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Shark v Men


Farm Boy

When is a bit of shark killing going to happen , just to show the bastard's men are the planets Ultimate Predator land air or sea and the ocean is our natural environment too .


Legend Member
Maybe we could just think of it as pay back for all those mongrels killing harmless whale sharks and finning others
Also if over fishing was brought under control there would be more food for them to eat instead of us Maybe


You enter someone's house uninvited.. never a pretty ending... Why should sharks be any different? The ocean is theirs more so than it is ours. We use it for leisure, and sometimes food (which we don't really need), they need it for life. Personally I think hunting a shark that's killed a human for being in it's own habitat is disgusting.
Just a question...The sharks that are slaughtered, are they just discarded, left to rot? Are they used for any good? Or are they just left as trash?


Sharks are supposed to live in the ocean. How are you going to know which one did it?


You enter someone's house uninvited.. never a pretty ending... Why should sharks be any different? The ocean is theirs more so than it is ours. We use it for leisure, and sometimes food (which we don't really need), they need it for life. Personally I think hunting a shark that's killed a human for being in it's own habitat is disgusting.
Just a question...The sharks that are slaughtered, are they just discarded, left to rot? Are they used for any good? Or are they just left as trash?

The big sharks (typically tigers and makos) caught and weighed for game fishing are dumped and im sure commercial operaters arent allowed to sell sharks over a certain size due to mecury levels.

Having a rather solid connection to the ocean and its inhabitats i also strongly disagree with hunting "man eating" sharks.

The reality is that one or two fatal attacks a year is bugger all compared to people who die in car accidents or even those who choose to smoke


Legend Member
Just shoot the East Fremantle footy team That's 22 minimum That should send the big fish a message

Farm Boy

The big sharks (typically tigers and makos) caught and weighed for game fishing are dumped and im sure commercial operaters arent allowed to sell sharks over a certain size due to mecury levels.

Having a rather solid connection to the ocean and its inhabitats i also strongly disagree with hunting "man eating" sharks.

The reality is that one or two fatal attacks a year is bugger all compared to people who die in car accidents or even those who choose to smoke

Five West Australians gobbled up in eleven months bugger all ? I take it the same dining rights will be extended to Tigers .


Legend Member
Murder a Man or Woman with intent 15yrs jail A shark kills a person in its own enviroment And has probably taken the person for a seal
and its a death sentence ?

Farm Boy

Murder a Man or Woman with intent 15yrs jail A shark kills a person in its own enviroment And has probably taken the person for a seal
and its a death sentence ?[/QUOT

So shark's know not man from seal ?


Legend Member
....put it in a cell and beat the truth out of it......lol..... :)

Typical lawyer's response.

The movie Jaws produced a lot of un-truths about sharks.

They do not target humans, nor develop a 'taste' for humans (give them some credit).

I swim in the ocean, and it is their home. Respect that. Statistically about 10 people per year world wide due due to shark attack. 100% of the unfortunate victims have entered the shark's home uninvited.

Tania Admin

Hmmm, once they have found humans to be a food source they will keep killing humans, a bit like a dog that attacks people too,,,should we let the dogs live too, I have seen video footage from inside a Great Whites womb and the baby sharks eat each other before they are even born,,,they are killing machines, stream lined over time,,,I know some of you will be annoyed at me for saying this but I reckon hunt them and kill them..Plain and simple..But that's just my opinion.


Legend Member
What do we do when some one gets bitten by a spider or snake Have you seen full page headlines saying kill every redback spider or Tiger snake No of course not! Even crocodile attacks dont bring out the same extreme responses as SHARK ATTACK
It is just that sharks bring out a latent terror in all of us

Tania Admin

Kill all spiders too,,,creepy things they are, eeeew. Did you know on average everyone swallows at least 8 spiders in their lifetime while they are sleeping,,not to mention other creepy crawlies,,,it seems they drink from our mouth whilst we are snoozing and our natural body action is to swallow.....Soooooo gross!


If a shark doesn't go hunting and kill something how is it supposed to eat. Should we train sharks to become vegetarian?


Legend Member
The only shark that should be hunted down is the Loan Shark Oh and the one that makes for good Fish & Chips


Foundation Member
Well, statistically bees kill more people than sharks worldwide but we aren't about to exterminate them, are we?

How about those deadly motor cars? If those half dozen people had been killed in a single car accident it may have made the papers around page 5 after the drunken antics of boozed-up yobbos and the latest insult trading by our pollies.

The trouble with all statistics is simply that being a million to one shot is no consolation if you happen to be the "one".

As Tony Abbot once so elegantly put it "Shit Happens".


