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Something Fishy could it be a barramundi



Hi all through the years and having had a few conquests i have noticed one thing that stands out about women. What is it with some ladies and only some[ i hope that none of you find it offencive ] why is it that the odour emanating from the vaginal area smells kinda fishy . It does vary from women to women and in most not even a hin't but in some sometimes a very pungent smell. What causes it?It can be quite off putting.
I know its taboo but some medical advice would be intresting

Bewildered bloke.

Mary Anne PA

gess scarface, not sure if we have any doctors on board to give medical advice.. LOL

but I'm sure it's something that is to do with both men and women, and their hormones, time of the month, cleanliness etc.

Mary Anne PA

as kinky master once wrote:

That is not the True story I was given by a mate many years ago:
It all goes back to when Adam and Eve where in Paradise, and after one particular sweaty fun night Eve was washing herself in the ocean.
All of a sudden a big booming voice from above called out:
Eve, what are you doing.
Frightened Eve look up and answered to the Lord:
I am washing myself, Lord.
And the big booming voice asked:
Eve answered:
Well, Lord -- Adam and I had a rather sexy and sweaty night last night, and I wanted to wash the smells away.
In dispair the big booming voice called out:
Eve, oh Eve my child, you shouldn't have done that!
With fear in her Voice Eve asked:
Why, oh Lord?
And the Lord replied:




Thanks serena i noticed a similiar post in your history threads . So sorry for repeating an age old question just saw it now.Thanks for your comment.



And your poem another question answered by Florence Nightingale.



Well everyone has a different chemical make up so everyone is different its like perfume or after shave can stink on some ppl and when onother person uses the same one it can smell sweet so its the chemicals in our bodies.. thats my opinion....I personally havent come across one that hasnt tasted good LOL...

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
The fishy smell can be caused by thrush which is very common in woman from 14 yrs to about 35 yrs of age.Thrush is caused by too much yeast in the vagina.We need some but if it gets over active and it can be caused from too much sex, wearing tight jeans or even the diet we are eating it becomes over active.
Whilst it is not a STI or sexually tyransmisible infection we can pass it to our men folk who can pass it on if they have multiple partners in a short time frame.
I could always tell when my men where cheating as i would always get a outbreak if they did.
Smells also change during the monthly cycle.Near my period the taste gets quite metalic and other times of the month is very sweet.
Luckily Thrush is very easy to get rid of with Caneston creme and the advance one dose pack will clear it up within 24 hours in most circumstances.
It is also possible to get it out of your system by diet.If you eat nothing with yeast in it for three weeks, which only leaves Meat Veg & Fruit to eat it stablizes and rarely comes back for years.This worked for me for over 15 years between outbreaks.


la femme perfume

I've always thought that women smelt (and tasted) like honey and rosewater!



Well firstly perhaps i should stick to ladies over forty. And perhaps not wait until the end of the night in pubs and clubs when i may pick up the left overs the big Ethels, lay low Lils , Buckets and the dregs. Its only when the dutch courage sets in but thats real late at night.The early bird catches the fresh worm.Then again i suppose i a'nt no oil painting iether.


oh dear!

scarface said:
Well firstly perhaps i should stick to ladies over forty. And perhaps not wait until the end of the night in pubs and clubs when i may pick up the left overs the big Ethels, lay low Lils , Buckets and the dregs. Its only when the dutch courage sets in but thats real late at night.The early bird catches the fresh worm.Then again i suppose i a'nt no oil painting iether.

Good thinking - I like your logic Scar. You're also guaranteed to improve your conversion ratio if you don't refer to the ladies as "big Ethels, lay low Lils, Buckets and the dregs" too!

Mary Anne PA

darker side of the moon

Thanks mr Pink floyd for your informative reply. I am from the other side of the moon. Night and day. I was only refereing to a certain element of lady stock , that perhaps at the end of night or morning are in the same market as I frequenting and hanging on to the last remanants of darkness to only see the full splendour of day , light bringing up all the flaws which really show the true us. Visual display that as we all know is only but a cover of a book and not the internal content. It is amazing how packaging can full us.

Mary Anne PA

Question from Amanda on talkin sex

what can you do if it smells down their

David Kay

If we sweat and it smells it is bacteria so a anti bacterial wash will fix this broblem . ALSO if a person smokes the nicotine can affect vaginal juices Also some foods such as cabbage can affect
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The natural smell is best

I love the pungent aroma of a womens vagina . Does it turm me on yeah baby it does. Its like when a ***** is on (a dog that is)the male dogs can smell her out for miles and miles. I reckon hot smelly sex raunchy odour yum yum . Bring it on women, the long short smelly and the tall!!!!