• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.

so proud


Mary Anne PA

I was lying in my cave last night on the mammoth skin rug that was provided to me by a good lady freind. Cavewomen was hunting wild bats with her cronies. I felt snug as a bug, i had a huge bit of meat a few hours earlier and feeling quite content.And then of course i felt it coming deep deep within me. I pulled the rug away and put my backside away from the wall{incase of the splatter effect}. Out came the best humungus fart that i have ever done. The sound was rich and full bodied, it reverberated all around the room and valley i am sure. NOt too wet and not to dry . Just a hint of sulphur almost like a good wine. I was so very very proud of myself.

So often the case when you do a record breaking fart there is noone around for proof.

I am so glad that i am doing something for the enviroment!!!!!!!

Mary Anne PA

Why thankyou Maaam.My class comes from me ass.What a nice little comment coming from such a sweet smelling little person like you.