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The Worst Headache Ever: Important A Must Read


Tania Admin

Important medical information contained:

A few members have noticed I haven't been around the last few days. Saturday NT arrived home and Sunday,,,well Sunday went like this:

After not seeing each other for a couple of months NT and I were spending a nice morning in bed being amorous, snuggling, napping and then followed by more being amorous WHEN what I can only describe as The Worst Headache Ever hit. The pain came on instantaneously without warning and was excruciating and debilitating. It started in my left temple then was shooting from the back left side of my neck, through my face and into my temple. I then started vomiting. My exact words were '' this hurts so much kill me now'', the pain was that bad.
I genuinely felt fear. Being an ex Ambo I knew it wasn't a good sign. NT being NT jumped on-line and I was already thinking it but he suggested we go to the hospital, which we did.
I was Triaged straight away. Sat in the waiting area for only minutes (long enough to print my wrist band), my Blood Pressure was done which was a scary 178/130. Then I was admitted.

Needless to say I was quite frightened.

The Alarm Bells were all there. The fact it had occurred during sex, when your heart rate is right up, I had described it as The Worst Headache ever and my BP being so high. These alarm bells scream ''suspected'' Aneurysm.

I was given a CT scan and this picked up nothing. My BP was still through the roof, I was very nauseous and my headache had dulled but wasn't nice.

So I was scheduled for a Lumbar Puncture the following morning. By this time my BP had lowered significantly. A few attempts at the LP and then it had to be done under CT scan so they could align the needle correctly. (I will add I am petrified of needles).

I'm lucky. The Cerebral Fluid from the Lumbar Puncture showed minute traces of blood but nothing consistent with an aneurysm, I was monitored for a few more hours and sent home with strict instructions to rest and if my headache returns at a high level to get to hospital asap.

Today I'm still feeling a bit woozy from the effects of the Lumbar Puncture, I'm sore where they attempted the LP the first few times and where the attempts hit nerves and caused pain elsewhere,,,but I would go through the medical procedures again in a heartbeat if the situation ever arises again..

Medical science has shown these headaches should NEVER be ignored (again it was excruciating) and quite commonly happen during sexual arousal. Please if this ever happens to you seek medical advice straight away. I'm home but still not 100% in the clear. But I do feel very lucky and am glad we reacted promptly.

I have added links to medical sites so members can get full information: And again PLEASE seek medical advice if you ever experience what you would class as The Worst Headache Ever.




Ariel Dilyn

Silver Member
Wow! Thats terrible. I will for sure keep an eye out for this kind of thing, and I will not ignore it if it happens to me. Thanks for the advice.


Silver Member
Did this ever happen again Tania? I've experienced similar a few times and it was eventually diagnosed as coital cephalgia. They first time I ever experienced it was about 35 years ago. I was getting close to orgasm when I suddenly felt a tightening in my neck, then a massive headache and then the shooting pain across the top of the head and the temples. It was one of the most intense orgasms of my life and at the same time I was afraid I was about to die.

Tania Admin

Did this ever happen again Tania? I've experienced similar a few times and it was eventually diagnosed as coital cephalgia. They first time I ever experienced it was about 35 years ago. I was getting close to orgasm when I suddenly felt a tightening in my neck, then a massive headache and then the shooting pain across the top of the head and the temples. It was one of the most intense orgasms of my life and at the same time I was afraid I was about to die.
I now have constant headaches as the issue is with my adrenal glands. The headaches vary. I'm used to having them all The time now except when they get really bad.
I could have surgery on my adrenal glands but the risks and side effects of the surgery made me decide to go with the headaches.

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Wow that sounds like a scary experience Tania. The adrenal glands play such a big part on the body. I know when I first become unwell with my spinal issues I did some research on adrenal fatigue and how it impacts the body
Have you tried used essential oils for the headaches


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
Very sorry to hear that Tania. My family (including one of my sons and both my daughters) suffer horrible migraines. My eldest daughter gets Hemiplegic migraines of the worst sort. I suffer neck damage induced migraines as well but dealing with the ex when she suffered hemiplegic migraines and later my my kids when they suffered is just scary and terrifying at those times.

I hope you have the right medication to knock the pain out and am very happy you are ok.

(Hemiplegic migraines have the same symptoms as strokes)