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Sad Sore Cocks




In the last month or so..there has been a high rate of sad sore cocks not passing a health check..Unfortunately Im one the Dick Doctors here, and do the second check of the punter. I have been amazed on the number of guys that dont realise their cocks are sick and should seek medical advise. In other words they are shocked, even when it can be seen as clear as day..the excuses and resons some punters use are priceless, has any one else experienced this, I would love to here from you.


Silver Member
I can't believe some guys would let their cocks get to that state. If I even have the littlest of scratch on mine, I freak out ..... Lol.

I gather the working girl will have a good look at the clients cock, do they do it on the sly?
But a second inspection, the guy must realize something's a bit wrong when a second person comes in to inspect it?

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
That is right C 75 Weeping Wieners, Heinouspenis Drippydickeys Cackycocks don't pass the short arm inspection.


Legend Member
I can't believe some guys would let their cocks get to that state. If I even have the littlest of scratch on mine, I freak out ..... Lol.

I gather the working girl will have a good look at the clients cock, do they do it on the sly?
But a second inspection, the guy must realize something's a bit wrong when a second person comes in to inspect it?
Kalgoorlie years ago they would wash it for you beforehand I guess that was the best way of checking before any service started not sure if this still happens


Obbie, I don't think they wash your privates any more in the ol cockpan, WLs used to, like u say moons ago. A health check is common practice now ...done in the open not on the sly. Most punters know this, so no dramas, punters are actually , pleased that WLs do this.


Gold Member

In the last month or so..there has been a high rate of sad sore cocks not passing a health check..Unfortunately Im one the Dick Doctors here, and do the second check of the punter. I have been amazed on the number of guys that dont realise their cocks are sick and should seek medical advise. In other words they are shocked, even when it can be seen as clear as day..the excuses and resons some punters use are priceless, has any one else experienced this, I would love to here from you.

Not taking the piss here, but what's a dick doctor? What's involved in a health check? Just looking or smelling? Magnifying glass? What u seeing so much off that needs medical advise? Every test i've ever had was piss in a bottle and they ring you a week later if theres a problem. Never happened thank fuck!!

And when ur doing second check who does the first check? The girl we're seeing or another Dick Doctor? I'm not sure I'd be super happy showing my dick to 2 strangers before i'm allowed to go off with my girl. I've been a punter a while and never had anyone look at me except the girl i picked.

Is this dick doctor inspection thing by 2 people something only langtrees does like paying before u go in? Do i get inspected before i pay or after? You say theres a high rate that dont pass, what happens to them? Do they get money back or a credit but gotta get their dick fixed before they can use it?

Like i said not taking the piss, seriously don't wanna see anyone getting sick specially me :-D
Just cusrious


Hi Gazzman
A dick doctor is a pet name, it's a person who can do a check for a WL if she is unsure of an abnormality on punters cock. All of our ladies no what to look for when doing a health check, but there are times when something may be amiss, and they seek a 2nd opinion. Most times it's nothing just a reassurance to the lady that punter is clear or punter has a problem.

So Gazzman, the lady u choose does ur health check, if she is unsure she will seek help from dick doctor (someone experienced in this area) most punters enjoy having myself or another to look and touch their privates. If there is a problem it is explained to him what it is and what he should do to fix it, such as see you personal doctor. When this occurs, a full refund is given..

Never do we have a drama with the punters in this area. They are actually very grateful that we have taken the time, been very gentle in explaining problem, and sympathetic to their plight. Most failed health checks are generally warts, open sores, weeping , no magnifying glass needed it stands out like dogs balls. Sometimes Gazzman it's just a dirty unclean cock, especially under foreskin, which is smelly, but not a disease , just needs a very good scrub.

I hope this answers some of ur questions, but there is a little red book that u can pick up from Magenta about what a sad sore cock looks like. A variety of serious shit, about unkept privates, male and female, it will really open ur mind, and make u sick to ur stomach. But hey, it's out there for real. WLs are very familiar with what a normal and un-normal cock should look and smell like. In saying all this most punters are generally in great shape, but some well......