Legend Member
And when Tony Abbot was sober he said When you swim in black wetsuits especially where there is a main white pointer food source
like seals "This happens"

Tania Admin

Let's kill bee's too, I'm allergic to them,,,heaps of other bugs cross pollinate......

Hmmm, now I've created contraversy I shall retire for the evening, yaaaawn....(yuck and maybe swallow a spider while I'm sleeping, eeew, eeew, eeeeeeew lol)

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
There is not much research on white sharks and still remains to be hard to obtain.
I'm not a fan of being eaten by a white shark but I don't believe we should wipe them out for our
peace of mind...thats ridiculous!!!
Swim in their playground...know the risks and use your head and minimise your chances
but know its a possibility that it might happen.

The guy who got attacked in SA last year told his family, plain as day, don't hunt the shark,
he accepted the risk he took in swimming in their waters
and it happened but he didn't want vengeance.

Common sense says "you know the risks...it can happen"
doesn't justify hunting them down and eradicating them :(

Heavenly Hollie

It's tragic that people have died, but revenge killing would only drive sharks further towards extinction, and if that happens it could be bad news for all of us. Sharks have been around for millions of years, who is to say what the knock on effects of their extinction would mean for the planet as a whole. The fine balance of nature would be pretty skewed if you took something as big as the great white out. Sharks barely stand a chance as it is thanks to the unsatiable demand for sharkfin soup of some countries, and over-fishing worldwide.

Personally I love the beach and the ocean, but in WA you will not catch me in deeper than my knees. It seems that to swim or surf around here is taking a gamble with your life and I cannot fathom how people do it every day...


Legend Member
Personally I love the beach and the ocean but in WA you will not catch me in deeper than my knees. It seems that to swim or surf around here is taking a gamble with your life and I cannot fathom how people do it every day...

Even worse Heavenly H you have to cross a road to get to the beach So its twice the danger

Farm Boy

Well, statistically bees kill more people than sharks worldwide but we aren't about to exterminate them, are we?

How about those deadly motor cars? If those half dozen people had been killed in a single car accident it may have made the papers around page 5 after the drunken antics of boozed-up yobbos and the latest insult trading by our pollies.

The trouble with all statistics is simply that being a million to one shot is no consolation if you happen to be the "one".

As Tony Abbot once so elegantly put it "Shit Happens".

When a bee stings a human it pays for this with its life
. HoneybeeStinger01.jpg


Legend Member
Well, statistically bees kill more people than sharks worldwide but we aren't about to exterminate them, are we?

It's even worse. Bees kill more Australians than sharks kill worldwide.

Humans kill about 1.5 million sharks per year. Sharks kill less than 10 per year worldwide.


Legend Member
At least if a bee stings you and of course you are not allergic You may well find many benefits Several oldtimers up here catch a few bees and using tweezers direct the bee so that they sting the joint where the arthritis is worst And they swear by the result
So as a non allergic stingee I would rather be "bitten" by a bee than a Great White
Though seeing the bee has given its life for me I may do the right thing and give her a decent burial


Legend Member
Well, statistically bees kill more people than sharks worldwide but we aren't about to exterminate them, are we?

It's even worse. Bees kill more Australians than sharks kill worldwide.

Humans kill about 1.5 million sharks per year. Sharks kill less than 10 per year worldwide.

Well we have lost 3? west Aussies in this year so far. Good to know when another boat comes across from Indonesia and sadly capsizes only 7 maximum will lose their lives to sharks If there lucky there will be a school shark with a clip board You can only take 5 Our cousins took 2 people off South Africa last may


Hmmm, once they have found humans to be a food source they will keep killing humans, a bit like a dog that attacks people too,,,should we let the dogs live too, I have seen video footage from inside a Great Whites womb and the baby sharks eat each other before they are even born,,,they are killing machines, stream lined over time,,,I know some of you will be annoyed at me for saying this but I reckon hunt them and kill them..Plain and simple..But that's just my opinion.

FWIW sharks don't get a taste for human blood. I have a rather strong background with sharks and marine biology and most of the time its purely mistaken identity. Shark attacks arent nice but before we got hunt rogue sharks the government should look at banning smokes and better driver education and roads because they kill thousands more people each year

TD, unless the decades of stories of escaped circus tigers / panthers / leopards hunting the south west come true, i think west ausies are safe from your plate :)


Let's kill bee's too, I'm allergic to them,,,heaps of other bugs cross pollinate......

Hmmm, now I've created contraversy I shall retire for the evening, yaaaawn....(yuck and maybe swallow a spider while I'm sleeping, eeew, eeew, eeeeeeew lol)

How did you sleep last night after you stopped going waaaa waaaaa? Did you dream of spiders all night. :laughing4