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The World's First Sex Educator & Artist Dr Betty Dodson has passed away @ 91

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Last month I lost a very dear personal friend here in Perth, & in my work started to try teaching the ladies about Dr Betty Dodson & her best seller world wide Sex for One.This is a woman's bible that every woman should read 4-6 times through out there life.
I find out today that Dr Betty passed away the same day as my dear friend...Is this why she has been so much in my mind the last 2 weeks.
When I had my 6 month New York adventure 12-15 years ago I had the privilege to have two personal lessons by this wonderful educator, & pioneer of the pro- feminist movement.
She was also an outstanding artist, her line drawing of female C.U.N.Ts are absolutely amazing and helped me learn just like blokes penis are all different so are we.
To get the best out of our bodies we have to understand how all the pieces fit together.
This year I am 66yo and still learning more everyday. A great sex worker should always be open to learn all she can as we are, Sex Workers, Comforters, Listeners, Confidential friends to all our guests.
I have never been ashamed of being a sex worker to anyone except my mum & over the years she accepted me for who I was & even revealed in her old age, that Madams run in the Hutley & Kenworthy past families and these are two parts of 4 that make up my DNA.
Dr Betty Dodson look out for my mum in heaven, she was to prejudiced in her up bringing to ever get any sexual satisfaction in life, but you taught me at 40+ that life is all about pleasure and that to get pleasure you have to be a receiver of pleasure as well as a giver.
You taught me how to breathe, you taught me how to explore my own body & thru your teachings I have achieved a level 8/10 in the orgasm world. I have visualized a 10/10 at a BDSM party once in Sydney...once I realised she wasn't faking it..my first thought was I went one of those before I go on my next journey, & I held that thought for 3-4 minutes whilst that lucky female orgasm for that length of time.

If you want to know more buy Bettys Best book "Sex for One"
Her book Sex for One is still a best seller quickest way to buy is a second hand copy on Amazon takes about 14 days and it is in your letterbox. When I have had to order in Australia from the bookstores takes 3 months and costs 3-4 times more

Betty Dodson, Women’s Guru of Self-Pleasure, Dies at 91
She was a second-wave feminist who taught consciousness raising with a twist, and her workshops on masturbation, buoyed by the internet, have inspired millions

.Betty Dodson at her home in mid-February. An American sex educator, she was a pioneer of the pro-sex feminist movement.Credit...Celeste Sloman for The New York Times

She was an amazing fine line artist with a great idea for detail.

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Katrina Kiss

Legend Member
Last month I lost a very dear personal friend here in Perth, & in my work started to try teaching the ladies about Dr Betty Dodson & her best seller world wide Sex for One.This is a woman's bible that every woman should read 4-6 times through out there life.
I find out today that Dr Betty passed away the same day as my dear friend...Is this why she has been so much in my mind the last 2 weeks.
When I had my 6 month New York adventure 12-15 years ago I had the privilege to have two personal lessons by this wonderful educator, & pioneer of the pro- feminist movement.
She was also an outstanding artist, her line drawing of female C.U.N.Ts are absolutely amazing and helped me learn just like blokes penis are all different so are we.
To get the best out of our bodies we have to understand how all the pieces fit together.
This year I am 66yo and still learning more everyday. A great sex worker should always be open to learn all she can as we are, Sex Workers, Comforters, Listeners, Confidential friends to all our guests.
I have never been ashamed of being a sex worker to anyone except my mum & over the years she accepted me for who I was & even revealed in her old age, that Madams run in the Hutley & Kenworthy past families and these are two parts of 4 that make up my DNA.
Dr Betty Dodson look out for my mum in heaven, she was to prejudiced in her up bringing to ever get any sexual satisfaction in life, but you taught me at 40+ that life is all about pleasure and that to get pleasure you have to be a receiver of pleasure as well as a giver.
You taught me how to breathe, you taught me how to explore my own body & thru your teachings I have achieved a level 8/10 in the orgasm world. I have visualized a 10/10 at a BDSM party once in Sydney...once I realised she wasn't faking it..my first thought was I went one of those before I go on my next journey, & I held that thought for 3-4 minutes whilst that lucky female orgasm for that length of time.

If you want to know more buy Bettys Best book "Sex for One"
Her book Sex for One is still a best seller quickest way to buy is a second hand copy on Amazon takes about 14 days and it is in your letterbox. When I have had to order in Australia from the bookstores takes 3 months and costs 3-4 times more

Betty Dodson, Women’s Guru of Self-Pleasure, Dies at 91
She was a second-wave feminist who taught consciousness raising with a twist, and her workshops on masturbation, buoyed by the internet, have inspired millions

.Betty Dodson at her home in mid-February. An American sex educator, she was a pioneer of the pro-sex feminist movement.Credit...Celeste Sloman for The New York Times

She was an amazing fine line artist with a great idea for detail.

View attachment 127636
Thank you for sharing this information. I cant wait to read this book!