesn't matter. Personally I'd rather a flat one that's real that a piece of silicon.


[quote author=Countrycouple link=topic=564.msg3313#msg3313 date=1103681110]
I LIKE breasts, I like em flat like pancakes, I like em medium and full, I like em big! BUT bigger is not better. Nothing hornier than a lady who likes what she is and knows how to enjoy herself. Breasts are yummy...............size doesn't matter. Personally I'd rather a flat one that's real that a piece of silicon.

[/quote] :headbang:

Agreed 100%


I am a breastfeeding at the moment and when in public, I am discreet, but I often wonder why is it frowned upon so much. When some of the clothing I see girls wearing is next to nothing, I am usually wearing more than them and revealing little breast whilst attaching baby to breast.
I think we forget what our breasts primary functions are...

What do you think when you see a women feeding her child and sometimes she might expose some flesh whilst in the act???? or is discreet yet you know whats she's doing???


i agree with you.......a lot of girls wander around in public with very little on and as you say we were given breasts for that reason......i dont have a problem with breastfeeding in public and if it is done discreetly i see it as even less of a problem.
you do what is right for you and bub...i think those with a problem have a problem!!


Anyone who has a problem with breastfeeding has issues themselves. No one has a problem with seeing me eat my lunch so why the problem watching a baby consume theirs?


i agree

I agree with all of you, when you walk around and see someone breastfeeding there is always people glaring this i find really rude as this is part of life and this is meant to happen. I don't have children (yet) but plane to in the future and I will be breastfeeding in public wether people like it or not so to all those mothers out there go for it and if any one say's anything tell them to wake up and smell the coffee. it's part of life


I was very unsuccessful with breastfeeding so I never had to deal with this, but I just "love" the attitude of "Go feed the baby in the toilets" err yeah why don't YOU go eat YOUR lunch in the toilets!?

People are thoughtless, just ignore the n00bs and move on :)


Well !! ..... Maybe those people who complain were not breast feed. so their just jealous. I think it should be the norm! There is no way you can tell a bub when it is time to feed. Keep doing it you will get a lot of support but maybe complaints from those who live in the past. Oh and you will probley get some sniggers from the young guys... but they possibly haven't even had a naughty yet ! remember Bub comes first

Dark Love

Feeding a baby is a beautiful thing, if I see a mother feeding her baby in public, I think it is great. I think the reason why Australians/Westeners are so victorian about sex, up-tight and leaving their relationships out of sexual frustration. Is because as a culture we can't even except what is natural. I say whip those boobs out and offend as many prudes as you can. You will only be doing them a fav, by extending their inner boundries. Breast feed 3 myself! Even my husband respected the fact I was feeding, he still got to play and have a taste, mostly because you spray everywhere during sex, lol. He always loved it when I finished feeding saying, "I have them back again, all to myself, YAY!!!!!" And then again, they are purely sexual.
Don't ever let anyone take the joy of feeding your baby from you, they grow too fast and it is something that bonds you to them and you will never forget. Also, it helps them grow up ready to experience new tastes! Which is really what the whole argument is about! Experience life, except it and enjoy what natural.


I breastfed my four children and loved every minute of it. With every child I fed till they were 12 months and over. I was one who if the child need feeding would feed them wherever I was may it be in the middle of a shopping centre or on a bus, it can be done in a way that it look as if you are just cradle your child.
It is a joy and wonderful bond you have with the child when you feed them. When you think ppl are looking at you smile broadly and think to yourself at least you are using your breast for what they were put there for ;D


some ppl have issues with themselves i guess, or maybe it was the way they were brought up... not to be showing your 'bits' in public... generally i have found it to be the older generation, or those who come from religious backgrounds who have the problem with a breast feeding mother.
it is a completely natural thing to do.. nothing's as good as 'mother's milk'.. and the baby grows up healthier when fed with this natural source. it also helps the bonding process between mother and child a lot more so than just touch and massage.

when i was out with my sister and her baby, and she needed to feed (the baby that is).. she would drape a blanket across her shoulder and the baby... but you would still get the odd stare or frown... so me being me, would ask them what their problem was.. most of the time the prudes would just bugger off, thankfully

we are no longer living in the dark ages where women have to conceal their pregnancies and the feeding of their children.. at least i hope not.. women should not have to take their children into a bathroom to feed them.. after all, we wouldnt ask other ppl to do so, so why put a baby in that situation?

artist 30.. if someone has a problem with your breastfeeding.. why not confront them on what their issues are? i sure as hell know i would.. if they cant back up their problems with legitate responses... tell them to sit on scissors and swivel



Others need to mind their own business, breastfeeding is a natural process, animals do it,whats the problem? People are too prudish and these people would be the first to complain should they not be able to do what comes naturally.