Gold Member
Thanks Raye for ur detailed explanation. Whats Magenta? Is it online? Sounds like something all us should read


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Thanks Raye for ur detailed explanation. Whats Magenta? Is it online? Sounds like something all us should read
Magenta is a sexual health service/support service for the ladies. W/L go there for their health checks..........no questions asked. Hence it is a very relaxed and professional atmosphere and you don't feel judged or looked at strangely for what you do.
However over time I have seen a few guys there as well seeking advise from a qualified GP in a very discreet environment. Worth while to have a look. Lot's of info on all kind of sex related topics.


Gold Member
Thanks Raye for ur detailed explanation. Whats Magenta? Is it online? Sounds like something all us should read

Bit off topic but I thought I'd let everyone know not to get confused with Magenta (by same name) - a boutique graphic design agency.


Legend Member
Obbie, I don't think they wash your privates any more in the ol cockpan, WLs used to, like u say moons ago. A health check is common practice now ...done in the open not on the sly. Most punters know this, so no dramas, punters are actually , pleased that WLs do this.
Many moons ago I was only in my 20s when the stables where the place to go too langtrees wasn't even their then ah the memory's


Gold Member
122 Aberdeen St, Northbridge WA 6003

They're part of FPWA - family planning wa and sexual health services. (FYI, if you want to get your next STD testing, I'd say go to your gp instead. Ask for a STD test/blood test. Get your patho request form and go to your nearest patho clinic. That's it. FPWA to me has been a waste of time; and for anyone else also for the fact they're claim to be always busy and not available for bookings at this & that time).
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Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
They (Magenta) are always busy and yes, you have to book in a few weeks in advance. They used to have two days per week with qualified GPs but their funds got cut (surprise surprise) and they are back to one day per week only. So yes, patience is required and it was only mentioned as an alternative way to go about things. Some people don't want to go to their GPs etc.


Legend Member
Obbie, I don't think they wash your privates any more in the ol cockpan, WLs used to, like u say moons ago. A health check is common practice now ...done in the open not on the sly. Most punters know this, so no dramas, punters are actually , pleased that WLs do this.
What a shame the warm water was a nice start however fid get told some guys didn't get past the wash bit if ghe ladie was good at it :cool:


Foundation Member
I think you are doing a great job Raye. Imagine the number of guys (and their partners) that have avoided STD's as a result of your actions. This is the reason why we visit establishments like Langtrees because the risk is significantly reduced. I just dont understand was guys play russian roulette with their best buddy.

Miss Holly

This cock inspection thingy hardly ever gets done.

Every working lady has her preferred method of conducting a health check. Personally I'm very thorough and I like to get it out of the way at the beginning of the booking. I take a moment to look for sores, rashes, blisters, warts, abnormal discharge, etc. (As you can imagine this is very sensual with a torch and my cold hands.) ;) Most men are happy to drop their pants and having a laugh about it is a nice way to break the ice at the beginning of the booking.

Other girls may be more discreet with their checks, and I know of some ladies who prefer to have a quick look as they're giving a handjob or applying a condom. Perhaps this has been the case in the past and you may not have realised. :)


Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
In came the nurse with the red hot lance "Parlez
She said you dirty young bugger now pull down your pants
Enky pinky Parlez.

ribald song from my youth when STDs were a joke cant remember how it started or finish but health workers waving hot sharp knives has stuck with me over the years

Wayne Kerr

My GP has always given me the thumbs up... I feel for you poor ladies having to be subjected to that.

They sound like dirty punters, those lot.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
My GP has always given me the thumbs up... I feel for you poor ladies having to be subjected to that.

They sound like dirty punters, those lot.

They are around admittedly. But luckily I didn't come across too many. Plus I did realise that you can't judge the punter's hygiene by it's cover........sad sick cocks come in all outfits.........Calvin Klein undies or not.