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Supersize VS. Superskinny

Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
I find no matter where you go in AUS there is always overweight people. I think that it may have something to do with the RIDICULOUS amount of fast food restaurants! Or how cheaper fast food is compared to healthy food. Maccas meal? $6 for a cheeseburger, chips and a drink. Weight watcher meals $6 for something that hardly fills you up. I buy mine on special for $4. Doesn't take much to fill me ;)

I am so sick of people using the excuse as "i am big boned" or "curvy" NO. just NO. I work friggen hard to keep my figure and guess what i have curves. Or people who use the shakes to lose weight fast? It doesn't take much to get back to a healthy size and keep it that way. Healthy eating and exercise. Can't be bothered exercising? just eat healthy or less. The more you move the more you need to eat. Sit on the couch? Drink some damn water to fill you up haha

Water is good ;)

Tania Admin

It's much cheaper to make a burger from scratch at home and only takes a few minutes. Same with most things, cheaper to make it at home. Instead of yucky snacks an already prepared fruit salad in my fridge or cruskits etc with a simple topping. People are just lazy.


Legend Member
I have to agree with both of the young ladies
The other overweight one that gets me is the big beer gut and the proud reply of
"It cost me a fortune to get this " The guts is preventable and often the same man with said guts has a shot at the missus if she puts on a kilo "lettin yourself go luv?"

People have a shot at me for being bald Fair enough its normally in jest But when kegman does it Its "If god wants you to go bald you go bald But that guts is all on you Literally and figuratively"


Heh, but you there are plenty of us with bigger bones than the average person. I'd bet that most of my bones are longer and denser than most on this forum.

Weight is irrelevant. Its just a number on a scale.

People are either overweight and unhealthy because they eat shit and dont exercise or they are super skinny because of body image insecurities.

Australia is suffering these 2 problems more than ever. Eat less processed food and get off the computer and you'll be healthy


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Hic More Rum Hic, Hmmmmm I suspect I am not-health, Hic
let see now, get off the computer and no more forum====More drinking time and I will become health Hic
Cheers and Pass the Rum

Al Swearengen

Slightly related to this post: I've been reading about something called the Paleo Diet. Basically, it states that human beings are not evolved to eat the sorts of things we eat a lot of today (grains, processed sugars, processed fats etc) & that as a result we have "diseases of affluence" such as obesity, diabetes etc.
"Paleolithic nutrition is based on the premise that human genetics have scarcely changed since the dawn of agriculture, and modern humans are genetically adapted to the diet of their Paleolithic ancestors. Therefore an ideal diet for human health and well-being is one that resembles this ancestral diet"
"The Paleolithic diet consists of foods that can be hunted and fished, such as meat, offal, and seafood, and foods that can be gathered, such as eggs, insects, fruit, nuts, seeds, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, and spices.[2] Some sources advise eating only lean cuts of meat, free of food additives, preferably wild game meats and grass-fed beef since they contain higher levels of omega-3 fats compared with grain-produced domestic meats.[2][53][57] Food groups that advocates claim were rarely or never consumed by humans before the Neolithic (agricultural) revolution are excluded from the diet, mainly grains, legumes (e.g. beans and peanuts), dairy products, salt, refined sugar and processed oils.[2] Some advocates consider the use of oils with low omega-6/omega-3 ratios, such as olive and canola oils, to be healthy and advisable.[53]"

To me this makes a certain amount of sense. Its only been in the last century or so that we've had certain foods available to us. And look at the results. Normally I'm super sceptical of fad diets but this one rings true to me.


Legend Member
I don't know how big bones caused those rolls. . .

There is nothing sexier then a toned girl. No, not a skin and bones "slim" girl. Someone who is toned and healthy looking.

I agree Ginger! toned and healthy looking is very sexy! ... add fire and passion to that mix and she's the ultimate!


Al, i tend to follow the paleo diet but i do eat rubbish occasionally.

I'm not quiet as strict as the Gary Abletts (last footy show he spoke about it) or the hardcore crossfit guys and girls but its a pretty obvious choice.

Less processed shit, more natural food and maintain some form of exercise that involves lifting heavy things and cardio and you'll probably be healthy.

Oh and squats. Everyone should squat