Dont look! end of story.


Foundation Member
Stuff em all

My missus is pregnant with our second child..6 more weeks to go....and we have a 3yr old daughter..and she was only able to breastfeed for a few weeks. Now for one she had our daughter 4 months before her 18th birthday, she was told that bub would have trouble feeding due to bub not being able to open her mouth wide enough, which made attaching bub a very long and painful process........now if that wasn't enough to deal with..we were shopping in Woolies and bub got hungry..so the missus used bubs blanket to put over her shoulder to feed her...well that should've been fine, we weren't breaking any rules or anything, and all was good til......the woolies manager came up to us and asked us to leave.. So we had to leave our full shopping trolley there and come back without bub.

So I hope for my missus's sake and our daughters sake..that she'll be able to breast feed our baby when she needs to be fed..right there and then...instead of leaving to please other customers.

Sir Stefan

Agent Provocateur
Foundation Member
Sir Stefan agrees....

We all commenced life, be we male of female, attached mouth to breast, then most males (Sir 'S' included) spend the rest of their life trying to 're-attach'.... so why a problem, for it is the most common of all human activities, those who shun it obviously have a problem accepting this 'miracle called life'.... Sir 'S'


Sorry Sir Stefan....

...but not all of us were breastfed.

I had to correct you, only in the name of complete accuracy in our discussions... I was given up for adoption at birth and was never breastfed.

I have nothing against breastfeeding, I made a spirited attempt to do it with my girl but failed miserably, and I totally agree that breastfeeding women should be allowed to do it wherever they and their babies want. I suspect that most people feel the same way quite strongly, which is why this thread has lasted so long in spite of the fact that everyone is agreeing.




For the encouragement, its fantastic to know there are so many open people to the act of breastfeeding in public places.

I will go forth and breastfeed with confidence


KateandGrae said:
...but not all of us were breastfed.

I had to correct you, only in the name of complete accuracy in our discussions... I was given up for adoption at birth and was never breastfed.

I have nothing against breastfeeding, I made a spirited attempt to do it with my girl but failed miserably, and I totally agree that breastfeeding women should be allowed to do it wherever they and their babies want. I suspect that most people feel the same way quite strongly, which is why this thread has lasted so long in spite of the fact that everyone is agreeing.


I also was not breastfed K as I was 2mths prem & pretty much back then left to the charge of the Sisters not to mothers liking though...I never BF my girl nor wanted to, but that is my personal preference, I think every woman should be able to feed their child when & where they please & in which manner they choose to do so, it is a normal part of the life process :)


As a male i dont have a problem with breast feeding...its natural not sensual.
I dont know why people make a big deal about it as it is part of life.....


After reading all the responses to this thread i thought i would put my bit in too...lol. I have 3 kids, and did...or tried to... feed all 3 myself. the 1st i managed for 6 months. i totally agree with being able to feed the baby in public places...although i chose not to. not because i was worried about what other people thought but because i am not comfortable with my body and therefore didnt want to let anyone see any part of it. but that didnt mean i went to toilets to feed...rather i would go back to my car, or in some places they actually had rooms just for feeding...although few and far between. But i agree with everyone else here. if you are comfortable feeding in public then to hell with anyone else...if you have a 3 yr old who wants a snack you dont go to the bathroom to let them eat an apple. i agree with minimel...scissors....that'll give them a real problem to complain about...lol

All in all....you do what you are comfortable with. :happy6:


Foundation Member
My Girlfreind breast fed for over 2 years and is vey conscies that it well - its perfectly obvios. She often talks of implants and while i love looking a girl with a big set as much as the next guy I love her as she is. Should I push this angle or is it not just about me it would make her feel better? should I encourage her?


Foundation Member
Personally, I do not like implants, especially the overstuffed yankee porn star "bubble boob" type but that is something you and your lady must work out for yourselves.

One thing which often gets overlooked by people discussing this topic, though, is that there is no such thing as "minor surgery". Surgery involves a general anaesthetic and anaesthetists kill more people than surgeons do. Please remember to factor that risk into the equation.


I'd tell her that you are perfectly delighted with them as they are but if she feels she'd like to do it for herself then that's fine.

Research is critical if she wants to proceed and Svengali is quite right - there's no such thing as a minor general anaesthetic.

She may want you to actively support her (help with research and go to see surgeons with her) or just prefer your moral support. Either way I think it's important that once she knows your opinion that you're in her 'corner' no matter what she decides.